shang qing tian xia

Chapter 22 The Accidental Man [1]

"Oh, my God! Is that Lord Bitian?"

At this time, all people don't believe in ghosts, but the figure on the roof is actually far and close in the air, which makes people feel unusually real.

And because the clothes are too long, they can't see the feet of the blue sky at all, which makes people feel like the soul of the blue sky.

"I... came back... I... I... want to take you... with me... go down... in front of... Lord Hell... debate... who is... who is wrong!"

The voice was intermittent, and some timid male concubines had sat on the snow, trembling all over, and even fainted!

Nangong Bingyu looked at the male concubines who fainted and felt speechless. Oh, my God! These men are too timid to believe that it is really the soul of the blue sky?

However, Nangong Bingyu found that there was a trace of panic in the heroic man's eyes, but he did not show much. He still stood there calmly without making any expression.

On the contrary, the first weak man on the left, that is, the handsome man with a thin waist, trembled, and his feet trembled, and the next second he held the female official beside him, as if he had been scared.

"You..., you..."

"Princess Ying, how have you been recently? I heard that I died, and you are the happiest.

"No... nothing." The delicate handsome man screamed in horror.

Only then did Nangong Bingyu know that this was the legendary imperial concubine.

Seeing this, Nangong Bingyu really has some doubts. How can she be a murderer with such courage?

The next moment, the heroic man walked towards Her Majesty, his voice was not high or low, and he was very pleasant, "Your Majesty, I beg you to take down this soul!"

Her Majesty has been confused by the sudden scene. She can only foolishly look at the 'blue sky' flying in mid-air and didn't hear the man's report at all.

The heroic man suddenly jumped to the 'blue sky' in the air and made people have no time to react. He was really a master! Such a deep and unreclusiveness really makes people have to doubt his plan!

Can his sudden attack really be successful?

Of course not. As early as the planning, Nangong Bingyu instructed them that they had to delay!

Give everyone a form of ghosts appearing in front of everyone to scare them. Bubble and Ghost Dream assisted Su Qi, who pretended to be a 'blue sky', while Qiu Yang protected her safety.

The heroic man suddenly took action. No matter how fast a person's movement is, it is definitely faster than the silver needle issued secretly.

The silver needles in the hand of the ghost dream have been sent out as quickly as possible and accurately shot on the heroic man. In the night, what everyone can see is that the male concubine, who had already flown up to scratch the ghost, suddenly fell to the ground inexplicably.

With a disdain smile on the face of 'bi tian' in mid-air, he said coldly, "Do you think you can do it right with ghosts?"

The man who fell to the ground was itchy with hatred, "Don't talk nonsense! You died a long time ago! There are no ghosts in the world. If you take a break to fool the Queen, if you shock the Queen, can you bear this charge?

"I'm already dead? How did you know I was dead?


"What? Or did Concubine Ming see my death? Su Qi chased after him.


Mingfei stroked her arm, where three long silver needles were inserted, which was heartbreaking! He is a martial arts practicer and knows better than anyone else that his inner breathing pulse was actually sealed by these three inconspicuous silver needles, otherwise he would not have fallen from the air so awkwardly. Although there was a thick layer of snow on the ground, he fell down like this in the cold weather, and there was still a hot pain in the place where he fell. .

At this time, he can't use martial arts!

What abominable!

At this time, Nangong Bingyu, who had been lower beside him, sounded in a cold voice, "Catch him!"

Bubble, Ghost Dream and Qiu Yang attacked at the same time and grabbed the Mingfei on the ground with lightning speed.

Nang Gong Bingyu stretched out her hand and took off the filial hat on her head, and the male concubines saw her true face clearly.

Standing in front of them is the most beautiful woman in the world - Nangong Bingyu!

is also the richest man in the Dajing Dynasty and the head of the Nangong family! The imperial concubine of the last emperor in the Dajing Dynasty was rumored that after her death, the emperor deliberately built a mausoleum and received the holy favor. That's definitely ancient times to the present. She is the only one!

The white clothes make Nangong Bingyu's body look more delicate.

The wind blew and blew up her long skirt, making people feel like a flower standing in the snow.

Although Mingfei was held by bubbles and couldn't move, she smiled when she saw Nangong Bingyu, "Sure enough, you are worthy of Nangong Bingyu, the richest man in the world!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

"But you are too treacherous to use ghosts!"

Nangong Bingyu smiled brightly, like plum blossoms blooming on a snowy day, "Do you know the first thing to be a successful businessman?"

Everyone was stunned when they suddenly asked such an unmatched topic.

Nangong Bingyu asked herself, "No adultery, no business!"

Bubble asked with interest, "Then what is adultery?"

"There is only one ultimate purpose of business, that is, to make profits. So the process of business is not what we businessmen pay attention to, and the final result of a single business is profit or loss, which is what merchants are most focused on. Of course, the process also needs to be conceived by businessmen, because once it fails, it is a loss. And I have been in business for so many years, and I only pursue whether the ending can benefit my Nangong family the most! This should be in line with the second article of successful businessmen.

"What's the second one?" Paopao is very interested and knows Nangong Bingyu. It's the first time she has heard what she said.

"No matter how complicated and simple the solution is, but the final result is good, so no matter what method is used, as long as the problem can be solved, it is the best."

Bubble smiled brightly, "Oh, do you mean, if I want to know the messenger behind the scenes, how can I torture him?"


Nangong Bingyu raised her eyebrows and nodded.

The blood on Mingfei's face was lost and turned pale.

At this moment, a man came out of a corner, looked at Nangong Bingyu, and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, Bingyu."

Looking at a man in big red clothes as much as bubbles coming out of the dark, his smiling handsome face is staring at Nangong Bingyu.


"Cheng Ye?!"