shang qing tian xia

Chapter 17 Csection [1]

◆◆◆◆ben◆◆shu◆◆zong◆ horizontal◆◆zhong◆wen◆◆wang◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆



After Paopao told him everything about the ghost dream leaving, it was already dark.

And Honglian has already prepared a lot of good dishes. In order to welcome the return of the young lady, she has made all the new dishes she has recently made. She just wants to see if the young lady likes them. If the young lady agrees, then these dishes can be sold to guests here.

It's just that when it's getting darker and darker, but I still can't wait for the return of the young lady.

Honglian stood anxiously at the gate of the drunken world, waiting left and right. Although there were still people on the street, they all hurried home. Coupled with the excellence of Nangong Bingyu, Honglian recognized the young lady at a glance.

It's just that there is no girl as flexible as Miss on this street? Some of them are some hurried passers-by.

Honglian stood at the gate for nearly half an hour, but still didn't wait for the return of the young lady.

I couldn't help but become more anxious. Finally, I couldn't wait. I went back to the hall. The dishes she cooked on the big table had already been divided and eaten by everyone. Su Qi and the unknown girl were talking about something with a smile, and the bubble and ghost dream on the other side were still hot, and it seemed that they didn't feel it at all. What's different, and where is the food on the table that has just been made?

On a table of residual dishes, Honglian was full of anger, and the little girl's temper came up, which was amazing.

Well, Honglian came forward, patted her little hand on the table, and roared angrily, "How can you do this? Miss, I don't know where she has gone. How can you eat with so much relish!"

Everyone was stunned by the sudden behavior of Honglian, and the bubble was even more speechless. She had just picked up a shumai and was picking it up and sending it to her mouth. She was so scared by Honglian. Now she was fine. Her hands shook and burned them on the ground.

Bubble took a look at the shumai that fell on the ground, shook his head helplessly, and put the chopsticks in his hand. "Honglian, you are too shocked. Your daughter has her husband by her side. Don't worry!"

"How can I not worry! Miss is pregnant now! How can you make a pregnant woman with a big belly hungry? The red lotus fire still does not diminish.

"Don't worry, there is also a big brother Qiu beside me who is not weaker in martial arts than me. It's okay to have Brother Qiu protect her."

"I don't believe it!"

"Oh! My aunt, I promise you that nothing will happen to Xiaoyuer, okay? Bubble stood up and patted his chest! As long as this little girl can shut up, everything is easy to do. Last time I learned this little girl's nagging, she is absolutely the same kind of person as drizzle.

Bubble said so. Honglian is just a maid, and naturally she is embarrassed to say something more.

But with the guaranteed bubbles on his chest, how could he know that there was a pool of blood flowing under the ice jade of the South Palace in the palace, and his life was in danger.

It was not until the early morning that His Royal Highness Yanyue came to the drunken world in person, and he didn't know that something big had happened!

The child was exiled in the palace, which naturally has nothing to do with the royal family of the Arctic country.

Bubble narrowed his eyes slightly, "Is the lady who was tea dead?"

"Hmm. By the time I found her, she had already taken poison and died. Yan Yue said with a distressed face.

"Does it take poison?"

Bubble and ghost dream looked at each other, and the two smiled strangely. Then, Paopao just stretched out, "Sure enough, after dinner, you still need to work."

Gemon nodded, "After eating so much, I really have to go to the activity."

Yan Yue couldn't understand what these two people were saying at all. She could only stand aside stupidly and look at the two people in front of her.

"Wait a minute, I'll call Qiqi."

After the bubble threw down the words, he went in.

After Yanyue looked at Paopao's back leaving, she looked at the ghost dream, "Do you know her?"

Gemon nodded, "I know, she is also my boss."

"Big?" Yan Yue was a little stunned, "But isn't she the owner of Qingfeng Building? Are you..."

Ghost Meng only gave her a smile, but did not answer.

The group left the drunken world at night and whispered that they were already tired to rest because they came all the way.

According to Paopao's instructions, Yanyue took them to the place where the corpse was parked in the palace, and the body of the female official who gave tea to Nangong Bingyu was also placed here.

Because the matter was serious and something happened in the mother's study, Yanyue also deliberately put her body aside.

Everyone took a look at the female corpse parked on the table. The ghost dream came forward and looked at it carefully and found that her lips were purple and black, and her face was blue, which looked like she was really poisoned to death.

At this time, Gui Meng suddenly found that her lower jaw seemed to have some strangulation marks.

Quickly put on the cloth gloves prepared with you, carefully swing the woman's face to the right, and then to the left.

"Bubble, you should also prepare knives." The ghost dream said with a heavy voice.

Without saying a word, Paopao pulled out dozens of knives from his arms. Those knives were as small as a willow knife, but as big as a dagger. If Yanyue hadn't been watching, I wouldn't have known where she came from. Looking at the bubbles getting so many sharp weapons out, Yanyue was shocked.

Except for the guards with knives, no one in the palace is allowed to bring sharp weapons into and out of the palace to ensure the king's safety.

