shang qing tian xia

Chapter 20 First Seven [2]

◆◆◆◆ben◆◆shu◆◆zong◆ horizontal◆◆zhong◆wen◆◆wang◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆


PS: Today is the last day of the big picture promotion on Long Niu's homepage, so I will add an additional chapter. Thank you for your collection and subscription support.


Bitian's residence is in Fang Pawn Palace.

The palace is the residence of the female officials in the palace. Although it is large, each room is divided into the female officials of which palace.

There are not many female officials here, only a few hundred, but they are the masters of five people in charge of a palace.

It can be imagined that if the male concubines have no status in the harem, there are no female officials around them, how low their status is, and even more, although they have never seen Her Majesty the Queen since entering the palace, they have been imprisoned in a small courtyard here for life. The people they can face every day are not Many, more like being broken, can no longer fly in the sky, but can only look at the blue sky from afar.

Nangong Bingyu and his party came to the palace.

The Fangshi Palace is a bit like a quadrangle courtyard in Beijing. However, this palace is composed of many quadrangle courtyards. Under the lead of ghost dreams, the group finally found the place where Bi Tiansheng lived.

In front of the door of the courtyard, there were several attendants guarding there. As soon as they saw the ghost dream, they quickly saluted, "See Lord Zheng!"

"He Shiwei, don't be polite! This is the owner of the Nangong family. Can we go in and see the house of the Bitian female official?

The man known as He's guard stood in front of Nangong Bingyu and arched his hand and said, "Yes, His Royal Highness Yanyue has already ordered that all the people around the Nangong family must do their best to cooperate with the Nangong family and obey the instructions of the Nangong owner."

"Then I'm sorry to bother the guard."

"The owner of Nangong is too polite. Come in with me."

Nangong Bingyu smiled, and General He led the way.

As he walked, he said, "This courtyard is the residence of Lord Bitian. Although Lord Bitian is a female official beside Her Majesty, she is also the most trusted lady by Her Majesty. For this reason, more often, when the Queen wants someone to serve, what Lord Bitian said in front of Her Majesty is absolutely important, which can directly get the holy favor, which leads to the male concubines in the harem to please Lord Bitian one after another.

Paopao looked around curiously, "This courtyard is quite large. It can accommodate at least 20 female officials. Why is she the only one living?"

He Shiwei smiled and said, "You don't know anything about this girl. The position of a female official in the palace of Lord Bitian is equivalent to that of the prime minister in the court. You should understand this metaphor."

Bubble was shocked, "So, the official title of Bitian is not small."


Nangong Bingyu suddenly asked, "He Shiwei, which room does Bitian usually stay in?"

"That's the room."

He Shiwei pointed to the house in the center, walked forward, walked to the gate, tore off the yellow paper attached to the gate, and explained, "Since Lord Bitian died that day, everything here has been sealed, and no one has entered."

Gemon nodded, "Have you been here all the time?"

"Yes, His Royal Highness Yanyue has ordered that no one is allowed to approach here, so the female officials living nearby have also been notified to move to other palaces for a while. After the matter of Lord Bitian is over, they will be allowed to move back."

The door was pushed open.

The dust came head-on, and everyone covered their mouths and coughed. After a while, it took a while to get used to it.

Nangong Bingyu first raised her feet and walked in. After entering, she found that the decorations here were not as luxurious and beautiful as imagined, but more simple.

Yes, it's rare and simple.

I walked to the makeup table, which was covered with dust.

Nangong Bingyu reached out and opened one of the wooden boxes on the table, in which there were several ornaments lying quietly. Relying on her own eyes, she recognized that this was not a very valuable jewelry.

Nangong Bingyu continued to open the remaining boxes on the desktop, but still did not find more expensive items.

turned around and looked back at the crowd. Bubble was looking at the clothes there in front of the wardrobe. Although it was luxurious, it was not that dazzling and eye-catching style. Su Qi stood in front of a portrait, looked carefully and frowned gently.

Nangong Bingyu came behind Su Qi, "Seven Shao, what did you find?"

"Why do you think this Bitian doesn't look like a greedy female official?"

After hearing Su Qi's words, He Shiwei, who had led them in, changed his face, and then roared angrily, "Please don't stain Lord Bitian's reputation! Lord Bitian never receives anything from male concubines!"

The sudden anger shocked the whole room.

Nangong Bingyu was smooth and immediately noticed that something was different and quickly came to He Shiwei, "He Shiwei, my friend's words are just unintentional. Because when Lord Bitian died, there was a night light shake on her head. After my friend's investigation, the luminous step shake is a common thing owned by the male concubines in the harem and will appear on the temples of Lord Bitian. It is also very normal for my friend to have doubts. He has no malice against Lord Bitian.

