shang qing tian xia

Chapter 14 A wave of unevenness, another wave [3]

Chapter 13 A wave is uneven, and a wave rises again [2]

◆◆◆◆ben◆◆shu◆◆zong◆ horizontal◆◆zhong◆wen◆◆wang◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆



Her Majesty's speech does not mean that she has no idea.

Yan Yue speculated on the mother's idea and first asked, "Yuer, do you mean that Zhang Zhuo secretly came to the Ice City without any malice?"

Nangong Bingyu sighed slightly, "According to what I know about him, there should be no malice."

Jiang E asked, "Is it necessary for us to take precautions against the movements of the Southern Barbarians?"

Nangong Bingyu smiled and said gently and politely, "These things are not what I should think about. The war and march seem to have nothing to do with my Nangong family. Although the Nangong family and the North Ice Country are in alliance now, the Southern Barbarians did not launch any attack on the North Ice State at this time, did they?

Her words are well-founded.

Indeed, when Yanyue proposed an alliance to Nangong Bingyu at that time, she said that she would give financial and food support when his country attacked the Arctic country.

Now it looks like there is a storm on the surface, but in fact it is not really time to fight.

Zhang Zhuo is not a fool, let alone a fool. How can he attack other countries at this time?

In addition, as far as she knows, the current king of the Southern Barbarians is still the king of Lang.

It used to be a detailed work arranged by the Nangong family in the Southern Barbarian Kingdom, but she still can't find out why King Lang suddenly betrayed her.

And Zhang Zhuo did not have real power at this time, and he had the ability to do nothing. So when she heard that Haiyang actually cooperated with Su Wendan and was very angry, outsiders did not know Zhang Zhuo's current situation, which did not mean that she was not clear.

For half a year, although she was busy with her own affairs, she still gave Paopao a sum of money, asking her to send someone to sneak into the Southern Barbarian Palace and hear some news.

The meaning of King Lang's hegemony became more and more obvious, and Zhang Zhuo had been suspected by the ministers because he was suspected of poisoning the king, so most of the literary ministers who appeared in the court turned to King Lang.

Although Zhang Zhuo has great ambitions, if he does not have military power, he will not be able to carry out any plan.

And the Southern Barbarians suddenly went to the island city, which can be understood as King Lang's own idea and has nothing to do with Zhang Zhuo. At this time, Zhang Zhuo no longer had the right to use the military power.

The current military power has long been in the hands of King Lang. After thinking about it, I'm afraid that it won't be long before Zhang Zhuo's safety in the Southern Barbarian Kingdom will be guaranteed. With the psychology of King Lang in order to inherit the throne, he will definitely poison Zhang Zhuo.

When she heard that the ocean foolishly gave 200,000 taels of silver in the island city, she was not too anxious, because she knew that even if the money went to the southern barbarian country, it would not be used by Zhang Zhuo immediately. Otherwise, Zhang Zhuo should be in southern barbarian at this time, instead of meeting her grandfather in the ice and snow city.

Why did Zhang Zhuo tell his grandfather that he was pregnant with his child?

What does Nangong Bingyu think? I can't think of an answer. Does he want to break up her and Qiu Yang? After thinking about it, it is not impossible. Zhang Zhuo can come on his wedding day. Why can't he do this today?

Thinking about it, Nangong Bingyu suddenly felt more and more painful. Finally, the pain in that stroke made her feel painful even when sitting. The cold sweat on her forehead immediately oozed out like a bean grain, and her face changed from a rosy face to snow-white and blue, and her hands were even more unselfish. Forbidden trembling, these are all small things, and her breathing is getting faster and faster.

Although Qiu Yang, who had been sitting next to her, closed his eyes and felt her strangeness around him, suddenly opened his eyes, quickly sat on a chair and stood up, ran to her, and called eagerly and worriedly, "Yuer! Yu'er!"

Nangong Bingyu's eyesight became blurred in pain. At this time, he couldn't sit still. His whole body was soft and slipped to the ground. His breath answered disorderly, "I... didn't..."

Before she finished speaking, she had fainted with pain.

And Qiu Yang was so scared that his soul flew away, holding the meaningless Nangong Bingyu. On the way, she never ate anything. Could it be the cup of tea she had just drunk?

Qiu Yang helped Nangong Bingyu and reached out to get the teacup. Fortunately, he hadn't finished drinking it yet. Although he didn't know much pharmacological knowledge, since Nangong Bingyu was pregnant, he was particularly careful not to let some medicinal materials that would lead to miscarry be placed in the courtyard where they lived, afraid that it would be bad for the fetus!

