shang qing tian xia

Chapter 140 Her Majesty's Decision [1]

◆◆◆◆ben◆◆shu◆◆zong◆ horizontal◆◆zhong◆wen◆◆wang◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆


Early in the morning, Nangong Bingyu and Qiu Yang rode away, and Paopao and Su Qi set out for the Ice City last night. The silver of their journey was still in the drunken cellar of the Ice and Snow City. Such a large sum of money still can't leave for too long.

If something happens, there will be a lot of trouble. Therefore, in the early morning, Paopao and Su Qi quickly returned to the Ice and Snow City to arrange.

On the way, although riding a red soul known as a thousand-mile horse, Nangong Bingyu is not the kind of person who wants to go out for urgent matters. Originally, it was not urgent to go to the Ice City. She could take a carriage.

But she doesn't want to ride a horse, so she has to ride a horse.

And the red soul also walked slowly along the way, walking along the dusty road with Qiu Yang's horse. The handsome men and women seemed to be more like watching the mountains leisurely.

Qiu Yang's shallow smile on his face looked at a frozen red face, "Bingyu, what will you do if you enter the Ice City next?"

Nangong Bingyu pulled the clothes on her neck, because the air was very cold, which also made her feel cold all over her body. The coldness came from the bottom of her heart.

Now it's just a simple breath, and you can see that the breath you breathe out has formed a white fog in the air. You can imagine how low the temperature here is. Sure enough, the temperature here is much colder than in Jicheng and Jingzhou.

The colder it is, the more it means that the food transported will at least not go bad so quickly, which is a natural condition.

Last night, she had nothing to do, so she looked at the map brought back by Paopao and found that there were still hot springs at the foot of the snowy mountains, which finally made her understand why the prime minister hesitated to agree to her terms. The existence of hot springs means that after training, the soldiers will no longer bathe the soldiers with hot water. Some natural conditions are better than artificial ones. Slowly, some ideas formed in her mind.

Nangong Bingyu said in a trembling voice, "I don't want to do anything. It depends on Her Majesty's decision. To my surprise, Her Majesty did not summon us. On the contrary, the Empress asked us to go to the Ice City to meet her. It seems that Her Majesty has made a decision. Whether the result is good or bad, it will not affect our plan. However, I have to say that we must be psychologically prepared first, and at worst, we will decide to be in the Arctic.

Qiu Yang sighed softly, "If the summer resort is really built in the Arctic City, I'm afraid it will bring danger to King Heng. After all, the previous emperor divided King Heng into such a poor place as the king of fiefdom, presumably did not want King Heng to be in danger, otherwise he would definitely give the rich place to King Heng. If the summer resort is established, I'm afraid it will cause the Ling family to kill King Heng.

"Hmm. I know all about what you said. However, now that the new emperor has succeeded to the throne, the foundation of the country has not yet been stable. Although the Empress Dowager listens to politics, she has been in the harem for too long and has seen relatively less of the world. With the death of the late emperor, the original civil and military officials may not really listen to the will of a woman and Taoist family. Some ambitious military officers look down on women who only know how to keep their peace. Imagine whether the current situation in the court is really as calm as we see on the surface?

"What do you mean?"

Nangong Bingyu smiled and said, "I don't want to participate in these dynasties. I just want to be a businessman. No matter whether the country will be broken or the country is prosperous and the people are safe, there will be merchants everywhere. Businessmen can survive in the war.

"However, if the country is really broken, businessmen may not be able to live a better!" Qiu Yang still can't understand Nangong Bingyu's idea.

Nangong Bingyu turned his head and looked at the dark sky, "Ji Yang, the country is broken, which means that the country will have a new controller, that is, the so-called change of dynasty. An emperor and an era, this is an eternal truth. And every emperor can't be identified as a good emperor, because these comments are evaluated by later generations.

Qiu Yang nodded incomprehensiblely, "Bingyu, no matter what you do, I will always support you."

Nangong Bingyu was stunned when she heard the words, turned her head to look at Qiu Yang, and found that there was a kind of determination in his intoxicating ink eyes that she could not see through. What's wrong with Qiu Yang? She joked, "What if I become a bad woman?"

"Even if the world says that you are not, I will stand by your side. I will stand in front of you and block those malicious attacks for you." Qiu Yang said calmly.


Nangong Bingyu looked at Qiu Yang riding side by side with him. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

Since Qiu Yang met her, she seems to be gentle. From the killer at the beginning to the Qingmeng Villa later, when it comes to business wizards, she only brought modern management here to be so successful. However, Qiu Yang is a man of this era. With just two years, he has also become a well-known farmer in Yasukuni and southern barbarians. Shenlong can't see the beginning and end of the dragon.

He is always impenetrable and can't guess his thoughts.

At that time, when he went to Phoenix Pass, Qiu Yang volunteered to accompany her. If it hadn't been for the hypocritical Qiu Qingyin Su Wen on the way, he was afraid that he would not have left his side or been calculated by Su Wen, which led to him being controlled by Su Wen and escorted to the Southern barbarian royal family for imprisonment. Come on.

If it hadn't been for Zhang Zhuo's words, Su Wen would have suddenly talked about Qiu Yang, and he would not have been able to see Qiu Yang.

A long sigh, "How's the palpitations?"

"In fact, she is with my master most of the time, and I only met her once in two years. When I was going to accompany you to Phoenix Pass, she had left with Master. So on our way to Phoenix Pass, when we saw Qingyin waiting for us in front of us, I recognized at a glance that she was not really whispering. In addition, there will be a savor bag on her body. When she is palpitated, she will take out the savor bag and smell it from time to time. The fragrance of medicine in the savor bag will have a certain effect on her palpitations and make her feel less uncomfortable. However, Su Wen's fake appearance is very similar to chanting, and the savor bag is also not on her waist, but she has never picked it up and smelled it, which means that she is not chanting..."

A trace of tingling flashed in Qiu Yang's eyes. He was the only relative in the world, but he could not live like a normal person, which made him feel that he was useless. He whispered that he wanted to give her all his happiness. However, because of his health problems, he has been looking for elixirs in recent years, and there is still no way to cure her, which is his only regret.

Nangong Bingyu looked at Qiu Yang at the other beginning, stretched out her hand, grabbed his sleeve, and said softly, "Joyang, don't do this. There is a way to do it. Although it can't be cured, at least it can make her not live too painfully. Don't worry, after the summer resort is built, I will accompany you to go to see Qingyin, okay?


Qiu Yang looked at Nangong's icy jade-like white jade hand and was holding his sleeve. His lonely handsome face slowly regained a gentle smile, took the reins, broke free from her pull without trace, and said calmly, "It's too late. Let's hurry up and go on the road. Although the red soul's horsepower is good, don't Make it too tired. Let's go! Drive!"

After saying that, Gao Yang gently slapped the horse's buttocks with the whip in his hand, and Qiu Yang had already sprinted out first.

Nangong Bingyu looked at Qiu Yang, who only left her back, and shouted, "Zhou Yang! You big bad guy, how can you go first? Do you want to race with me?"

"Come on! We haven't raced horses for a long time! Haha!" Qiu Yang's laughter came from afar.

Nangong Bingyu is not a good girl. She took the reins of the red soul and drove the red soul to chase the figure in front of her.