shang qing tian xia

Chapter 155 The moody bubble

◆◆◆◆ben◆◆shu◆◆zong◆ horizontal◆◆zhong◆wen◆◆wang◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆


Nangong Bingyu and Qiu Yang rode their horses to the Ice and Snow City, while Bubble and Su Qi, who were drunk in the world, were drunk. Finally, the two actually sat together, holding each other's shoulders and lying together at the table.

The movements of the two people were exactly the same. Even if they were drunk, the other hand of the two of them still did not forget to hold the wine glass and wine pot.

When Master Hua came to knock on the door early in the morning to call his master for breakfast, he found that no one answered him, so he opened the door and saw a man and a woman falling on the table like a corpse and sleeping to death.

Master Hua really doubted that even if he had chopped off the two people in front of him at this time, it was estimated that they would not respond.

It's just that his idea just flashed in his mind. The two people lying in front of him first opened their eyes, sat up slowly, adjusted their breath for a moment, and calmly said, "What's the matter?"

Master Hua was full of surprise, but he replied, "I thought you were with me and planned to ask you if you needed breakfast, but I didn't expect..."

Bubble interrupted him impatiently, "I know, bring it up early."

"Okay." Master Hua nodded indifferently, turned around and left.

After Master Hua turned around, the hypocritical smile on his face slowly converbed. This bubble is definitely not a girl that is underspecting.

After the outsider left, Paopao turned to look at Su Qi, who was sleeping like a child beside him. For a moment, he felt extremely confused. I don't know when he would start to care about his mood. When he saw that he was unhappy, his heart would also be sad.

Bubble fell into his own thoughts and didn't notice that Nangong Bingyu, who should have appeared at this time, had long been missing.


When the sunny rain had not yet opened in the drunken world, and Master Hua went to prepare early, no one saw the sunny rain coming in.

As soon as the sunny rain entered the drunken world and did not want to appreciate the magnificence here, he rushed straight to the attic where Su Qi lived. The rapid footsteps were particularly loud in this early morning silence. Naturally, the bubbles that closed their eyes were awakened. A flash came out of the door and opened the door. The sunny rain was at the entrance, looking around.

qing yu was thinking about which room Nangong Bingyu would be in. He was hesitating which room to find a good person, but he didn't expect that a door opened with a "squeak".

Turning his head and looking, it was the girl I saw the night before yesterday.

qing yu raised a smiling face and called sweetly, "Sister Bubble!"

For the goodwill of the sunny rain, Paopao just nodded coldly, and his attitude was not enthusiastic. He asked indifferently, "Come to get drunk early in the morning. Is there anything wrong?"

Qingyu was stunned when she heard the words. Paopao didn't seem to like her. He hesitated for a while and asked directly, "Is Sister Bingyu there? I have something to talk to her about.

Bubble raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you want to find her? If I guess correctly, she is not drunk now. You may have come here for nothing.

"Then where did she go?"

"I don't know." Bubble replied.


Qingyu felt a little like she had hit an iron plate. She didn't sleep all night and came to find Sister Bingyu early in the morning because she really cared about Brother Jingchen. More importantly, she wanted to get the answer she wanted from Sister Bingyu.

The sunny rain was a little haggard. The bubbles were seen in her eyes, but she didn't say anything. She just leaned in front of the door, crossed her arms, and looked at the sunny rain thoughtfully with a pair of big eyes.

After a long time, Qingyu looked up at Paopao again, "Sister Paopao, can I wait here for Sister Bingyu to come back?"



Two sounds sounded at the same time.

People who say they can't do it are naturally bubbles.

And the person who says it is Su Qi, the male voice from the beginning of the room.

The two girls outside the door quickly looked back at the room. Su Qi yawned a lot and waved to Qingyu, "Come in!" Let's have a little breakfast together. Why don't you come here early in the morning?

The sunny rain crossed the bubbles, came to Su Qi in three steps and two steps, and nodded, "Brother Seven, you're right. If you have something to do, you must know Sister Bingyu's thoughts before I can do it.

"It's an emotional thing." Su Qi smiled, poured a cup of tea for Qingyu and handed it to her.

Sunny and rain lowered his head, with a little melancholy on his beautiful face, "Is it so obvious on my face?"

Su Qi shook his head, "It's not obvious."

Bubble interrupted coldly outside the door and said, "It's not obvious, but it's just clearly written 'I'm injured'."

When Qingyu heard the words, her nose was sore, her eyes immediately turned red, and her bright eyes were immediately covered with a layer of water mist. It seemed that it only took a few seconds, but she was about to cry!

