shang qing tian xia

Chapter 208 Proposal

◆◆◆◆ben◆◆shu◆◆zong◆ horizontal◆◆zhong◆wen◆◆wang◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆



"Bingyu, will you marry me?"

Nangong Bingyu looked at him and looked at him in such a stunned way.

The first time someone proposed to her, and this person was always by her side. He never burdened his love. When she was happy, he would secretly look at her smile secretly; when she was sad, he would let her rely on his shoulder so that she could cry without hesitation.

The process of Qiu Yang's waiting feels that every minute and every second is so difficult to pass.

It's as uneasiness as waiting for his death sentence.

Nangong Bingyu moved. She walked to him and took his big hand clenched tightly. Her hand was a little cold, which gradually loosened his fist. Nangong Bingyu took the initiative to cross his hand and hold it tightly, smiled at him, and his low voice was also uneasy. "If I'm not your burden, then let's be together."

After hearing her words, Qiu Yang's uneasy heart felt like flying into the sky. This feeling was as happy as knowing that his sister's palpitations could be treated with medicine, which made him excited.

The clear ink eyes of Nangong Bingyu are like the stars in the night sky, which he can't ignore.

"Silly Yuer, how can you be my burden? Even if it is a burden, it will only be my sweet burden!" Qiu Yang hugged her tightly and had an indescribable gratitude in his heart. Yes, he was grateful that God was willing to give him this opportunity.

Nangong Bingyu stretched out her hands and was a little scared, but she still summoned up the courage to hold him back. "You should know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the child in my womb."

"The baby is your child, and of course it is also my child." Qiu Yang promised, "I have also heard about your mother and your father. In those years, your father was willing to marry your mother and have only one daughter in his life. Even if there is no one to follow, he has no regrets. Your father can do this, and I can do it for you."

Tears slid down uncontrollably.

"Isn't it too wrong for you?"

"Fool, only I know whether I am wronged or not. How can others know if I'm happy? Qiu Yang replied to her words with a low smile.

"Thank you, Qiu Yang."

"Thank you, too, and I'm willing to give me this opportunity."

The two stood there, hugging each other. Nangong Bingyu hugged his waist, leaned on him, and listened to his heartbeat. Although it belonged to Qiu Yang's faint fragrance through his clothes, she still smelled it from time to time.

The moon on their heads looks even more round.

The silver light sprinkled on them, looking more like a pair of immortal couples.




Nangong Bingyu decided to marry him yesterday under Qiu Yang's proposal.

This decision is undeniable to be impulsive in the emotion, but she does not regret it, because she can't deny that she has a good impression of Qiu Yang.

After experiencing ghost dreams without saying goodbye, Zhang Zhuo's distrust, at this time, she can only believe in Qiu Yang around her.

And when Yao Lishuang said in front of her that she liked Qiu Yang, her heart was sour.

When Yao Xuanshu told her that Qiu Yang only wanted to marry her, she was moved.

Yes, I was moved by his stubbornness, but I didn't let her know.

In fact, even if Qiu Yang does not propose to her, she will figure it out. She will also tell Yao Xuanshu that since Qiu Yang loves her, why she refuses him so selfishly?

The taste of secret love is not good. She knows better than anyone else, so she is willing to give herself this opportunity to accept him.

When all this is figured out, things will gradually become clear.

Three days later, Qiu Yang also gave several big cars of treasures in a drunken dream and gave a bride price to Master Nangong. The two sides jointly chose an auspicious day in front of Yao Xuanshu's predecessors, and the date of marriage was set a month later.

When everything was finalized, Yao Lishuang looked at Qiu Yang and Nangong Bingyu, a pair of people, and burst into tears.

The resentful eyes stopped on Nangong Bingyu's body, and a sharp murderous intention flashed through her eyes. Finally, she turned her head and left without stopping there.

Nang Bingyu smiled and thanked the people who came to congratulate her. Inadvertently looking back, she saw Yao Lishuang's departure, and she also felt guilty and was in a daze for a moment.

Qiu Yang's eyes often followed her and noticed that she was a little strange. He quickly asked, "What's wrong? Are you tired?"

"Hmm?" Nangong Bingyu seemed to be shocked by his words. When she recalled his problem, she shook her head. "No, I'm just thinking about something."

"What are you thinking about?"

Nangong Bingyu smiled and said, "I don't know what's going on in the Arctic country. Has His Royal Highness Yanyue dealt with it all?"

"Well, I received her carrier pigeon today. Do you want to read the letter now?"

"Did you receive the letter? Come on, show me." Nangong Bingyu urged.

Qiu Yang took out a small paper sign from his arms and handed it to her. Nangong Bingyu took a look. There were only four words on it, "Everything is normal."