shang qing tian xia

Chapter 116 Mutation [1]

"say! You gave the medicine to the bubble. What did you say? Nangong Bingyu was so angry that he trembled all over.

The drizzle knelt in front of her and cried in a low voice, "Miss. I, I..."


"After coming out of the lady's room that day, I knew that if the Southern Barbarian King was put into a coma, it would not really relieve the danger faced by Dajing. Only when the southern barbarians are in chaos can we have time to gather stronger troops and treasury. So, I told Paopao to poison her and let her die.

The drizzle told him frankly, but when he finished his words, he found that the young lady's expression suddenly became so pale and weak, and her expression was full of panic and fear.

It seems that the young lady has changed since she met the other coach, making it difficult to guess what the young lady was thinking.

After hearing the drizzle's answer, Nangong Bingyu fell into the ice cellar! She never thought that she was dedicated to Dajing, but in exchange, she was betrayed by others, which made her unkind and unrighteous.

Zhang Zhuo, will you believe that I didn't do it?

Nangong Bingyu even shed tears in pain, but sat at the head of the bed like a porcelain doll.

The drizzle stretched out her hand to wipe the tears on her face for the master.

"Don't touch me." The chilling coldness escapes from the teeth.

The fingertips of the drizzle stopped at the last moment, condensed in the air, and could no longer reach half an inch. Nangong Bingyu's eyes seemed to meet her and couldn't see anything. The gentleness, cunning, dexterity and kindness in the eyes of the young lady are all gone.

The drizzle only saw the cold hidden in it, as well as puzzled and painful. The drizzle withdrew his hand and lowered his eyes: "Miss, you have changed."

"Nangong Bingyu is no longer the Nangong Bingyu of the day," Nangong Bingyu smiled miserably, paused, and asked quietly, "Is the drizzle or the drizzle of the day?"

Before the drizzle, carefully examine the ice jade in the South Palace. On that day, it is no longer close at hand, across the ends of the earth.

The drizzle was full of mixed feelings, sighed and said softly, "Do you remember when we were together? Miss writes, I grind ink; Miss composes, I play the piano; I follow Miss wherever she goes without leaving. If only I could go back to the past.

"In the past?"

Nangong Bingyu looked forward for a moment, replied to the coldness in her eyes and said lightly, "Yes, we were indeed sisters in the past. Even if you were my personal maid, I have never asked you to do anything for me. But why do you want to do things against my will? If you don't want to help me, you can say it directly. Why bother to make my hands indirectly stained with other people's blood?!"

The drizzle heard the young lady's words so fiercely for the first time. He was shocked and extremely angry that even his voice trembled and said coldly, "Sister Qingfeng was still there, and Sister Qingfeng was not killed before! It was because Sister Qingfeng believed too much in Miss's decision that the young lady almost died at that time!"

It's like blood and red lightning suddenly tore the sky.

"You!" Nangong Bingyu lost her voice, stood up suddenly, her knees were weak, and fell back to the bedside.

The drizzle and beautiful face is gritting its teeth, looking back at Nangong Bingyu, crying softly and saying, "Miss, Sister Qingfeng has gone, and I have no brothers or sisters. The closest person is you. I won't give anyone a chance to harm the young lady. I'd rather kill someone by mistake than let go of anyone who wants to hurt the young lady.

Nangong Bingyu was stunned.

Yes, how can she forget the feelings of drizzle and breeze so easily?

However, the soft laughter of the past has gone, all gone.

Reaching out and holding his hand, the past flowed away with a smile from his fingertips. Can't keep it.

There is no room to turn back. If the drizzle is not her maid, how can she change her plan and cause chaos to the southern barbarian royal family?

The world is interlinked and has its own cause and effect.

Thinking of this, Nangong Bingyu's heart was empty, and he even lost his resentment. He lost his soul and said, "If the civil strife in the south is eliminated, our Dajing will immediately come to disaster. Go out. Things in Dajing will have nothing to do with me in the future! You said that your behavior was for my sake, but don't treat me as a fool. After all, in fact, your every move is for the prince! All right, all right, you leave! Go back to the prince!"

The room was suddenly quiet.

After a few drizzle and barely gasped, there were heavy footsteps behind him.

The bead curtain shook and the drizzle went away.

The Southern Palace ice jade elephant lost all its strength and fell softly on the chair.

A few days later, Nangong Bingyu and Chu Tiancheng said goodbye, "Your Majesty, I should leave these days."

Chu Tiancheng was stunned: "Nangong Bingyu, you are now..." Her body is still weak, and she has not been feeling well recently, but she has opened her mouth. She has known her for a long time and knows that she will not listen to anyone's advice again.

The drizzle has cried sadly these days, and he also understood the cause and effect of the matter. He saw the drizzle's efforts for him. It's just that the drizzle pushed Nangong Bingyu into the trap. He sighed and persuaded softly, "How can I rest assured that you are leaving like this now?"

Nang Bingyu glanced at Chu Tiancheng and said in a low voice, "Our friend, you saw with your own eyes how I got to this situation step by step. Let me tell you a few words, but don't forget."

Chu Tiancheng's heart sank and nodded, "You say it."

