shang qing tian xia

Chapter 132 Goodbye Grandpa

★★★★★This book is first published on the Chinese website★★★★


"Master, we're here."

The dark moon stood beside the carriage and said respectfully.

After hearing the words of the dark moon, Nangong Bingyu poked his head out of the carriage and glanced outside. He found that the carriage was still outside the city, and several officers and soldiers outside the city gate were checking the crowd, as if they were checking whether there were suspicious people. Outside the city wall, there were also figures of fugitives currently being arrested by the Dajing Dynasty. .

The whole city wall has been somewhat refuted. After decades of weathering, the outline of history has appeared.

After getting off the carriage, Nangong Bingyu saw the people on the portrait at first sight. Most of the portraits of the people to be arrested were from Qingfeng Tower.

This discovery made her can't help smiling, "Dark Moon, it seems that Qingfeng Tower, there have been many people who have offended the government in recent years. Look, there are dozens of yellow lists on this wall, all of which are wanted killers of Qingfeng Tower.


Dark Moon smiled bitterly. He could only be speechless about this problem. Who knows how the bubble led it. In addition, Bubble's temperament is like that, and doing things depends on personal likes and dislikes. How can you worry about whether you are from the court or not? Besides, even if the minister really takes over this task, she must be killed.

Honglian held Nangong Bingyu and asked, "Miss, shall we go to the city?"

"Hmm. Let's go."

The three slowly walked into the gate. The officials of the gate did not ask too much about the appearance of the three of them, but just glanced at the two roads and let them go.

After entering the city, Nangong Bingyu accidentally found that the city was not as lively as the ice city, but deserted.

In the whole city, there is only one person who opened a shop.

There are few pedestrians on the road, and they are in a hurry, and there is no desire to go to that shop at all.

I walked to that shop and found an inn. When Nangong Bingyu came to the door, the second child inside greeted him and said, "Miss, do you want to eat or stay?"

Nanggong Bingyu smiled at the little two, "Brother, how can I get to Hengwang Mansion?"

Xiao Er seemed to have no reaction. He thought he had heard it wrong and asked suspiciously, "Miss, what are you talking about?"

When Nangong Bingyu was about to answer, Honglian interrupted angrily and said, "Little brother, didn't you hear what my daughter said? My daughter said, how can I get to Hengwang Mansion?" I don't know why, she just doesn't like this little second child. She is so stupid that she can't even hear what her daughter is saying. It's really stupid!

The second brother asked in a stunned question, "Miss, what can I do for you to find my master?"

"You just show me the way. Why do you ask so many questions?" The impatient Honglian was indiscriminate. She scolded Xiao Er first. The next second, Honglian reacted, "Wait, what did you just say? Your master? Do you mean that this store is opened by King Heng?

After hearing the words of the second brother, Nangong Bingyu was naturally surprised. No matter how she thought about it, she didn't expect that the store would be the property of King Heng. So, Shangguan Yue and Chu Heng in this Arctic City were not necessarily good.

On the surface, although it is the king of the fief land, it is such a poor place, and there is no grass, and it is winter all year round. The sky will snow from time to time. Even if there are seeds of plants, they will definitely freeze to death. Therefore, it is completely unrealistic to eat fresh food here.

You won't know at all if you don't come to this place, and this place is completely impossible to live.

No wonder this Arctic City is so deserted that even business people will never choose such a place to do it! Unless the head is rusty!

Xiao Er heard Honglian's question and nodded stupidly, "Well, King Heng is the master of my family. Excuse me, what's the matter with the girl looking for my owner?

Maybe it's because Xiao Er stayed at the door for a longer time, and a roar inside came out, "Kizi! You said something to the guest outside again! Let them come in if they want to eat. If not, let them get out of here! Don't worry about our business!"

Such a vigorous voice shocked Nangong Bingyu, but then ecstasy surged to his heart, because the familiar roar was not who it was, but his grandfather Qin Ge!

No longer talking with Xiao Er, he lifted his long skirt, quickly walked into the simple shop, looked around, and finally saw the white-haired grandfather on the shopkeeper's floor.

Qin Ge didn't raise his head. He greeted the figure who walked to his counter and said coldly, "What do you want to eat, guest? There are only noodles and simple vegetarian dishes in our restaurant, nothing else!" Qin Ge's tone was very stiff, and there was only a table of guests eating noodles in the store, and there was no one else.

After waiting for a long time, I still didn't wait for the shadow's response, but the figure stood in front of him and didn't leave. Qin Ge's fiery temper rushed up again and roared before raising his head, "I said, do you want to eat? If you don't eat, get out of here!"

Just as he raised his head, what was imprinted in his eyes was that the person he cared about most was teasing him with a tearful smile, "Dunpa, it's wrong for you to greet guests like this. Who can stand your temper if you treat guests like this? I'm afraid I'll leave early!"

Qin Ge's tears slipped down for a moment, and his face was unbelievable. He muttered, "Is it Yuer? Is it my jade? Are you really alive?"

Nangong Bingyu looked at her grandfather and found that in the past few months, her grandfather had been haggard a lot, and he was originally a little black, but now he turned into white silk. Originally, he should have been the majestic Duke of Qin, but now he has become a shopkeeper in a dilapidated inn. Is the encounter in the process a bitter taste that the world can know?

She bypassed the counter, stood in front of Qin Ge, and choked, " Grandpa, I'm sorry, Yuer was wrong. I should inform you that Yu'er is not dead. Sorry, Grandpa..."

When it came to the end, she had been tightly embraced by Qin Ge. Qin Ge cried like a child in her arms, aggrieved and painfully, "Yuer! My Yuer! You are really not dead! You are really not dead! Grandpa promised you that he would never force you to do anything again, and he would no longer argue with you about the size of power and money. As long as you live well, it will be the happiest thing for your grandfather! Yu'er..."

The following Honglian and Xiao Er stood there stupidly. They didn't expect to encounter such a scene at all. Honglian had never seen the Duke of Qin and naturally did not recognize Qin Ge, and Xiao Er had never seen Nangong Bingyu. He had heard of the Nangong family, but How many people in the world have really seen Nangong Bingyu?

The grandparents hugged and cried for a while. As a result, when the dark moon felt relieved, the grandparents suddenly pushed away the two sides. Qin Ge stared angrily at Nangong Bingyu, pointed with his big hand and shouted, "You bastard! You even cheated your grandfather! Don't you know if you should send me a letter? Ah?! You compensate me for tears! These days, Grandpa has shed a lot of tears for you, and you have to compensate me!"

Nangong Bingyu elegantly reached out to wipe away the tears on her face and gently raised her eyebrows, "Do you want to pay for your tears?" How can that work? I will stay here for a year at most.

"What?! Do you mean you want to stay here for a year?

Qin Ge was surprised. What happened to his granddaughter? Why do you want to stay in such a place where there is no grass?