shang qing tian xia

Chapter 165 Alliance [2]

"I have no problem with the first two conditions, but the third one, I need to tell the mother, can you wait?"

"Yes." Nangong Bingyu smiled and was not too embarrassed.

"Bingyu, may I know why you are in charge of the financial news of the Arctic country?" Bei Yanyue asked suspiciously.

Nangong Bingyu narrowed her eyes mysteriously, "Nothing, just let Chu Heng become the king of the Arctic Kingdom and take charge of your finances."

"What?!" Bei Yanyue was shocked, "But isn't King Heng the king of the fiefdom? How can he become an official of our country?

Nang Bingyu didn't open his eyes this time, and a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. "That's why I gave you the first request. Think about what my first request is."

Bei Yanyue thought carefully, and after thinking about it, she had a decision in her heart, "Do you want us to capture the Arctic City for Chu Heng?"

"Yes. But how to put it, it's not entirely for Chu Heng. What's more, I don't want Chu Heng and Shangguan Yue to live such a bitter life. Nangong Bingyu replied shallowly.

"However, if King Heng takes over our financial officials, won't Dajing Congress launch a mutiny?" Bei Yanyue raised her own questions.

Nangong Bingyu shook her head, "No. Because I don't intend to expose Chu Heng's identity to the world at all.

"Ah?" Bei Yanyue doesn't understand.

Nangong Bingyu did not have the intention to open her mouth again, and there was also a little tired look on her face. Bei Yanyue looked at her sideways, "You are tired. Go and rest first. When exactly will you attack the North Ice City? As long as you arrange it, I can let the prime minister to cooperate with you at any time. I'll go back first and come back to you tomorrow."


After getting the answer she wanted, Bei Yanyue left.

Nangong Bingyu frowned gently and was stretched out by a slender five fingers to flatten her forehead for her. "Don't frown, there will be wrinkles."

She smiled, "When did you arrive?"

"I just arrived, and I just heard all the conversations between you and her."

She opened her eyes slightly and imprinted into her eyes, which was Qiu Yang's figure.

The white clothes show that his temperament is more elegant under the moonlight.

"Why did you come back so soon? Has everything been done?"

"Hmm. Now Chu Heng and Shangguan Yue are drunk in the world, and you just told them not to go around, just stay in the drunken world, and now Master Hua takes care of their daily life, which is not a big problem.

Nangong Bingyu sighed slowly, "I don't know whether it's good or bad for me to do this."

"What are you thinking when you rarely see such hesitation?"

"Thinking, is it a good thing or a bad thing that I pushed Chu Heng to the Arctic country to be an insider?" Nangong Bingyu's face also showed a solemn color.

"How to put it, it is better to be an official than to be a son of heaven, and it is also much better than a king of feudal land. After all, an official can get his freedom for him. Although he is still young, it is just the right time for education. Otherwise, he will not forget his identity as a prince. This can be seen from the fact that he has not changed his name to Shangguan Yue so far. Although he is young, he should also know how his status has changed. Think about it, the room in memory is magnificent, but now he lives in a tile house that he has never seen before. The huge physical contrast will inadvertently change his psychology.

Nangong Bingyu nodded, "You're right, that's why. Although it was the first time I saw Chu Heng, for Shangguan Yue's kindness to him before, when I saw him, his eyes were defensive and had an inexplicable melancholy look. There seems to be some resistance similar to strangers.

I'm sorry, dear friends, there are 2K words. When the girl comes home in the evening, she will code again.