shang qing tian xia

Chapter 31 The Blizzard is Coming

◆◆◆◆ben◆◆shu◆◆zong◆ horizontal◆◆zhong◆wen◆◆wang◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆



"Brother Buyi, do you really think of Xiaoyin?" Qiu Qingyin's tears slipped down in an instant, "I thought Brother Buyi would never remember me, because when I first saw you, Xiaoyin had already recognized you, but you didn't recognize Xiaoyin. Xiaoyin has never dared to recognize you."

Gemon looked at her with great joy, "So it's really you! I thought..."

"Why do you think?"

"Nothing. You are the eldest lady of Qingmyo Villa, but why did you live on the street begging at that time? If it hadn't been for the trip with my master, the consequences would have been really unimaginable!"

"What happened at that time was hard to say. It's all over. As long as Brother Buyi remembers Xiaoyin, nothing will be fine. Qiu choked softly.

Gimeng reached out and patted her gently on the shoulder and comforted her, "Xiaoyin, don't cry. You are not suitable to be too excited. If you believe me, I will take care of your illness for you. Although there is no guarantee that your palpitations can be removed, it is still possible to reduce the number of attacks.

"Hmm! I believe in you!"

The relationship between the two people is very harmonious and warm.

Qiu Yang, who was riding a horse outside, didn't know that Gui Meng turned out to be the benefactor who saved his sister. If he knew, I don't know if he would regret what the ghost dream said to save Nangong Bingyu?

But think about it, Qiu Yang should not regret it. Qiu Yang knows very well what he wants.

Qiu Yang sat on the horse and looked at the situation on the road all the way. They walked to a dead valley. There was only a path leading to the snowy mountains, and horses and cars could not go up.

Qiu Yang had to stretch out his hand, command the army, and raise his hand, "Stop!"

After getting off the horse, he walked to the carriage where Nangong Bingyu was. "Yuer, come out."

Nangong Bingyu lifted the curtain and looked out, "What's the matter, husband?"

"There is no way to go ahead. There is only one path that can go up the snowy mountains, and horses and carriages can't go up the mountain at all." Qiu Yang said truthfully.

Nangong Bingyu jumped off the carriage, looked up at the path in front of him, and thought, "From now on, kill the horse and then roast the horse meat. How long will it take for everything to be ready?"

"At least two hours."

"Is it noon now?"


"Then let's camp here first. Let's kill a horse first and let everyone fill their stomachs first.


Qiu Yang quickly arranged the manpower, and Paopao came up after he got off the horse and said, "Xiao Yuer, don't you want to spend the night here tonight?"

"Why not? Is it possible that you really want to go to the snowy mountains in the dark? In case of a snowstorm, all of us will die.

Bubble pointed to the sky funnyly, "Look, look at the black clouds over there."

Ghost dream also came down from the carriage. "The storm is almost coming. It will arrive in an hour at most.

Nangong Bingyu nodded to show that she knew.

Look around. Fortunately, there are green pines around here, with a smile on his face. "Bubbles have given you a task. Go and get a wooden house out. The house must be leaning against the rock."

"The wooden house can't withstand the destruction of the blizzard!" Ghost Dream disapproves.

"Bubble, just do it."

"Good! I'll prepare it."

Snow mountains, a blizzard is coming.

The snow here is very deep. Although it is only at the foot of the mountain, the snow is still very deep, and it is very difficult for everyone to move.

Look at the roots of the branches made by Bubbles are almost big, and Su Qi is also helping her.

Gemon looked at them doing some useless work and couldn't help but say anxiously, "The blizzard is coming soon."

The environment of this snow mountain is not understood by everyone. Only the ghost dream and Nangong Bingyu who have come to this place are clear. Nangong Bingyu asked lightly, "Can you get to the rock area before that?"

The ghost dream pondered: "I'm afraid it's too late."

Bubble's heart suddenly sank and became nervous: "What should I do? In this snow forest, there are bare trees everywhere, and there is no place to cover the wind and snow. We will freeze to death, not to mention whether the horse can be preserved!"

Nangong Bingyu looked up and stared at the dark clouds dripping quickly from the sky. Before the wind and snow, the gloomy was conceived in the clouds. At this moment, there is no wind.

"Bubble, ignite."

"Alas, what's the ignition at this time? When the blizzard comes, no fire is useful.

Nangong Bingyu said calmly, "ignite and boil water." A leisurely smile appeared on his plain face facing the sky.

What else did the bubble want to say? As soon as she saw the smile on her lips, she couldn't help swallowing the words back from her throat and replied, "Okay, light the fire and boil water."

Take out the fire, and the dry branches in the forest burst into flames. On the windless snow, the firewood cracked in the fire.

"Su Qi, hurry up and get some branches at the foot of the mountain to build a three-room wooden house first. Before building a house, get rid of all the snow and see the ground, okay?