However, there is a strange fragrance in this cup of tea. This fragrance is actually a tea with abortion medicine. It can be said that this tea is specially made for Nangong Bingyu!

Qiu Yang was furious, "Whose tea is this!"

He roared, and the Nangong Bingyu in his arms was soft. At this time, Yanyue was so shocked that he shouted, "Brother Qiu! Under Yu'er's body..."

Blood, enchanting and witching.

Tear people can't move their eyes.

Qiu Yang hugged her and didn't react at all. He just looked at the light green plain skirt under Nangong Bingyu, which was occupied by the red blood little by little, turning the original color into a pungent red.

This red is like what he planted in Qingmyo Villa - stinging!

He finally understood why Nangong Bingyu preferred to stab the heart, because they were too much like blood, and because the enchanting could pierce people's hearts and hurt, he knew what heartbreak was.

When he saw Nangong Bingyu fall into his arms, he found that the power of his whole body had disappeared and could not be found, and his brain was blank.

Jiang E and Her Majesty are both women who have had children. Her Majesty also didn't care about your etiquette. She stood up from the dragon chair and ordered everyone loudly in the face of danger, "Your Excellency, come on! It is said that all the imperial doctors are here! Wang Er, order someone to boil water quickly, and let Miss Nangong stop the bleeding and use it!"

Her Majesty came to Qiu Yang and said sincerely, "I'm sorry, Lord Qiu, there is something wrong with Mrs. Qiu in my palace. I will definitely give you an explanation. But at this time, it should be so that Mrs. Qiu can stop the bleeding as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to save her life! When Mrs. Qiu wakes up, if you make your offer, I will do my best to agree!"

A life disappeared in her study. Her Majesty is also so angry that she wants to lose her temper, but now she can't mess up. She must first take care of the life of Nangong Bingyu. Once Nangong Bingyu dies, none of the people in the Northern Ice King's Room can escape. ?

The power behind the Nangong family alone is by no means a small Arctic country that can compete with!

And Nangong Bingyu can easily take such a dangerous medicine in the study and fall into an abortion. What if this time it is not a abortion medicine, but a poison that kills people?

So how to deal with the consequences?



As time went by, Nangong Bingyu's life was saved, but the child in her belly could not save it.

Because of too much blood loss, it hasn't been clear yet.

Qiu Yang, who had been with her, sat by the bed, holding her cold little hand and looking at her with reproach. He couldn't hear what others said.

Accompany her so quietly, don't eat or drink.

The matter of arresting the drug murderer has been handed over to Her Majesty and Yan Yue.

Just now, Yanyue came to tell him that the drugged maid swallowed the poison and died after serving tea to the crowd.

The only clue has been cut off.

In the early morning, it was still sunny yesterday, and it began to be dark today.

After a while, there was a drizzle in the sky.

The rain makes people feel depressed.

Under the rain, Nangong Bingyu, who was lying in **, finally woke up. When she opened her eyes slightly, the person she saw in the bottom of her eyes was Qiu Yang with a haggard face.

Qiu Yang saw her open her eyes and quickly asked her, "Are you feeling better? Are you thirsty? Would you like some water?"

A series of questions moved Nangong Bingyu very much and nodded to him.

Zu Yang always treats her so gently, regardless of his gains and losses, always treats her well and loves her without asking for anything in return. How could she get Qiu Yang's love for her so much?

Qiu Yang let go of her hand, quickly walked to the coffee table, poured a glass of water, and brought it over.

"Water, I brought it, but the doctor said that you can't get up yet. How do you drink water?" Qiu Yang asked with some distress. He can't move Nangong Bingyu now, because he is afraid that if she moves, it will involve the injury in her body, which is not worth the loss.

"Then feed me."

The voice of Nangong Bingyu is a little weak.

Qiu Yang was stunned when he heard the words and thought for a moment. The next moment, he immediately poured the water from the mouth of the cup into his mouth, then bent down, kissed her lips that were a little dry due to lack of water, and transferred the water to her little by little.

Nangong Bingyu's eyes widened. In fact, she didn't mean to let him feed her with his mouth, but to feed her water with the help of a spoon, but she didn't expect Qiu Yang to think of this method.

The lips of the two people are so close together. His lips are very soft, but very hot.

Speaking of which, this is the first time Qiu Yang took the initiative.

After the marriage, Qiu Yang still treats her as if she were before marriage, and has never exceeded half of it.

This time was his most active and the first kiss between them.

If it can be repeated, Nangong Bingyu will never want to be in this situation. After all, women like to be in a romantic place, and then have a deep kiss with their loved ones.

In her mouth, she sucked the water that Qiu Yang gave her a little bit. I don't know why, the water was unexpectedly sweet that made her infatuated.