He Shiwei's face looked a little better. He looked at Su Qi with apologetically and lowered his head, "Son, I'm sorry! I'm too reckless. If there is a place to crash into you, please forgive me for the robbery.

"It's okay. Listening to the tone of your voice just now, do you know Bitian very well before his life?"

Su Qi raised his own questions suspiciously.

He Shiwei's face was sad, "Yes, Lord Bitian, it's my sweetheart. Therefore, I am very sad and sad about her death, but I won't believe that she will poison you, the owner of the Nangong family. Because Lord Bitian never betrays his principles because of doing something against her conscience, let alone because of the gifts received by others. Other female officials may do this, but I absolutely don't believe that Lord Bitian will do such a thing. What I believe more is that she was killed!"

Bubble didn't understand. She came over from the wardrobe and pointed to the beautiful woman on the scroll on the wall, "But I heard that she likes women and doesn't like men. How can she be your favorite?"

This question is also the question in Nangong Bingyu's heart. If it is Bitian's sweetheart, how can he like women? Isn't it bisexual? That's too bloody!

He Shiwei smiled bitterly, "You think too highly of this girl. You are just a small bodyguard. Lord Bitian is your sweetheart, but you are not Lord Bitian's sweetheart. Lord Bitian's sweetheart is someone else.

"Oh? Who is that?

Bubble asked.

"Your Highness the hot moon today."

In this answer, Nangong Bingyu was almost knocked down by thunder. I never thought it would be such an answer. This news is so exciting that I can't stand it. She tried her best to sort out her thoughts, "Since Lord Bitian doesn't accept gifts, what's wrong with the nightlight shake found in her?"

He Shiwei was surprised, "This is not clear, but I absolutely believe that Lord Bitian is innocent."

Nangong Bingyu didn't want to be interrupted by his tracking information, and the spirit dissipated, "by the way, Lord Bitian didn't accept gifts, how many male concubines in the harem have been offended?"

He Shiwei thought carefully, "There are several of them. There are four big concubines, and there are not dozens of small concubines, and there are also more than ten.

"Did Bitian offend any male concubine some time ago?"

"Let me think about it, there seems to be such a male concubine." He Shiwei frowned gently and recalled carefully.

Nangong Bingyu did not look at him again, but turned his head and looked at the woman on the wall.

The woman on the scroll has beautiful facial features, a pair of apricot eyes, bright like a mirror, which makes people feel quite comfortable.

What Nangong Bingyu noticed was that she was on the scroll. Whether it was on her hair, ears, neck, or wrist, there were no particularly valuable ornaments. They were all ordinary.

I just saw the box on her dressing table, and there is really nothing suspicious about it. Was Bitian framed? Or, after the murder, the real murderer was bumped into by Bitian, and then the murderer killed Bitian and made the scene where Bitian committed suicide?

If Bitian meets a martial arts master, then all this may happen, but now she can't touch the existence of that hand.

"I remember!" He Shiwei shouted, "That's Yingfei! His name is Qin Ying. He is not in the middle of the male concubines in the harem, but he is a narrow-bellied man. Every day, he thinks of stepping on others on the throne, and often comes to Lord Bitian and give it to Lord Bitian. However, Lord Bitian always asks him to send all those gifts back and asks him to tell the British concubine: Your Majesty Which concubine you like is the freedom of Her Majesty. She is just a small female official, only responsible for the life of Her Majesty. It is her duty to serve Her Majesty as hard as she can. Everything else has nothing to do with her.

Nang Gong Bingyu looked at his eyes, "Being so straightforwardly rejected, Yingfei will definitely feel that she can't put her face down, right?" What did Princess Ying say?

"He said that if he flies to the branches one day, the first person to be removed is the blue sky!"

Nangong Bingyu half squinted and looked thoughtful, "On the night of the death of the blue sky, who is the happiest?"

"According to some female officials, the British concubine drank in her palace that day to celebrate." When He Shiwei said this, a murder flashed in his eyes, and his big hand couldn't help clenching his fist tightly, as if he was full of anger.

Nangong Bingyu put all his emotions into his eyes, "What kind of clothes does Lord Bitian like to wear?"

"official service."

"Is there anything else in the wardrobe?"


"Okay, find it all for me. He Shiwei, I'll invite you to watch a scene tonight. Nangong Bingyu said with a mysterious smile.