After the house was built, time was running out, and black clouds swam quickly overhead, as if they were eager to find an outlet to vent.

In the wooden house built with dead trees at the foot of the mountain, Nangong Bingyu quickly asked people to find many dead leaves and spread their hands and feet on the wooden shed.

The wooden house is not high, and you can bend over to enter.

Everyone followed Nangong Bingyu in the same way. At this moment, they were all busy helping. Although the ghost dream was anxious, they still helped. While playing with those dead leaves, they said anxiously, "What's the use of this wind falling as soon as it blows?"

After scattering enough of the dead leaves, Nangong Bingyu returned to the carriage, opened one of the bags, took out three pieces of cloth, and let people spread it on the wooden shed.

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing?" Qiu was completely puzzled.

Nangong Bingyu didn't have time to answer her question. Instead, she turned to Paopao and said, "Go, bring the water and pour it up."

"But the water hasn't boiled yet." Bubble was stunned.

Nangong Bingyu is angry and funny: "It's okay if the ice melts. Why do you want boiled water?"

Bubble looked at the shed and the melted ice water in the pot, and finally realized: "Oh! Oh!" The big eyes suddenly lit up: "Yes, I'll bring it here."

The melted water is cast on the shed, and the dead leaves filled in the shed absorb water. In an instant, the thin ice layer appears on the outermost layer of the shed.

"It really works!" Bubble was so happy that he clapped his hands.

"Don't be busy laughing. The water is far from enough. Hurry up and get more."

"Yes, I'll go now." Back and forth, the fire keeps melting ice.

Water is cast one pot at a time, and the ice on the three sheds is getting thicker and thicker.

Under the crystal clear thick ice, you can see strips of red cloth and semicircular roofs, like a beautiful small ice and snow house.

Qiu Yang held the pot and poured a pot of water on the roof: "Is that enough?" The water fell on the top of the shed and slid down in all directions. In the future, it had time to drip into the snow and had condensed into another layer of ice.

"This wind and snow is not small." Nangong Bingyu looked at the dark clouds surging above her head: "You have to pour more. Others quickly killed the horse, washed the horse, dragged it into the cabin, and then prepared a lot of firewood.

The work continues to be busy.

Half an hour passed, and there was a rumble in the sky...

was followed by a series of muffled thunder, from the depths of the dark clouds, as if they had finally reached the ground after a long distance.

A cool breeze floated across the dull snow.

Fortunately, everything is ready at this time.

Nangong Bingyu's face suddenly changed: "Everyone go in and roast horse meat in the room. Don't come out after eating. You didn't come out until the next day when I called you. The most important thing is that you can't sleep! Otherwise, if you sleep, you won't want to live anymore! Now hurry up and hide in."

Pulling Qiu and chanting, everyone quickly separated and quickly got into the small entrance reserved in advance.

Three rooms, where everyone nests. Although there are three rooms, the space is small enough to rely on tightly. Fortunately, it is still quite warm in the house.

"It's so warm inside." Although it was a little crowded, the bubble still sighed comfortably.

The soil under the snow absorbed the geothermal heat. We dug up the snow and put it next to the ground in the shed, so it will be warm.

The wind has risen.

Half of the short shed under the snow, with a roof as strong as ice bricks, should help them resist the wind and snow.

Qiu listened to the terrible movement from the shed in horror.

Compared with the outside, the world in the shed is particularly quiet.

The fire has risen, because the previous preparations have been completed.

Nangong Bingyu moved and said slowly, "Listen, everyone, no matter how long the blizzard outside, no matter how warm it is inside, we can't fall asleep. If the snow covers the gap in the entrance and we fall asleep again, we will die here.

Bubble is being drowsy by the warm environment. Hearing this, he was shocked and immediately fell asleep and said, "I know." With this, I couldn't help sighing. The hut was so quiet that Nangong Bingyu was close to her again. Of course, she would not be able to hear her sigh.

"What are you sighing about?" Nangong Bingyu asked.


The corners of Nangong Bingyu's mouth moved, "Don't think so much. We won't die in this place. Since we plan to come here, I've been ready early."

Bubble glanced at her and said, "Why are you so smart?"

Nangong Bingyu shook her hand and comforted her, "Go, thin the horse meat a little. Let's roast the horse meat."


At the instigation of Nangong Bingyu, everyone's atmosphere finally got better, and they talked and laughed about the roast horse meat.

It's just that the violent storm hit the solid roof with ice and snow, and there was a horrible sound.

The silence inside and the wind roaring outside are two completely different worlds.

Nangong Bingyu's eyes sparkled in the dark. "Let's talk about interesting things, otherwise everyone will definitely feel sleepy when they are full."

Yan Yue glanced at her and said, "Why don't you come first?"