"With such a political change, the four countries have been in chaos since then. Although you have made great achievements, if you can live a stable life for the drizzle, it is the right time for the torrent to retreat. Also," Nangong Bingyu paused and sighed, "You have to be careful of the concubines in the palace."

"Ling Linger?"

Chu Tiancheng glanced at the early and cold dishes, but felt heavy in his heart and said sadly, "Do you really want to go?"


"Where can you go in the vast world?"

"I want to go home."

"Go home?"

Nangong Bingyu smiled faintly, and tenderness and longing flashed in his eyes. He said leisurely, "Someone is waiting for me." She raised her hand and flattened the hair blown by the wind beside her temples. Tingting stood in front of the window, overlooking the direction of Nanman.

They agreed.

Southern barbarians have switched to plain color. The king has issued an order. Within March, no nobles and civilians in the whole country shall not use bright colors. Clothes, door curtains, and even the red signs used by street shops to indicate Jiqing and making a fortune were ordered to be removed.

A piece of deadness.

The king was poisoned.

Zhang Zhuo received the bad news and hurriedly led his troops back to China and flew all the way. Fifty miles outside the capital, he was stopped by He Geng, the long-awaited Prime Minister Zuo.

"Stop!" Seeing Wang Qi unable to move in the brown mid-air from afar, Zhang Zhuo raised his hand.

100,000 long journeys, exhausted elites stopped, stunned by the dusty face and looked at the sword-drawn palace forbidden army in front of him.

"With the king's order," He Geng held the bright yellow king's order in both hands and said proudly, "The capital is at the time of the funeral of the previous king. For fear of anger, the expedition should not enter the city. All the soldiers and horses remained in place and handed over to the control of King Lang.

The generals knelt down and listened, and were silent for several miles. Only He Geng's clearly pronounced words penetrated into their ears without emotion.

The sunset is approaching, and the wind is blowing into the bone. After listening to Wang Ling, Su Wen was half chilled and peeked at Zhang Zhuo.

Zhang Zhuo's face was not lure, and he took Wang Ling with both hands and stood up.

He Geng smiled implicitly, put his hands in his sleeves and said kindly, "The little prince is finally back. The king and the king of Lang are brothers. Please comfort the king of Lang and not to hurt his body for the king. King Lang ordered He Geng to personally welcome the little prince into the city to worship the king. Backward, more than 50 people in palace bodyguard costumes were waiting on the road. It seems that after the king was poisoned, the guards of the palace were replaced, and none of these people were familiar faces.

"Your Majesty..." Su Wen stood beside Zhang Zhuo and said in a low voice, "The soldiers have been away from their hometown for a while, and they are homesick. Now they are suddenly ordered to stay here. I'm afraid someone will take the opportunity to make trouble. One hundred thousand elites, something must have happened. What should I do? Please give instructions to Wang.

He Geng remained calm, coughed gently, and asked Su, "Didn't the general hear the Wang Ling read by the Prime Minister? The generals are under the control of King Lang.

" Prime Minister Zuo, I take the liberty to ask, the things in the barracks should not be ignored. So many soldiers gathered here, in case..."

"Shut up!" Zhang Zhuo, who had been silent, suddenly whispered.

Su Wen stopped in awe and lowered his head.

He Geng was worried that he didn't know how to deal with the question. When he saw Zhang Zhuo opening his mouth, he quickly said, "It's not early. King Lang is waiting in the palace. Please ask the prince to get on the horse and follow me into the city." He was ordered to bring Zhang Zhuo's mount.

Zhang Zhuo has been in charge of military power in Nanman for several years. He did not like flattery and scolded the dung bets to his face to face. The nobles were afraid and hated him. Of course, he was not afraid of this group of villains in the past, but now there is a major event of the murder of his father. Zhang Zhuo is on the border and took a large army back to the city. If King Lang takes the opportunity to rebel, it is difficult to guarantee that King Lang will not take this opportunity to kill the king.

Su Wen was most familiar with this matter. He thought that he could not let Wang go to Beijing alone in any case. He said in a low voice, "Such Wen and his relatives will accompany Wang to the city."

Unexpectedly, this came to He Geng's heart and smiled, "The prince's personal body does not have to stay here, but he can enter the city with the prince. King Lang also said that this crusade against Dajing will reward all the meritorious generals. I heard that General Suwen took the lead and made great contributions several times. King Lang said, please ask General Suwen and the little prince to enter the palace together. King Lang will reward him in person.

The more He Geng smiled kindly, the more people felt that their hearts were sinking. After hitting all these four words, they coincidentally came to their hearts, holding the swords at their waists and looking at Zhang Zhuo.

Zhang Zhuo's standing body seems to never lean slightly, his thin lips are slightly squeezed, and the knife-like outline has no expression like iron casting in the sunset. Looking at the magnificent capital in the distance, Zhang Zhuo said lightly, "He Geng, answer me a question."

He Geng was shuddered by the cold tone. In front of him is the first fierce general of the southern barbarians who was famous to deter killing people from the four countries. At present, he is leading 100,000 elites who have just returned from the battlefield. At this moment, he said a wrong word. The little southern barbarian king wants to kill him, who is usually majestic. The prime minister pinched an ant to death.

He did not dare to touch Zhang Zhuo's sharp eyes and bowed his head and said, "Little prince, please, He Geng must say everything."