shang qing tian xia

Chapter 118 Changes Owner

On a full moon night, there are killing sounds all over the sky. With great achievements, Zhang Zhuo, the son of the king, rose to the southern elite tonight and turned against each other.

King Lang stood high in the palace and looked at the dragon-like torch in the dark night from far to near, and the sound of fighting had reached his ears.

"King Lang!" The screaming bodyguard rushed in full of blood: "The palace is about to be broken by the rebels. It's not safe here. Please move immediately!"

The queen and her cronies were shocked. The queen dressed in plain clothes and held her head high, "He has killed the king, the conspiracy has been exposed, and he is about to kill us. Now that he is full of soldiers and horses inside and outside the capital, where can he move to? Turning to the back of King Lang, Tingting knelt down and said with tears, "King Lang, I don't want to be humiliated. The palace will be broken. Please give me a white silk."

"Queen, no!" Li Gu, an old maid who had been with the queen for many years, suddenly knelt down and walked to the queen's side crying.

Suddenly, there was a cry in the hall.

Lang Wang slowly turned around and said, "Su Lei."

"Su Lei is there!" Su Lei, the chief bodyguard, only said that King Lang wanted to order a retreat and answered loudly.

The king of Lang pondered and suddenly asked, "How are the people?"

"King Lang?"

"Zhang Zhuo's army slaughter civilians?"

"The rebels entered the city and told everyone to stay at home, not to peep, and not to enter the house. People who don't take the opportunity to make trouble should be unimpeded.

Lang Wang nodded slowly and asked, "Where are the officials? He has always been at peace with him, but he has suffered the disaster of slaughter?

Su Lei heard that the fighting outside was getting closer and closer. King Lang didn't want to avoid it, but he was still lingering and couldn't help showing an anxious look. However, the king and ministers were different, so he had to frown and say, "I heard that the officials' houses were guarded. Those rebel generals were very familiar with the officials. Along the way, they caught one by one. They didn't know where the prisoner was. It should be worry-free for the time being. King Lang, time is precious. Please move.

"Where can I move?" Wang Lang smiled bitterly and said, "I instructed the Prime Minister to go out of the city to welcome Zhuo'er. I have guessed that there will be this moment. Who can be blamed for my uncle and nephew's feelings so that Brother Wang released his military power today? It's a pity that I'm in chaos in the south, and I just hope..."

Before the end of the speech, the noise suddenly increased, and it was still fighting in front of me, and suddenly stopped.

Everything is so quiet that it is almost weird, and everyone's hearts sink down.

Boom! The door of the palace was suddenly pushed open, ran into a little eunuch who was trembling with fear, knelt down and said in a trembling voice, "King Lang, Wang... he, he..."

The queen's face turned pale, and she knew that the general trend had gone. Instead, she calmed down, stood up with tears, waved her hand and slapped the little eunuch. She said coldly, "If you have something to report, just report it clearly. Why are you trembling?" The five jade fingers of the drooping hand made the phoenix robe wrinkle, and now the white joints are set out.

The little eunuch's face suddenly swollen, but his mouth was really a little sharp. He kowtowed and said, "I deserve to die, I deserve to die. Qi Langwang, the little prince asked to see you.

Although they knew that Wang Jun had attacked, everyone was shocked when they heard the three words of the little prince.

The queen said sadly, "It's good that he came. I think he wants to kill Uncle Wang and his mother with his own hands."

"King Lang!"

Su, the white-haired Prime Minister, suddenly shouted and rushed to the feet of King Lang and cried: "On that day, I bitterly advised King Lang not to give that strict order to the little prince, so as not to rebel against the elite, but King Lang was heartbroken that he did not listen to the dissuasion of the king's death and sent He Geng out of the city to issue an order. Now he has suffered a great disaster in the south. Now, the old minister said a word again. If the king of Lang did not obey, the old minister immediately hit his head at the feet of the king.

Lang Wang smiled bitterly and slowly shook his head and sighed, "I know what you're crying about. Brother Wang died tragically, and clues pointed to Zhuo Er. For a moment, I was confused and issued a secret order to force 100,000 elite soldiers to lick blood with the mouth of the knife, which led to a national disaster. Now it seems that the old Prime Minister has said that there is no need to kill my two sons if he wants to take the throne. 100,000 elite soldiers are in hand, and he can usurp the throne by returning to the capital.

"King Lang!" The queen exclaimed, "Does King Lang still not believe in Zhang Zhuo's wolf ambition? It must be him who killed my king. Now, why is Lang Wang so confused?

"It's just that nowadays, widows are not confused." King Lang shouted to the queen in a low voice, looked down at Su Xiao with tears under his feet, and sighed, "But the state affairs have changed, and everything is irreparable. If you have any further information, just say it.

Su Xiao's body trembled and gritted his teeth and said, "Old minister, please give the king an order to pass the throne to the little prince as Uncle Wang."

"What? Are you crazy?" Everyone else was shocked, and the crowd suddenly became turbulent.

"Su Xiao, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Su Xiang, take back this quickly. You are so confused!"

"The old minister didn't faint, King Lang."

Su Xiao looked up at the silent King Lang and said with tears, "The four countries have been in chaos for many years. The southern barbarians have captured the Great Yasukuni three times, and they have already had deep grievances. If there is civil strife in the southern barbarians, the national strength is slightly weak, the enemies take revenge, and the first person among the four countries to be destroyed will be my southern barbarians. For the sake of Nanman, please ask the king of Lang to support the little prince to take office so as not to cause civil strife. Old minister... The old minister said such rebellious words, knew that he was guilty of death and was willing to die. His head was heavily kowtowed several times on the polished marble floor, and his voice saw blood and his face was stained with blood.

