shang qing tian xia

Chapter 142 Her Majesty's Decision [3]

◆◆◆◆ben◆◆shu◆◆zong◆ horizontal◆◆zhong◆wen◆◆wang◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆


Bubble tilted his head and looked at Nangong Bingyu and looked at her strangely, "Do you really don't know or not? Will you come to Bingxue City to find Mr. Jingchen all the way with you?

Nangong Bingyu was a little puzzled, "Yes, I asked him to protect me on the way. Why? Is there any problem?"

"It's a big problem. Do you know who he is?" Bubble's face was solemn, looking at Nangong Bingyu, with an inexplicable worry in his face.

"I know, it's the prince of the Arctic country that has been missing for many years. What is this?" Nangong Bingyu still replied carelessly, holding Qiu Yang to sit at the table, pouring a cup of tea to Qiu Yang sitting next to him, and signaling Qiu Yang to drink tea.

Qiu Yang took over the teacup handed over by Nangong Bingyu and looked extremely surprised.

He really didn't expect that the prince Jing Chen, who traveled with them at the Hundred Flowers Festival, turned out to be the prince of the Arctic country that had disappeared for many years. No wonder he is young but polite, noble but lonely. However, Jing Chen also has a dangerous atmosphere.

"Ice Jade!"

Bubu saw that Nangong Bingyu didn't pay attention to it at all, and he could only shout with hatred for a moment.

Nangong Bingyu gently tasted the tea in the cup, "Well, it's good. It's still my favorite lychee tea. It tastes very strong."

"Ice Jade! Do you know that Mr. Jingchen came to look for you today and asked if you were back? Bubble said anxiously.

Su Qi stroked his wrist, which was pinched red by bubbles, and his face was bitterly. "There is more than that, there is also a little girl named Qingyu who came to you crying and asks you if you are going to marry Mr. Jingchen, saying that you have also received the bride price from Mr. Jingchen!"

Nangong Bingyu was stunned, "The bride price?"

Oh! If the green lotus picked back that day is the bride price he mentioned, Jing Chen underestimated her too much, right? Just a green lotus, do you want to touch your heart? If this green lotus gives that naive sunny rain, he must have achieved his goal.

However, I am no longer the 17-18-year-old stupid girl. How can you be fooled so easily?

Qiu Yang didn't say anything, and his face was unusually calm. He just held the hand of the cup and suddenly grasped the cup tightly.

His slight behavior naturally fell into the eyes of Qiu Yang's peach blossoms that were quietly looking at. Although Su Qi saw Qiu Yang for the first time, he didn't know why, he just felt that Qiu Yang had a different affection for Nangong Bingyu. He seemed to like it and didn't, but he said he didn't like it. I care very much about Nangong Bingyu. I really don't know what he thinks in his heart.

In fact, Nangong Bingyu and Qiu Yang are together, but they are really golden boy and jade girl. If Nangong Bingyu hadn't been pregnant, Qiu Yang would have had a chance... But now... Hey, if there is a chance, I'd better talk to him and see what he means.

"Yes, bride price, what kind of bride price did you receive? Why don't we know at all? Is it something that is hard to buy?" Bubble asked with great interest like gunfire.

Nangong Bingyu shook her head helplessly, "I didn't receive any bride price. Besides, if I really want to get married, won't I tell you?"

"Why did that girl say that? Is it cheating me?" Bubbles are puzzled.

Nangong Bingyu was still calm. He reached out and picked up his chopsticks, picked up a braised pork ribs, and handed it to Qiu Yang. He said with concern, "These days, you and Paopao escorted Yin Liang to the Ice and Snow City. You must be very tired. Come on, eat more. These are all specialties of the world."

"Good." Qiu Yang answered and ate quietly.

After watching Qiu Yang eat, Nangong Bingyu said back, "It's not cheating you. What she said can only explain one problem. She likes Jingchen, but Jingchen doesn't like her. If I guess correctly, Jing Chen should have rejected her mercilessly, and even used my Nangong Bingyu as a shield, saying that he would marry me, and then Qingyu would come to ask you, which is also reasonable.

"Ah?! Is Jing Chen going to marry you? So... did you marry him or did he marry you? You know, he is from the Arctic country, and he is superior to men. Moreover, according to the customs of the Arctic country, women can have multiple male wives; if they follow the customs of Yasukuni, would you really like to share Jingchen with other women in the future? Bubble's thinking also turned very fast, which suddenly said all the problems.

"Bubble, I have to say that what you said is quite reasonable, and it is indeed a problem for people to hear. However, you missed an important question.


Nanggong Bingyu gave her a white eye angrily, "Did I say I was going to marry him? These questions you think about are all questions that you have to think about after I agree. I came to the Arctic country not to get married, but to do business. In addition, he is a prince, and his marriage is not determined by himself. As far as I know, the princes and princesses in the royal family are married by Her Majesty, so here in the Arctic, he can marry whoever he wants. Everything depends on the will of Her Majesty.

Su Qi nodded and said, "I think Bingyu has some truth, but what if Her Majesty wants you to marry Mr. Jingchen? So what are you going to do?"

When Bubble heard Su Qi's question, he couldn't help looking at Nangong Bingyu, "Yes, now we are at the feet of other people's kingdom!" If you resist marriage and don't obey the order for us, then we will be beheaded obediently.

Before their question was finished discussing, Master Hua's rough voice sounded outside the elegant room, "Miss, Lord Xiangguo and the thirteenth prince are coming and asking for a meeting downstairs."

Su Qi swallowed a mouthful of water, "Daddy! It can't be a good or bad spirit!"

As soon as his words fell, Paopao rudely gave him a hammer on his forehead, "Shut up your crow's mouth!"