shang qing tian xia

Chapter 171 Purple Clouds in the Drunken World

◆◆◆◆ben◆◆shu◆◆zong◆ horizontal◆◆zhong◆wen◆◆wang◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆


A bamboo forest reveals its unique fragrance in the silence and cold fog. The weather is bright, which makes people's hearts slightly warm. If it hadn't been for the ethereal bamboo in the mist, it might have been more warm and brilliant meaning.

Nangong Bingyu sat on the stone, and the footsteps outside the bamboo sounded repeatedly. Before long, a person had entered her sight.

Some dazzling red light reflected in her eyes. Nangong Bingyu instinctively stretched out her hand to block the light, and the light in the clouds overflowed between her fingers. Finally, she saw clearly the people in front of her. It turned out to be bubbles.

"Why did you enter the palace? What happened in the drunken world? Nangong Bingyu smiled and asked inadvertently.

Bubble's face was very solemn, "Bingyu, have you ever seen Ziyun?"

"Purple Cloud?" Nangong Bingyu was stunned, "Who is she?"

Bubble saw the expression of Nangong Bingyu and knew that she had not lied to her, so he explained, "Ziyun, the maid of honor next to the Empress Dowager Xiangyun Palace in Dajing Palace."

Nangong Bingyu suddenly became clear. It seemed that there was really such a number one person in his memory, but he didn't deal with her much. "It seems that he has met once."

"When did you meet?"

"Before going to Qingxin Temple, I asked for permission from the Empress Dowager. At that time, I had a relationship with her. What's wrong? Why did you suddenly talk about her?" Nangong Bingyu was puzzled.

Bubble restrained his eyes and whispered, "This is not the place to talk. Let's go back to your dormitory first."


Back to her bedroom, as soon as she entered her bedroom, she could hear the wind gently rolling the curtain, which was unique and lingering.

"Say, there are no outsiders here."

Bubble turned around and looked around, "Huh? Where's Honglian?"

"She just went out and said she was going to get me something to eat."

"What about the other maidservant? Is there no one to serve you?"

"No, I don't want it either." Nangong Bingyu sat at the table, raised his teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. "And I won't stay here for long."

"Hmm. Last night, Ziyun came to get drunk.

"And then?" Nangong Bingyu asked with interest.

"She said she wanted to see you."

"See me? Why?"

Bubble glanced at her angrily, "You ask me, who should I go?"

"Didn't you say that she was drunk in the world! Why don't you ask her?"

"She is not the person I dare to provoke. When I first saw her, I thought she was looking for me, but I didn't expect that she came for you." Bubble glanced at her.

Nang Bingyu raised her eyebrows and took a sip of tea. "It turned out that when I asked you to help me inquire about the Empress Dowager, you would refuse. Do you think it's all because of her?"


Nangong Bingyu really couldn't figure it out, "What is she from? How can it make you so afraid?

Bubble looked a little shocked, sat sullen next to Nangong Bingyu, lay on the table without image, and said quietly, "In fact, I'm not the only one who is afraid of her, but the whole world is afraid of her!"


"Because she killed people, there is no blood."

Nangong Bingyu was a little stunned, killing without blood? What do you mean?

"She is not like us using knives, swords, needles, whips and so on. She uses the piano sound.

"Qin?" Nangong Bingyu's eyes widened. In the past, she had said a lot in modern martial arts novels. Any plum blossom can kill people, and it is not surprising that Qinyin kills people.

It's just that this is an empty country, and there will be such a master here, and this master actually went to the drunken world to look for her?

Is it possible that she is here to kill her?

Think about it, it's not right! Everyone knows that she died in Qingxin Temple, but why did she go to the Arctic to find her? If this is just a coincidence, it's too unreasonable.

There is only one possibility. Is it possible that she came to find her specially, but she has never had a deep relationship with her. Is there anything wrong with her looking for her?

Nangong Bingyu quietly thought about Ziyun's intention, and Paopao didn't say anything more.

Bubble was also very surprised that Ziyun came to find Bingyu. She once said that she would not leave the palace, and what does it mean? What happened in the Dajing royal family?

Nangong Bingyu thought for a long time before saying, "Bubble, you go back first. You treat Miss Ziyun first. I also have something in the palace that I can't go out for the time being. Well, I promise her to go out of the palace in a month."

Bubble is suspicious, "What's the matter with this palace? Is it worth spending a month?"

"I saw a ghost dream in the upper study today."

"Ah?! ~" Bubble was shocked, "Why did this boy enter the palace?"

"I don't know, he wears a silver mask, and I don't know what's wrong with him, but I talked to him today and found that he hates me."

"Hate you?" Paopao was a little confused, "Why does he hate you so much?"

Nangong Bingyu shook her head with a wry smile. Some things can't be explained in a few words, and more misunderstandings can't be solved after being said. I'm afraid that the ghost dream is also complaining about her now. Otherwise, how could she not even listen to the opportunity to explain and leave first?

"Then I'll go out of the palace now to arrange it. Then you can leave the palace early."

"Hmm. I know, by the way, Shangguan Yue is not in good health. You can hire some doctors in the city to take a look for her and take good care of herself. And Chu Heng, protect his safety and don't let any accidents happen to him.

"I know! Then I'll go!"

Bubble dodged away from the green bamboo garden, and Nangong Bingyu's look was not relieved by the departure of Paopao. On the contrary, she felt that too many things seemed to have gathered recently. Who is that Ziyun? Why did she come to her at this time?

And there is a ghost dream. What's wrong with him? Why hide your true face? How can you work as a royal doctor in the royal palace of the Arctic? Has something happened that she didn't know?

Fit, all right! Let's finish everything in front of us first. First of all, we need to capture the North Ice City. Chu Heng and Shangguan Yue are no longer in the North Ice City. So the matter of attacking there should not be late. The sooner you start, the more you can spread the news of Chu Heng's death to the Dajing royal family as soon as possible, so that Ling Linger will break the idea of killing Chu Heng. .

Think carefully about what to do next. After thinking about it, it's already noon.

stood up and straightened his clothes and walked straight to the Yanyue Hall.