shang qing tian xia

Chapter 130 Hijacked

Under the night wind and moonlight, the woods are more quiet.

Nangong Bingyu still can't get used to the carriage she takes these days. At this time, she always misses the speed of the plane. Nangong Bingyu turned her stiff neck and was about to move her arm when Dark Moon's low voice made her turn around.

I only felt the dark shadow in front of her. Jing Chen flew in front of her and fought with the dark shadow. Before she left, a cold sword stood on her neck.

"Don't come here!"

In the dark, the cold and low male voice like the ice and snow in the cold winter makes people uneasy, and the fear will climb up to the heart like grass and wrap tightly. The man's body is full of cold and arrogant breath, so that Nangong Bingyu can feel danger and coolness even if he turned his back to him.

The dark red sword body seems to drink the brightness of countless people. Under this dim moon night, you can even find a sad cold light and dare not move. The tingling and cold sword front on the neck let Nangong Bingyu know that his neck had been cut blood.

Following the long sword, a masked man in black stood proudly in the woods. The dark color seemed to hide him, but it seemed that it could not hide his cold and handsome edge.

Dark Moon was secretly protecting Nangong Bingyu, but the man in black moved quickly and could travel several feet in a flash. When he waved his purple silver whip, he had no time to save Nangong Bingyu.

Honglian struggled with a difficult low sob, making Nangong Bingyu turn her head slightly. She saw that the other powerful hand of the man in black had clasped Honglian's throat and was slowly tightening. Honglian was almost out of breath. A pretty face turned from red to blue. Nangong Bingyu closed her eyes and suppressed the anxiety in her heart. It must have calmed down because of this suddenness. The panicked mind said calmly and indifferently, "It's not very useful for you to catch two people. I'm the master. You can achieve your goal by holding me hostage. Let this girl go."

The faint tone and the moist female voice sounded calmly in this tense atmosphere, soothing a trace of restlessness in the air. The hand of the man in black holding the sword remained unchanged, and a pair of temperature-free eyes stared at the back of Nangong Bingyu for a long time. When Honglian gradually lost her strength to struggle, he raised his left hand and slapped the red lotus. Get out.

Qingyu quickly ran over and picked up Honglian, who was still coughing. While helping her, he asked anxiously, "Sister Honglian, are you all right!"

Honglian finally stopped coughing. Before her red face recovered, she hurriedly stroked her bruised neck and shouted with difficulty, "Miss!"

After seeing the blood stain cut by the blade on Nangong Bingyu's neck, tears in her eyes could not stop pouring out. If she couldn't help but make a sound just now, maybe she could stay with the young lady and could not protect her, at least block the sword for her.

Honglian was fine. Nangong Bingyu's hanging heart was also half relieved, but when she saw that Honglian was sad and wanted to walk towards her, regardless of the sharp blade of her throat, she quickly shook her head and finally got out. This girl should not come back stupidly.

Because he shook his head, the blood stain on his neck was deeper, and the bright red blood dripped along the blade to the snow-white shirt and quickly dyed open, like a charming red flower, which was particularly eye-catching.

Dark Moon and Jing Chen's hands holding weapons tightened, and the surging blue veins showed their anger. The continuous dripping blood made the sunshine rain, which had already turned pale, take a cold breath and trembled so hard not to look at it again. Her inverted sound also woke up Honglian.

Honglian took a deep breath to calm herself down. She can't be a burden to the young lady. Now she wants to keep herself in the safest place, so that the young lady doesn't have to worry about her, and so that Dark Moon and Jing Chen can save the young lady without burden.

With Qingyu's hand, Honglian stood up straight, wiped her tears, and then looked at Nangong Bingyu, and Qingyu retreated behind the official carriage.

He breathed a deep sigh of relief. After watching them retreat to the carriage, Nangong Bingyu finally touched a faint smile on her nervous face. Honglian really didn't disappoint her.

This woman thinks it's a long life! If he hadn't removed some of the blood-eating sword just now, she wouldn't have died now!

The man in black stared at Nangong Bingyu with a pair of ice eyes, but there was still no temperature, but the smile on her lips made him wonder. She really didn't care about her life?! Or does she care too much about other people's lives?!

The sudden situation made Jing Chen's resolute face full of clouds. His eagle-like fierce eyes were domineering and awe-inspiring, and the loud voice contained internal force, which made people's hearts tremble: "It's better not to embarrass this girl. If you hurt her, you can't leave."

Jing Chen's domineering failed to make the man in black retreat, and the sharp sword in his hand approached Nangong Bingyu by one point. Nangong Bingyu frowned and made no sound. She will never doubt that the man behind her will kill her without blinking.

