shang qing tian xia

Chapter 105 Lu County [2]

"Miss, here we are."

Qiu's soft call made Nangong Bingyu come to her senses. The carriage had stopped. Nangong Bingyu tapped her head and got off the carriage.

There is a small green brick courtyard in front of us, and more than a dozen people have stood in front of the door, all of whom are respectfully waiting. This is the industry of the Nangong family. There are several fabric embroidery houses and a teahouse in the town. At that time, it was seen that this was an important traffic road, with a large flow of people and frequent trade exchanges, so she bought an industry here, and she has not yet come here.

At this time, a man in cloth came to the front of the crowd, with a strong figure and in his early 30s. Bi respectfully saluted Nangong Bingyu and said in a loud voice, "Miss, the room is ready. You can clean up and have a meal."

"Hmm." Nangong Bingyu nodded with a smile and walked in with him. This person is still like this. When he was a driver for her, he was dressed in this cloth. This voice has not changed for three years.

Two years ago, when I heard that I had married a wife, I thought it would not be so wooden and not so rigid, but the result was still the same.

A group of people have finished grooming, and it is already the beginning of the lantern.

When Nangong Bingyu and drizzle and whispered into the dining room, Qiu Yang was already sitting there, staring at the sunset glow that had been swallowed up by the darkness. His gentle smile on her alone had restored the expressionless cold face of the outsiders, so that the maids of the family did not know how to deal with it and stood far away.

After a table of people sat down, the dishes were quickly served. Although they were all home-cooked dishes, they were very delicate and pleasant. Nangong Bingyu saw Li Wenchui standing beside him humbly and said with a smile, "Li Wen, let the ladies and children come out to eat together."

Li Wen quickly shook his head and said, "This is not workable."

Li Wen is good at everything, just a piece of wood. Nangong Bingyu still smiled relaxedly and said, "Today is a festival, and there are many people."


Li Wen looked embarrassed, but his feet still refused to move.

The drizzle knows his concerns. Since ancient times, there has been a difference between masters and servants. I don't have enough identity to even say anything. Not to mention eating at the same table, but this rule was abandoned when it came to the young lady. It took her three years to gradually get used to it.

The drizzle smiled and advised, "Okay, shopkeeper Li, you are uncomfortable. When the young lady is out, you can ask her to come out to accompany her. It's lively."

Li Wen was unmoved, and even frowned. After thinking about it, he said helplessly and calmly, "But she--"

"Don't be, I've heard of her, but I haven't seen her. Now that I'm here, of course I want to see her. I'm still hungry. Go!" Nangong Bingyu interrupted his next words with a smile. She heard that his wife was a famous prostitute in Lucheng. Li Wen poured out almost everything before redeeming her and marrying her as his wife.

In this folklore, marrying a prostitute as the right wife is to be laughed at. Some so-called famous families are even called corrupting the customs. Therefore, many people advised him to give up the marriage, otherwise it would be impossible to marry the woman as a concubine as the shopkeeper of the Nangong family.

It's just that Li Wen's hard temper is really stubborn. He ignores everyone's opposition and insists on marrying that woman, which has offended many people. At that time, someone else reported that she came here to stop Li Wen's "obssession".

This result made her laugh and cry. She showed neither support nor opposition at that time. If Li Wen couldn't stand the fear of people's words, it would be fortunate that the woman did not marry him. If his heart was like a rock, no one needed to say more.

"Okay." Li Wen finally nodded and walked to the backyard. Marrying Qian'er as his wife is the greatest blessing in his life. The reason why he didn't let him come out to welcome the young lady was that he was afraid of the young lady's body. At that time, he would blame her and wrong her.

Since Miss is not a layman, Li Wen hopes that everyone in the world knows that Qian'er is good.

After a while, Li Wen held a baby in his hand and was followed by a woman in a plain goose-yellow cotton robe. She was petite, but she could also see the exquisiteness. Entering the hall, the woman decently walked to Nangong Bingyu, half knelt down and saluted, "Jing Qian has seen Miss."

Nangong Bingyu got up, picked her up, and smiled, "Don't be polite." She thought that she would never get used to this etiquette of kneeling.

The woman finally raised her head and looked closely at Nangong Bingyu. She was indeed a beauty, although she could not be said to be beautiful and beautiful. But the gentle and gentle temperament, delicate appearance, and generous manners are enough to bear the beauty's words.

As soon as a group of talents sat down, the drizzle saw the child in Li Wen's arms and praised, "What a lovely baby! Sister Qingyin, look at it." He couldn't wait to hold it in his arms.

Looking at this, the child's facial features were soft and her skin was crystal clear. She smiled sweetly in the drizzle. She was not afraid of birth at all, and she liked it very much in her heart. While teasing the child's hand, she asked with a smile, "Shopkeeper Li, what's her name?"

"I haven't picked it up yet."

Li Wen shook his head helplessly. His parents died when he was a child, and Qian'er also had no father or mother. He is also a rough man who can't read a few words. However, Qian'er said that the name should be taken by the head of the family. He was afraid of missing the baby and had never dared to choose a name.

At a glance at Nangong Bingyu, who had been looking at the baby with a smile, Li Wen hugged his fist and said sincerely, "Li Wen, please give me a name." Miss is a learned and incomible person. It would be better for her to name the baby.

