shang qing tian xia

Chapter 62 mutiny-- Siege

Middle Palace

Bubble lurks here with Jing Qian. In these places as the middle palace, there are many people and houses. Paopao is not worried about being hungry, let alone having no place to sleep.

No matter where the palace is, there will be a so-called cold palace.

There are many empty houses in that place, which are frighteningly desolate and quiet, and the surroundings are quiet and there is no sound at all.

Although Jing Qian was young, she followed her without hesitation to dodge the inspection of the Royal Guard. Sometimes when you want to ask for news, Paopao goes directly to the maid's residence and listen to the maids' gossip from there. As long as you connect, you can get the information you want.

Although Paopao is eating the food stolen from the imperial chef at this time, the workmanship is very good and delicious, but the bubble is full of things.

Before she came, she still felt that the king here was a little innocent. Because of the cooperation between Bingyu and Prince Zheng Jie, the king had to leave the throne, and even the final result was to die.

However, when I came here, I listened to those who just accidentally broke the teacup and let Wang Shangling Chi be executed. The cruel technique made bubbles think this person is hateful. Such a person should go to hell.

Jing Qian was calm about the news she heard with her master from beginning to end. She could even be said to have no emotion at all. She was still as indifferent as before, as if she could only see her tears after her mother died.

However, her weakness at that time seemed to have been restrained by her heart. No matter where she looked, her eyes were like dead eyes. Note that it is not dull, but indifferently looking at those things like an outsider, as if it were nothing to do with the red light hanging high.

Paopao looked at Jing Qian, who was eating with a small mouth, "Little guy, why haven't you been talking these days?"

"There's nothing to say."


Bubble faces a few-year-old baby and doesn't know what to say for a moment. Jing Qian's indifferent nature will not change for a while. At least now she doesn't care much about the sadness and joy of outsiders.

Bubble absolutely believes that if someone is dying in front of Jing Qian, Jing Qian will definitely watch the person die in front of her coldly and will never save that person.

She is only a few years old, but has experienced many unfair treatment. Jing Xi's heart has long been distorted. In her eyes, she can only bear it silently. When she can't bear it, she will fight back, and her counterattack is very simple: either you die or I die.

This extreme behavior, Bubble doesn't know how to correct her concept.

After just talking to herself, Jing Qian leaned against the corner of the wall and closed her eyes to refresh herself. She didn't notice that her master was looking at her in a dilemma.


Bubble doesn't know what to say, because she is really not good at educating children.

stood up, walked to the door, jumped up and flew to the eaves. Lie on the eaves, look at the starry sky, and recall your past.

Time passed minute by minute, and the bubble still maintained that action.

Until a faint flute sound caught her attention and listened to the soft flute sound. It didn't mean that Jing Qian couldn't hear it.

Well, after a few breaths, Jing Xi's small figure stood in front of her, "Master, there is something abnormal."

"Hmm. I know." Bubble looked solemn, and she could not do anything at this time, because before coming here, she promised Nangong Bingyu that she would not act rashly, at least when Nangong Bingyu did not contact her, she could not expose her identity.

"Then shall we take action?" Jing Qian asked quietly.

"No, we can't do it until we receive the message."


Jing Qian stood beside her, facing the night wind, but her small body stood still.

Bubble knows what the existence of the brake girl is, which is no different from the existence of the king of hell.

However, Paopao grew up under the Qingfeng Taoist family and didn't believe in this damn thing. The eldest brother also said that the girl was born at the right time and did not really kill all people. Speaking of innocence, Jing Qian, who was born with a black star, is even more innocent.

I stayed in the middle palace for three days, and the news I heard was of no use.

The only thing I know is that the king is very suspicious and likes women, and has killed many maids and concubines.

I heard that the death of those maids and concubines was extremely horrible.

Bubble just heard that she didn't dare to really go to see those bodies. She didn't care, but if she let Jingxi go to see it, it was still not good.

This evening, an unusual atmosphere came from the palace.

Bubble stayed in the cold palace and did not go out. She asked Jing Qian to inquire about the news.

After a while, Jing Qian came back and went straight to the topic concisely, "The son-in-law was arrested."

Bubble was shocked, "Your son-in-law? Whose son-in-law?"

"Princess Jie's son-in-law."

"What?" Bubble was stunned, "How could this happen?"

"I heard that your wife is here."

"Ice Jade?" Hearing this, Paopao breathed a sigh of relief, "Are you sure?"

"Confirm." Jing Qian responded faintly.

Bubble was relieved. "As long as it is Bingyu, then she will definitely know these things. If the son-in-law is arrested, she will definitely calculate it, and there will be an order to act tomorrow at the latest. From now on, we need to refresh ourselves. I'm afraid there will be a big war next.

