shang qing tian xia

Chapter 9 The Wind and Clouds of Ice City

"No matter what you say, I will never agree with you to go to the Southern Barbarian Kingdom. Last time I didn't know you went, and I couldn't protect you, which made me feel uncomfortable. This time, do you still want to make me helpless?

Qiu Yang whispered, and his face became a little pale and weak because of Nangong Bingyu's words.

Nangong Bingyu didn't know that she was just a joke, which made Qiu Yang show such a painful look and took his big hand, "I'm sorry! I'm just saying that I didn't really want to go to the southern barbarian country.

Although her words were explained, Qiu Yang was still not relieved by her explanation.

"Are you sure you won't go secretly behind my back?"


Nangong Bingyu's firm voice finally made Qiu Yang's face look better.

Knowing that he had just said something wrong, Nangong Bingyu decided not to continue this topic and said, "Do you know where I'm taking the ocean?"

"I don't know."

Nang Gong Bingyu reached out and stroked his still frown tightly, "Do you remember the ghost dream?"

"Do you want the ghost dream and the ocean to meet?" Qiu Yang made a bold guess.


Nangong Bingyu nodded, "Yes, he and he are both the sons of Prince Zheng Jie."

Qiu Yang was stunned, "You mean that the ghost dream is the son of Prince Zheng Jie?"

"Yes, I found this when I left Jingzhou City and dreamed of meeting Prince Zheng Jie with ghosts."

"Do you mean that Prince Zheng Jie is still alive?"

"Hmm. Living, he stayed by the princess's side, that is, the biological mother of the ghost dream. Prince Zheng Jie gave up his children and gave up his wife for the princess. How can I say this relationship? I can't say that I'm not moved, but I also know that sometimes love is a matter of two people and has nothing to do with them.

"So, does the ghost dream know his background?"

Nangong Bingyu sighed softly, "He didn't know. The prince once begged me not to tell him, and I didn't want him to let him know my background, because the prince was afraid that he would fall into the royal battle. Sea countries are different from the other three countries. Their emperors are selected from the sons born by many princes. Therefore, not only the son of the emperor is qualified to be an emperor. On the contrary, as the son of the prince, he is also qualified to run for the throne.

Qiu Yang was a little surprised, "No wonder every king in the sea is a dragon among people, and he is very cunning. It turns out that he stands out from many princes!"

"In fact, don't think so well. Although you are qualified to run for election, you have to prevent the emperor's son from attacking the prince's sons. After all, if you want to ascend to the throne of God, you have to step on the corpses of others." Nangong Bingyu said indifferently, "Otherwise, how will the sea drift into the Great Yasukuni?" The affairs of the previous generation will always involve the innocent next generation.

"This is the misfortune of the court."

Nang Gong Bingyu smiled and said, " By the way, do you know who you like?"

A question, Qiu Yang shook his head, "I don't know. What's wrong?"

"She likes ghost dreams."

Qiu Yang stood there in consternation, thought for a while, and finally smiled enlightenedly, "I know what's going on."

"Will you object to them being together?" Nangong Bingyu asked worriedly.

"Ha ha, no, as long as he doesn't hurt the chant." Qiu Yang smiled and promised.



North Ice City

In the open drunken world, Qin Ge sat leisurely in the corner drinking wine, closing his eyes while feeling the mellowness of wine.

Yesterday, Master Hua went to Island City to attend the Nangong housekeeper's meeting, so Zui Tianxia temporarily asked him to take care of it, saying that he was helping to take care of it, so it was better to say that Honglian had been calculating the account book at the counter.

He is a Duke of Qin, who once really went to take care of such a large drunken building.

Besides, he is also old and just wants to enjoy life, instead of making himself so busy. The little girl Honglian is taking care of him in the restaurant, so he also drinks a little wine leisurely in the hall, eats peanuts, and enjoys his rare quiet life.

Unfortunately, not long after his good life just began, an officer and soldier rushed in, respectfully handed him a letter and left.

Looking at the font on the letter, he recognized that it was the handwriting of Prince Xiaoyao Chu Tiancheng. Qin Ge opened the letter, and there were only a few words on it, "Zhang Zhuo wants to see the Duke, and I hope the Duke of the State beware."

Zhang Zhuo?

Qin Ge searched for this person's name in his mind.

As he thought, he picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip. When the wine entered his throat, he finally remembered who Zhang Zhuo was.

Isn't that the only son of the Southern Barbarian King? Why did he look for him? Has something happened?

When Qin Ge was puzzled, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the wine table sitting alone and said loudly next to him, "Old man, can I sit here?"

Drunk in the world, those who come are all guests.

Qin Ge put away the letter and looked up at the person talking to him. He was actually a polite son.