Paopao rolled his eyes angrily and didn't bother to look at her again. He turned around and went downstairs.

qing yu heard the footsteps of Paopao's departure and looked at Su Qi aggrievedly, "Brother Seven, doesn't Sister Paopao like me?"

Su Qi looked at the back of Paopao with a funny smile and comforted her softly, "She has always been a person who doesn't play cards according to common sense, and her personality is a little lonely. Don't care about her. Her heart is not bad. On the contrary, it's you. It doesn't look good. What's wrong? Are your eyes swollen, as if you had cried?"

"Brother Seven, can I ask you a question?" Qingyu grabbed Su Qi's sleeve as if he had caught a life-saving grass and looked at him nervously.

Su Qi reached out and patted her hand holding his sleeve tightly, and then pulled his hand away from her clenchedness without a trace. He picked up the teacup in front of him and was about to take a sip of tea and said, "Ask."

Just as he took a sip of water into his mouth, Qingyu said, "Did Sister Bingyu promise to marry Brother Jingchen?"


Su Qi's sip of tea sprayed far away, and it can also be said that the breakfast on the table was stained with his boy's saliva.

Su Qi was not choked like this, and then he coughed so hard that tears overflowed. Seeing that something was wrong, Qingyu quickly patted his back, gave him a good breath, and asked repeatedly, "Brother Seven, are you all right?"

"Sunny rain, who said that Bingyu would marry the thirteenth prince? Where did you get the news?"

Su Qi looked at her, and her handsome face was full of puzzlement. Although the thirteenth prince came to announce the order last night, Bingyu's strong attitude clearly showed that she would not marry.

There are few people present, and the news can't spread so quickly.

qing yu said such a thing. Does it mean that the news has floated out? Then this violent news is really faster than the information spread by Qingfeng Building!

Before the sunny rain answered, the bubble swept in like a gust of wind, and the door was also destroyed in half by her rude foot. Su Qi heard the "pain" cry of the door, and then looked at the cold and frosty appearance of the bubble. He also felt some problems in his heart and asked cautiously: "Bubble, what's wrong? Why are you so angry? Who provoked you?

"The ice jade is gone." Bubble gritted his teeth and said.

"What?!" Su Qi and Qingyu shouted in one voice.

Su Qi was even more shocked and grabbed Paopao's shoulder and asked, "Why didn't she disappear?" Wasn't she downstairs last night? Later, Brother Qiu went down!"

"This morning, I asked Xiao Er in the store. Xiao Er said that after Bingyu and Brother Qiu went out last night, they did not come back. With Bingyu's nature, she won't do anything else without telling her.

"So, where will she go?"

"I don't know, but if the man named Jingchen kidnapped Bingyu, I don't mind washing the whole royal family of the Arctic country once! Are you tired of living if you dare to do such a thing under my bubble eyes? After saying that, Paopao smashed the table with breakfast with his backhand.

Although Qingyu knows a little martial arts, she has never seen Paopao's fierce appearance. At this time, Paopao angered the table in front of her. Looking at the table, it was fine for a second, and the next second, it turned into debris. The strong internal force and her three-legged cat kung fu. In comparison, it is the difference between heaven and earth.

Bubbles are fierce, which is the image that the whole Qingfeng Building dare not provoke, otherwise how could she be the owner of the Qingfeng Building?

Not only because of her strong martial arts, but also because of her style of behavior. She is an invisible girl, but her means are very fierce. If she can kill the other party, she will never give the other party a chance to live.

Nangong Bingyu once commented on Paopao, who will only be cold like an executioner to his enemies.

Maybe he often lives on the edge of life and death. Bubble firmly believes that kindness to the enemy is cruel to himself!

Su Qi knew that the current bubble was about to be on the verge of storm. He quickly calmed himself down and carefully thought about the possibility of Jing Chen taking away the ice jade. "Bubble, I don't think Jing Chen has a good chance to take away the ice jade."

Bubble glanced at him, "The reason?"

"If he wants to tie away Bingyu, he can directly announce the decree last night and use our reasons to resist the decree to tie us directly to the palace, can't he? But he didn't do that. Moreover, Brother Qiu should have been with Bingyu last night, so with Brother Qiu's nature, even if he dies, Bingyu will never be hurt at all. If Bingyu is really gone, how can Brother Qiu not inform us? You know, if you want to inquire about the news, Qingfeng Tower is the most well-informed.

"What you said makes a little sense, but where is Bingyu now?" Bubble asked with a burning forehead.

Su Qi shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, is there any news about Qingfeng Tower?"

"No! Just found that Bingyu was missing, so I went to find out if there was a Feixin for me in Qingfeng Tower, but there was no news.