With her bright eyes, she probably knew the way Bingyu was going to go. Bingyu should be directly attacking the city.

There is no choice but to this road.

Because the five Miyagi are all connected, it is not suitable for a protracted battle, because Miyagi is too close to each other, so only a little bit of wind and grass will attract the attention of others. In this case, why not end the attack with lightning speed?

Sure enough, the next morning, Bubble heard the sound of bamboo leaves and told Jing Qian to wait for her in place, like a light swallow looking along the place that made the sound.

She guessed correctly that the person who came was Su Qi.

As soon as Su Qi saw her, he said seriously, "Bubble, prepare to act in half an hour!"


"Your goal is to threaten the king to write a summons and inherit the throne to Zheng Haiyang. As long as he writes it down, kill it!" Su Qi said with a blank face.

"I know." Paopao listened to her news and immediately turned back to find Jing Qian to do business. She wanted to take her with her.

Although I don't want to admit that I have pity for the little girl, I protect her everywhere in my actions, hoping that she won't be hurt for a while.

After Su Qi saw her leave, she also disappeared. The ghost dream went to inform Nangong Bingyu. Then, he should also go back to look at the Prince Zheng Jie, hoping that he would not do anything abnormal, otherwise he would not let go of that guy!



When Nangong Bingyu woke up, it was just raised by the first sun and sund on her body, with a warm feeling. Opening his eyes and imprinting them into his eyes, it was the first sun rising in the distance of the sea. The golden sunlight looked extremely dazzling.

Qiu Yang had already woken up and saw her open her eyes, "Are you awake?" His voice is a little hoarse and sounds more masculine.

Nangong Bingyu, lying on his lap, smiled evilly at him and said, "How do I feel that your voice is getting better and better?"

"Don't you listen to it every day?"

"I just think your voice is particularly charming today." After saying that, she couldn't help laughing first.

Qiu Yang stretched out his hand to lift the sea on her forehead. "It's time for us to take action today. I believe Su Qi will definitely bring the ice princess's party to Zhonggong Castle."

"I know that everything is going according to our plan. The sudden enemy, the king did not dare to act rashly, but gave us a chance to attack the city."

"Yuer, promise me one thing."


"If you are going to kill someone one day, don't do it. I don't want your hands to be stained with blood. You are always the purest wife in my heart. Qiu Yang whispered with his true feelings.

Nangong Bingyu put her hands around him and whispered in his ear, "No, I won't let my hands be stained with anyone's blood. I don't want your hand, just to kill for me. Your hand is going to hold me for the rest of my life. Qiu Yang, in fact, I'm really glad that I can find a man who loves me and can give everything for me in this era.

"Stupid girl, it's not early. It's time for us to go down the mountain."


On the way down the mountain, they met a ghost dream to find them. The three of them walked to Miyagi. After gathering with the ice princesses, there was not much time. Su Qi also came back and nodded to Nangong Bingyu, and Nangong Bingyu smiled knowingly.

Prince Zheng Jie looked at the map, "What should we do now?"

Nangong Bingyu was not in a hurry. Instead, he just let the soldiers of the prince and the ice princess go to guard all five gates and prohibit the generals of the four palaces from attacking the city.

"However, our military power is at the gate. What about the situation in the city?" Prince Zheng Jie asked a worried question.

The ocean also shook its head, "Miss, you arranged that our main force is all outside the city. Once the soldiers in the palace resist and attack us with the soldiers outside the city, we will be passive."

Nangong Bingyu smiled calmly, sat in the chair and said slowly, "I am responsible for the situation in the city, and you are responsible for the situation outside the city. Is there a problem?"

Zheng Jie looked at her meaningfully, but did not raise his doubts again. Unexpectedly, he nodded, "Okay."

The tasks they were responsible for were determined, and everyone dispersed.

When Zheng Jie left, the ocean also followed, "Dad, miss, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?"

Zheng Jie's face was solemn, "After all, she still noticed some signs. If she really trusts us, she will tell us all the plans, but now it seems that she doesn't trust us."

"Dad, what do you mean?"

"Nangong Bingyu has taken action." Zheng Jie said word by word.

The ocean is a little unbelief, "It's impossible. It's our territory here. How can we not know anything if she acts?"

"She is in charge of the city. What do you think will make her control? There is only one possibility, that is, she can control the king!" Zheng Jie roared.

"What!?" The ocean exclaimed.

"Well, time is running out. If Wang Shang is really under her control, then Wang Shang must be more or less auspicious! And if you want to ascend the throne, there will be no doubt. We have to quickly resist the attack outside the city, otherwise everything will be abandoned. Zheng Jie said affirmatively.

The ocean didn't dare to ask anything more. He could only act as he was ordered, but he was also suspicious. When did the young lady act? Why didn't he notice it at all? And there was no news from Master Hua. What's going on?