The atmosphere is getting more and more solemn. Although Nangong Bingyu has never made a sound, her neck injury is already very serious and her face has begun to turn white. If she is deadlocked, even if the man in black does not kill her, she will lose too much blood. Yan Haoyu took a step forward and slowly said, "What do you want? Tell me!"

The man in black pushed Nangong Bingyu forward and motioned her to move forward, followed by Dark Moon and Jingchen on guard. The man in black walked to Nangong Bingyu's carriage and let Nangong Bingyu get into the carriage. He followed him, put down the curtain, and said in a low voice, "As long as you don't make a sound and keep walking to the town, I won't embarrass her!"

Looking at the dark carriage, everyone was also helpless for a moment. Jing Chen stepped on the horse and let Qingyu protect Honglian to go first. He exchanged a look with Dark Moon and shouted, "Let's go!"

The group continued to walk to the town ahead, but it was less relaxed and casual. Along the way, the depressing atmosphere made the moonlit night more quiet.

The dark moon and Jingchen are always guarding around the carriage and inseparable.

Entering the carriage, Nangong Bingyu leaned against the wall of the car and took a breath. Soon, the sword continued to point to her throat, forcing her to fall in the middle corner.

Unable to wipe the blood stains on her neck, Nangong Bingyu had to sit up slowly. She, who was already a little weak, could see the man in black sitting by the car door with difficulty through the light slightly reflected in the bamboo curtain.

The man is tall, but not burly. A black scarf covers his face, and only a pair of eyes are fascinating in the dark night. Holding a sword, he pressed his left chest with one hand, breathing slightly and a strong smell of blood. He told Nangong Bingyu a fact that he had been seriously injured. Just now, he should have fought hard to hold her.

This man is injured and still has such a skill. How unfathomable his martial arts should be. Nangong Bingyu observed him carefully and unexpectedly met a pair of cold eyes. This was the first time Nangong Bingyu faced his eyes. What should I describe? There was no temperature, no emotion, no brilliance, nothing in those eyes. It seemed that no one or anything could enter his eyes and his heart. With such eyes, there must be a heartbreaking past.

Retracting his sight, Nangong Bingyu moved away slightly and said faintly, "I don't know martial arts. You don't need a sword, and I can't get out of this carriage."

The ice eyes turned around Nangong Bingyu and withdrew the sword. The man in black pressed the bleeding wound on his chest, leaned against the door of the carriage, and closed his eyes.

walked silently for half an hour. The people outside did not understand the situation inside and dared not suddenly take action, and the people in the car did not make any noise. Such tranquility was broken by a series of oncoming rapid horseshoe sounds. Jing Chen and Dark Moon looked at each other and knew that most of these people came for the people in black in the car.

It seems that tonight is not good.

The sound of horses' hoofs shocked the man in black. The original closed ice eyes slowly opened, and there was no panic or fear in it. He just slowly wiped the dark red sword, believing that there was also an expressionless face under the black scarf.

In a while, a team of more than 20 people came from the rolled up dust, all with sharp swords, strong and straight, and you can know at a glance that their martial arts are not weak.

When the team almost passed by, the leader suddenly tightened the reins and shouted at them, "Sht up, who is inside?"

The visitor asked rudely, but considering the Nangong Bingyu in the car, Jing Chen still drove forward and replied loudly, "Females."

The leader looked at Jing Chen, looked at the two carriages thoughtfully, and said to the two people around him, "Go and have a look!"


Two brocade bodyguards turned over and got off their horses and walked towards Nangong Bingyu's carriage. Before they reached the carriage, a meteor knife blocked their way.

Jing Chen and the dark moon guarded left and right in front of the carriage, and the meteor knife and purple silver whip were shining in the moonlight with cold light.

They just failed to protect Nangong Bingyu and trapped her. Now they will never let people get close to the carriage. If they must save the lives of the people in black to ensure the safety of Nangong Bingyu, then they don't mind fighting. For that always a faint smile, but it can make people feel at ease.

The fierce momentum emanating from their bodies hit like mountains and seas, guarding the carriage without water. The brocade bodyguard was forced back two steps by this compelling aura and quickly pulled out its long sword. Other guards on horseback also drew their swords and approached the carriage and surrounded it.

The two sides confronted each other. In addition to the sound of the wind passing through the woods, the official road occupied by more than 30 people was actually silent.

At this imminent moment, a clear and indifferent female voice came from the carriage: "Dark Moon, let them search!"