"Do you want to sit here?" Qin Ge looked around the hall and found that there was still an empty table, but he didn't know why the prince wanted to sit with him?

"Yes, do you mind? General Qin.

The young man smiled and called Qin Ge's name in the barracks.

Qin Ge was shocked. He has no impression of the young man in front of him, but although he is old, it does not mean that his intelligence will degenerate. After all, how can he be compared with mortals who accompanied the emperor to fight this world!

He looked at the young cloth-clothed prince in front of him and boldly guessed his identity, "Are you Zhang Zhuo?"

Although Zhang Zhuo is dressed in cloth, it is still difficult to hide his king's spirit. For many years of life in the barracks, the hegemonic spirit is not an ordinary cloth that can hide his true identity.

Hearing Qin Ge's question, Zhang Zhuolei nodded generously and arched his hand, "It turns out that General Qin actually recognizes the younger generation, which is really Zhang Zhuo's glory."

"You came here to find me?"

Qin Ge looked up at Zhang Zhuo standing in front of him and had several questions in his heart, but he didn't know how to ask.

Zhang Zhuo sat next to Qin Ge uninvited, picked up the white porcelain glass on the table, poured a glass of wine for Qin Ge first, and then filled himself with a glass. He picked up the glass. Zhang Zhuo smiled and said, "The younger generation has met my grandfather."

Hearing him call his grandfather, Qin Ge coldly said, "Please don't call him around!"

"hehe." In the face of Qin Ge's anger, Zhang Zhuo just laughed dryly and suddenly asked, "Does General Qin know who the child in Bingyu's belly is?"

Qin Ge was stunned, "What does this have to do with you?" Is Yuer pregnant? Why doesn't he know?

Zhang Zhuo nodded, "Of course it's relevant, because the child is mine."

In a word, Qin Ge was shattering and sitting there, and the wine glass in his hand was also touched by him and fell to the ground with a "ba" sound and fell to pieces.

The guests in the hall looked this way, but they were not angry as they expected. Qin Ge just sat there stunned, with a pair of old big hands, trembling slightly.

After a while, the big hands were clenched into a fist by Qin Ge, and his voice pretended to be calm and asked, "Why do you say that the child in Yuer's belly is yours?"

Zhang Zhuo said indifferently, "Is it necessary for me to use Bingyu's reputation to destroy her?"

"I know, please." Qin Ge got up and walked to the backyard of the drunken world.

And for Qin Ge's departure, Zhang Zhu's face remained unchanged. He still sat there and continued to pour himself a glass of wine without stopping Qin Ge's departure. What he had to do had been done. The next thing, there is nothing to do with him.

He just needs to be a quiet actor.

After a glass of wine, Zhang Zhuo looked at the clear wine in the glass, and a proud smile appeared on his face.

Qin Fei, the competition between you and me has just begun.

If you don't want to come back to me, then I will force you to choose to come back to me again. As long as the child in your belly exists for a day, then I will take advantage of the child for a day.

I don't know who will win and who will lose this time?

As soon as Qin Ge returned to his room, he immediately lost his temper, waved his hand, and swept all the books on the desk to the ground!

This was not relieved. Qin Ge took out his weapon and smashed the desk made of mahogany with one shot, and sawdust flying in the air.

He made such a loud noise in the room that the red lotus counting the account book in the study not far away could naturally be heard.

He quickly put down the account book in his hand and trotted to Qin Ge's room in two steps and one step, "Sir, what happened?"

Singer Qin held a gun and stared at Honglian angrily, "Do you know the news that Yuer is pregnant?"

Honglian asked stupidly, "Is Miss pregnant?"

Seeing that the little girl was also at a loss, Qin Ge knew that she was not an informed person. After thinking about it, he had to know what was going on. He wanted to see Nangong Bingyu, so he ordered, "Give me a letter to fly the pigeon to Yuer, and say that I have something to see her!"

"Okay, I'll do it, but the master's room..."

"I'm fine here. Just go and do what I ordered!"

Although Honglian was curious, Master Qin's nose was not angry now. She still asked less and quickly wrote the letter.

As soon as she finished walking to the gate, she saw Her Royal Highness Yanyue coming in. She quickly saluted, "See Your Highness Yanyue!"

Yanyue rarely had nothing to do. She took time to get drunk. As soon as she entered the drunken world, she saw Honglian, "Honglian, where are you going in a panic?"

"His Royal Highness Hui Yanyue, I'm going to send a message to the young lady, and Master Qin wants to see her."

Yan Yue was stunned and joked, "It's really your grandchild!" I just received the letter. Yuer will arrive in the Ice and Snow City in two days. Let General Qin wait for her here.