White hair and blood, infinitely desolate in ferociousness.

The queen wanted to scold him, but when she saw him like this, she suddenly palpitated and couldn't bear to turn her face away.

The hall was silent for a moment. The little eunuch was still kneeling on the ground, trembling, and said timidly, "King Lang, the little prince... is still outside the hall."

Everyone's hearts were awe-inspiring, and there was no movement outside the hall, but the air was full of strangeness before the storm. Across a heavy wall, who knew what a hell it was after the wall fell.

Lang Wang sighed: "That's it. Invite him in. The queen and others went to the back of the palace, and Prime Minister Zuo stayed.

"King Lang..." The queen whispered softly.

"Queen, go."

The maids helped the queen leave, and there were only Wang Lang and Su Xiao in the huge hall. For a while, I heard the door being gently pushed open, and a blazing fire outside rushed into my eyes. A little flash, the firelight disappeared, and the door closed again.

There was a man standing in front of him, dressed in dusty armor, with a handsome face and extraordinary momentum. He pressed his hand on the sword at his waist and sighed, "Uncle Wang must feel very uncomfortable when he saw Zhuo Er." It was the little Southern Barbarian prince who made great contributions to the Southern Barbarian Dynasty.

Seeing Lang Wang's silence, Zhang Zhuo smiled gently: "Actually, Zhuo'er saw the king's order issued by Uncle Wang, didn't he feel the same as Uncle Wang?"

"The big mistake has been made, and it's too late to regret." King Lang turned his face and said lightly to Su Xiao, "Su Prime Minister, you draft it."

"I will obey the king's orders." Su Xiao picked up the pen, was stunned for half a day, and put down the pen. He drafted Wang Ling for the king for decades. He had rich experience and such a long document. He did not stop writing halfway. When he stopped writing, a generous king order had been completed, with a few drops of old tears dripping on it and turned into a few ink.

Su Xiao put down her pen and held Wang Ling. She must kneel respectfully in front of King Lang and handed it over with her hands: "King Lang...please use Wang Yin..." She choked.

Lang Wang glanced at Zhang Zhuo with no expression on his face. He was close to Zhang Zhuo's uncle and nephew and had always talked and laughed about national affairs together. Unexpectedly, there was today. He took out the jade seal given to him by his brother Wang before he died, and used the seal under the king's order that decided the future of the southern barbarians. Together with the king Yuxi, he gave it to Su Xiao and said with a strong smile, "Give it to the next lord of Nanman."

Zhang Zhuojing stood quietly in the distance. Since Su Xiao picked up the pen, he has not said a word, as if he had been turned into a statue like a spell, with only a pair of eyes that could not be seen through, staring at every movement in the hall.

After receiving the king Yuxi and the king's order handed over by Su Xiao's hands, Zhang Zhuo was silent for a long time and suddenly looked up and said, "Uncle Wang, can I use this throne to exchange two things for Uncle Wang?"

Lang Wang turned his head and stared at him and moved his lips: "You said."

"It's also Uncle Wang's promise that he will never pursue the faults of the attacking generals this time, and everything will be as usual." Zhang Zhuo said, "As for me, I'm exhausted and don't want to stay in the court anymore. Please allow me to hide."

"If you don't pursue the rebels, do you think I will agree?"

Zhang Zhuo nodded with confidence and said, "Questioning this group of fierce generals of the army will weaken the strength of the southern barbarians and cause greater disaster. If Uncle Wang hadn't been for the loss of life, how could he be willing to take me to the throne? Alas, although I am an unparalleled fierce general and a king, I am far inferior to Uncle Wang's heart.

Lang Wang stared deeply at Zhang Zhuo: "What is the other thing Zhuoer wants?"

Zhang Zhuo's face twitched painfully.

"Freedom..." He said lightly.

The southern barbarian capital changed its lord twice overnight, and only when it is in it can it understand the thrill inside.

The next morning, the elite soldiers dispersed, and the people were locked up in their homes for one night. They only knew that there was a fire and continuous killing last night, but the palace was still the palace.

The harem was properly placed, and the imprisoned officials were sent to the palace.

King Lang summoned the generals one by one, but instead of reprimanding them, he appeased and encouraged them. Prime Minister Zuo drafted a commendation order and wrote a rebellious behavior as a king who was not afraid of life and death to attack the city.

Everyone knows what's going on and kowtow to shout long live.

In addition to the battle and the stubborn resistance of a few people during the siege, there were not many casualties, and some officials were ordered by Wang Ling to increase their pension.

And the once prominent commander of the whole southern barbarians, the little southern barbarians who would be fearless, has been far away.

In the Yellow Dust Road, a team of convoys without banners walked slowly.

There are cars and horses in the team. Everyone's faces are indifferent, and their eyes are sometimes flashing. Obviously, they are not easy to get together. The two cars are in the middle, and the other two cars are in the middle. The rut is deep in the mud and looks very heavy.

One of the carriages is not gorgeous in decoration, but simple and noble. From the wheel to the wheels, it is a rare good wood and simple and generous in shape.

After a long night, Zhang Zhuo is sitting in the car and closing his eyes.

The Nanman event has been completed, and after this battle, the queen and King Lang will no longer suspect that he killed his father.

But the son lost his father, Uncle Wang lost his brother, and Nanman also lost the Protector General.