"Me?" Nangong Bingyu was stunned. She didn't know what to name. However, the eager and expectant eyes made Nangong Bingyu not know how to refuse, especially in Li Wen's simple eyes, and she couldn't even say anything to refuse.

Well, Nangong Bingyu nodded and replied, "Okay."

Look at the child in the hand of the drizzle again, with beautiful eyebrows and aura. What's the name? I hope she can keep this clean and beautiful forever. Nangong Bingyu thought for a moment and said with a smile, "Call it Ruoshui."

Jing Qian, who had been speechless, suddenly praised happily: "Is it as good as water?! Good name."

My husband often mentioned to her how capable and notable the young lady of the Nangong family is. At the beginning of today, I already felt that she was a beautiful woman and a gentle and peaceful woman.

Outside from her indifferent temperament, she really can't see anything special about Miss Nangong. Now it seems that those who take the name of kindness as water must be generous and tough.

Nangong Bingyu didn't expect that she would understand what she meant so quickly. The two met and smiled and were happy for this tacit understanding.

"Madam also said she liked it! Then this one!" The happiest thing is Li Wen. The name was given by the young lady. Rarely, Mu'er also agreed. It's really great. If the young lady hadn't come by coincidence today, I don't know when the baby's name will be taken.

Everyone was happy, and the meal was also happy. Li Wen suddenly thought that today is the winter solstice, and there is also a rare lantern party in Lu County, so he suggested, "Miss, there is a lantern party tonight, which is very lively. Would you also go and have a look?"

Lighting? It's nothing more than a few lights and a lot of people.

As soon as Nangong Bingyu wanted to refuse, she saw that both the drizzle and chanting were bright. Nangong Bingyu couldn't help laughing. How could she forget that there was no entertainment in this era, especially women, and they couldn't go to the brothel. This lantern show, temple fair and so on are their rare entertainment time.

After thinking about it, the drizzle is in better health, so let them go out for a walk.

Nangong Bingyu smiled and said, "Okay. I'll go after dinner." Looking at Qiu Yang, who had been cold-faced, Nangong Bingyu raised a smile and said, "Zu Yang, you can join us."

Qiu Yang's hand holding chopsticks stopped for a while, and then nodded his head invisibly. He hates such a crowded place, but he doesn't follow her, and he is worried. What's wrong with him?

Lu County is not big, but because of its transportation hub location, there are many people watching the lights, and dialects from all over the world are also gathered here. In fact, there are not many lanterns along the street, nor how exquisite they are, but it happens to be the winter solstice. In an atmosphere, everyone's face is full of happy smiles, and everything naturally looks particularly harmonious.

Nangong Bingyu and his party walked all the way and strolled around this simple and enthusiastic town, but they felt more comfortable than wandering on the bustling streets of the capital. The roadside stalls are selling some rough handicrafts or various decorations exchanged from nearby. Although there are no expensive boutiques, Nangong Bingyu is interested in it, and will also choose some special styles for drizzle and chanting, which makes the two little girls very happy.

The drizzle saw a lotus lantern hanging by the roadside and said to Nangong Bingyu with a smile, "What a beautiful lamp, miss, look."

Looking at the Nangong ice jade, it is indeed very fine. The shape of the six-petal lotus flower has been innovated. It also wrote a poem describing the lotus flower on each leaf of this lamp, which is matched with a completely open or budned lotus picture, which complements each other and adds flowers on the cake. Nangong Bingyu nodded and sincerely praised, "Well, it's very beautiful."

At this time, a group of people in front of them gathered together, shouting and cheering from time to time. I couldn't see what was performing inside, but from the applause of the audience, it can be guessed that the performance should be wonderful. The drizzle pulled the sleeves of Nangong Bingyu, shook it gently, and asked in a low voice, "Miss, there is a juggling man in front of you. Let's go and have a look."

Nangong Bingyu nodded gently, waited for the drizzle to wait for her approval, pulled and whispered into the crowd. This girl is rarely so excited. It seems that she has really bored them during this period. Seeing them shuttle through the crowd like a fish, Nangong Bingyu raised her voice slightly and said, "Don't get separated."

"Okay." The drizzle and the soft chant said yes, but they still squeezed in hard.

Nangong Bingyu had no choice but to follow them. Qiu Yang had been standing behind Nangong Bingyu, standing there like a rock, blocking the crowd with her body and hands. Nangong Bingyu looked at him gratefully. She had nothing to do about such a crowded crowd. In the past, she was at home and She walked at both ends of the experiment, and she never went to crowded places. Today, for the sake of these two little girl, she had to join in the fun.

Nangong Bingyu finally squeezed in and stood firm, and heard the exclamation of the drizzle: "It's amazing. How did he get it?"

Looking into the open field, there were two men standing inside, one in his 40s and the other in his early 20s. They were different from ordinary tricks. They were neither boxing and handymen nor monkey singing. The young man covered a piece of black brocade on his empty hand. When he opened it again, he held a flower in his hand and put it. After the flowers were sent out, they were covered with another flower, which seemed to make all the spectators exclaim and kept clapping their hands.

The drizzle turned his head and looked at Nangong Bingyu behind him and asked doubtfully, "Miss, how did he do it?"