So, Yan Yue hurriedly brought them into the palace without checking whether they had sharp weapons. She never thought that there were so many knives in her big red clothes in her weak body.

The knife is actually not terrible. The terrible thing is that the knife is in the hands of a person who is happy and angry, and this person's martial arts is still in the top ten people in the world. Who can not be afraid?

Seeing that Bubble took out these tools, Yan Yue quickly asked, "What are you going to do?"

Bubble didn't have time to talk to her. He was picking out a knife to use and said without raising his head, "If you ask him, he will tell you."

He naturally refers to a ghost dream.

Yan Yue can only turn her eyes to the ghost dream, "Can you explain it to me?"

"Your Highness, you see."

Gemon pointed to the strangulation marks on the neck of the woman's corpse and whispered, "If it is a person who is willing to die of poison, there will be no strangulation marks on his neck. Who died so painfully?"

Yan Yue was shocked, and the smart woman immediately understood what he was saying, "What do you mean, she is innocent?"

"Not necessarily. I think as long as we dissect this body, I think we can know the truth we need to know. The ghost dream said lightly.

Yan Yue was shocked when she heard the words, "What?! Anatomy of a corpse?!"

She has only heard of an autopsy before, and she has also heard that someone will actually cut the body! But what's the situation in front of you now? I just heard Zheng Chang mean, is he going to dissect the body himself?

Oh, my God! You won't let her play it live, will you?

Thinking of the bloody scene, Yanyue tried to swallow a mouthful of water, and then hesitated: "That..."

Bubble came over with a long dagger, "Your Highness, could you please send someone to guard outside the door? We need a quiet space that can't disturb our work. When we finish our work, we will naturally leave by ourselves.

"Good! OK! I'll arrange it right away."

Yanyue felt very relaxed. He quickly responded and turned around and left. The speed of going out was much faster than when he just came in. As long as you don't let her see the bloody scene, everything is fine! This thought made her covered with chicken skin. She would rather kill people with a knife, and she would never want to see people's stomachs were cut open! It's disgusting to think about it!

Looking at Yanyue's back as if she had fled, she raised the dagger in her hand. "It seems that your Highness's courage is not as big as imagined!"

Su Qi glanced at her and said, "Do you think monsters like us? If it hadn't been for the thread starter's previous extreme training for us, how could he be so indifferent as now?

Gemon nodded in favor, "I really admire you, but you are not afraid of the dead."

Bubble sprayed him angrily, "What's there to be afraid of the dead? Living people are really terrible!"

Gemon smiled and then said, "Okay, Master Qi, help me prepare candles. Be careful not to let the light of the room dim, which will cause trouble for our autopsy."


"Bubble, let's do it."


Three people carried out their autopsy activities in full swing in the room.

The sky slowly lit up.

In the morning, the gloomy sky actually drizzled.

Bubble, Ghost Dream and Qiqi finally opened the door of the closed room and came out together.

Bubble is the most unhappy. What she likes most is the rainy day. As soon as she saw this weather, she immediately scolded, "What the hell is this weather!"

Su Qi looked at her feebly and said, "God is going to rain, which is also in your way?"

Bubble stared at him and asked strangely, "Do you have a problem with me?"


Su Qi yawned, "I won't talk to you anymore. I'm really sleepy. I'll work here with you all night. I'm going back to make up for sleep! What's the matter? Let's talk about it when we wake up!"

"I agree with this." Bubbles are on the side.

Gemon also looked haggard, "Let's go back to bed. After waking up, you can come to the palace to find me, and then we will go to Nangong Bingyu and talk to her about the corpsesection."


The three soldiers left the morgue in two ways.



In the evening, Nangong Bingyu woke up. During her sleepy time, she had no idea that they took advantage of the dark night to dissect the bodies of the dead female officials.

When she opened her eyes, she looked at the people around her. Qiu Yang's beautiful sleeping face appeared in front of her, with thick eyebrows and long eyelashes closing her eyes. Looking at him gently squeezed his mouth, his hand was still close to her belly, but she didn't know when his hand became tightly held. Her hand, this is the first time she has been so close to him.

In the past, at night, Qiu Yang always found all kinds of excuses to leave her, and during the day, he would come to see her early in the morning and prepare delicious food for her.

Time flies. In a blink of an eye, she and Qiu Yang have been married for more than three months.

In the past three months, Qiu Yang has brought her meticulous care.

Looking at him lying quietly beside himself, a sense of satisfaction rose from his heart.

Although I am sad about the loss of my child, I can also see it. Grandpa is right. What should have been let go long ago, instead of clinging to the past is not a rational idea.

Although her child's departure deprived her of her qualification as a mother, it opened the door to how to do well as Qiu Yang's wife.

Yes, she wants to do a good job in Qiu Yang's wife's position.

After sleeping for a day, she felt that her waist was very sore. Nangong Bingyu twisted her body, but her slight movement woke up Qiu Yang, who was staying beside her. "Yuer, are you not feeling well?"

Qiu Yang's voice, which just woke up, was low, dumb and indescribably sexy.

Nangong Bingyu didn't know what was going on, and the word 'sexy' suddenly collapsed in her mind.

I could only look at Qiu Yang in a stunned way. At this time, I saw Qiu Yang's slightly open red lips and remembered that Qiu Yang took the initiative to kiss her when he was thirsty this morning.

Well, it's not a kiss, it's just feeding her water!

Qiu Yang saw that her cheeks were slightly red and looked at him stupidly, but the soul was wandering, and he reached out and touched her face worriedly. "What's wrong with you? Why doesn't it look right?"

"Don't move!"

Nangong Bingyu suddenly said.

Qiu Yang could only stop his behavior and look at her puzzledly.

"Do you have a stomachache?"


"Is that hungry?"

"This is not the main problem."

"What is that?"

"I want to kiss you!"

After saying that, Nangong Bingyu held his face and took the initiative to offer her red lips.

Qiu Yang was scared by her behavior and let Nangong Bingyu kiss him.

Two people are in the room and communicating.

Unfortunately, the good times are not long. It's only a few seconds. Nangong Bingyu hasn't tasted yet, and the door of this door was immediately kicked open.

"Little Yuer! You're not dead!"

The unique loud voice of the bubble immediately sounded.

Nangong Bingyu seemed to be caught and raped in bed, and immediately pushed Qiu Yang away. Because of her extreme action, she accidentally pulled her stomach, which made her take a breath in pain!

Qiu Yang didn't have time to say the reason why Nangong Bingyu suddenly pushed him away. Seeing that she frowned in pain and inhaled, he quickly climbed out of bed, "Yuer! Did you get hurt? Do you want me to call the doctor here?

"No, just let me take a break."

Nangong Bingyu gritted his teeth and said that it would hurt so much that it was all caused by the person who came here. His eyes were cold and he stared at the people who came in outside the door.

As soon as they saw Paopao in big red clothes, they swayed in front of her, and then Su Qi and Qiu, who followed her in, chanted softly.

Nangong Bingyu is full of fire. It seems that she spoils bubbles too much. Unexpectedly, she dares to kick the door where she sleeps!

"Bubble, I just had a miscarriage, and you were wearing big red clothes and shaking in front of my eyes. Don't you think it's too much?"

Bubble's expression stagnated, and then said with a smile, "Will it be too much? What should I do? My favorite thing in my life is the big red clothes. For bright red things, that's my only love! No matter who it is, there is no way to change it. Why don't I change my red clothes for you?

Seeing that the bubble was about to come forward to touch her, Nangong Bingyu quickly refused, "Stop! You like big red, but I don't like it. I like plain colors. Why did you go to the palace?

"Of course, I entered the palace because of you. If something hadn't happened to you, I wouldn't have bothered to enter the palace. There's nothing good."

Su Qi shook his head and interrupted, "Bubble, you don't know anything. There are many valuable things in this palace. Take a few treasures out here, and it's worth going to the mausoleum a few times."

Bubble's big foot stretched out to Su Qi, "Go! Go! Go! What else do you see besides money?

Su Qi flashed aside, "Yes, except for money in my eyes, what about you? Aren't you too? Aren't the rules of Qingfeng Building clear? If you have money, you can do anything. If you don't have money, you can stay cool!"

"Ah! How dare you say back?" Bubble crossed his waist and said strangely.

Qiu Yang couldn't stand it anymore. He poured a glass of water for Nangong Bingyu and shouted in a low voice, "Are you here to quarrel in front of Yuer?"

In a word, the voice was not big or small, but the bubble and Qiqi finally stopped fighting and scolding.

Qiu Geng forward and held Nangong Bingyu's hand and asked with concern, "Sister-in-law, are you all right? If there is any discomfort in the body, you must say it if it hurts.

"It's okay, but my stomach still hurts a little. The doctor said that after resting for seven or eight days, you can go to the ground and walk, but you still need to pay attention to recuperation. Nangong Bingyu patted his hand back and comforted him.

"That sister-in-law should get better quickly. After going back to the villa, I will cook delicious food for my sister-in-law."


Paopao looked at Qiu Yang, who looked gloomy and didn't look well, and didn't care about him. He just said faintly, "Last night, we went to the body of the female official who was poisoned."

As soon as this was said, Nangong Bingyu's eyes immediately turned to her body and asked seriously, "What's the result?"

"As a result, it was found that she did not voluntarily take poison, but killed him!"

"He killed?"

"Yes, he killed!"

The person who responded to her doubts was a man in cloth who came in from outside the door, wearing the official uniform of the imperial hospital and wearing a silver mask on his face.

When Nangong Bingyu saw him, she could only look at the ghost dream with her eyes open, but she couldn't say a word.

"What's wrong? Wouldn't you be scared to see me?" The ghost dream smiled at her, and his eyes were clear. He no longer hated her as before, but became frank.

What's going on? Why did she wake up as if everything around her had changed?