shang qing tian xia

Chapter 66 Return to the original position

Well, the girl was wrong. She couldn't update it on time today. I confessed to the punishment, and the girl added a chapter at night. =,=


After eating two balls, Nangong Bingyu suddenly felt a whirlwind, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell straight on **.

Qiu Yang was so shocked that he dropped all the bowls in his hand on the boat board, and the bowls fell into two halves. All the unfinished balls rolled on the ground, and the soup was sprinkled all over the boat board. He saw her spitting blood, and his heart felt like a man tearing his heart and lungs fiercely, and his breathing felt sad. What's going on? Why does Yuer spit blood?


"Yu'er! What's wrong with you?"

"Yu'er! Don't scare me! Yu'er!"

Qiu Yang picked up the ** Nangong Bingyu, and the corners of her mouth kept flowing bright blood. His tears flowed down without a premonition, and shouted in pain, "Yuer!!!!!"

Bubbles, ghost dreams and Su Qi in the next room heard an abnormal noise in the room, and then heard Qiu Yang's very painful shouts. They rushed in from the next room and saw the magnificent red, while Nangong Bingyu had bright red blood at the corners of her mouth and was unconscious.

Bubble's whole body seemed to have been poured from the head to his feet by a plate of cold water, and he couldn't say a word.

And Guimeng reacted quickly and quickly went forward to take the pulse for Nangong Bingyu. The appearance of Guimeng woke up Qiu Yang. Qiu Yang grabbed his hand and said, "Ghost Meng, you must save Yuer'er's life. If you want my life to save her, I will also give it!"

Su Qi came forward to stop Qiu Yang, "Brother Qiu, you must calm down and let the ghost dream see the situation of Bingyu first. Bingyu will definitely be auspicious and will be fine."

Gemon put Nangong Bingyuping on **, quickly checked her condition, and took out the silver needle from her arms without hesitation. The silver needle in her hand quickly inserted several acupuncture points on her head, and kept telling under her mouth, "Qi Shao, please go to my room and give me all the small box I brought with me. Bring it here."

"Good. Wait, come right away." After saying that, Su Qi ran away.

Ghost Meng's face was solemn, and Bubble also knew that Nangong Bingyu must have a reason, "Ghost Dream, what's wrong with Xiaoyuer?"


Poison? How can it be poisonous!" Bubble shook his head in disbelief and denied his words.

"It's poison, and it's a poison that makes you fall into a long-term sleep. To find this antidote, only those who poison it know the order of the drug, otherwise we can't crack it. Now I only hope that Bingyu didn't eat too many balls just now, otherwise I wouldn't do anything. Guimeng said word by word that Nangong Bingyu was poisoned, and his heart was more uncomfortable than anyone else. He had loved her deeply. She was now someone else's wife, but he still felt that he was too determined at that time to let her leave.

If he was not so impulsive at that time, would he stay and listen to her explanation, or would everything change?

Things have been moved, and the personnel have been changed.

"She didn't eat much. She only ate two." Qiu Yang answered quickly.

The bubble beside him narrowed his eyes slightly, "The poisoner? There are only a few of us on the ship. Who will poison Xiao Yuer?

At this time, the ghost dream saw the balls on the ground and reached out to touch the pink balls, "That's it, this is poison."

Qiu Yang trembled all over and couldn't believe it. "That was made by Master Hua, and he said that there was only one bowl."

Bubble heard the words and was furious, "What a guy who eats outside, I'm going to find him for the antidote!"

A gust of wind blew out. In Master Hua's room, he found that he had been out of breath for a long time. I'm afraid Qiu Yang took poison and committed suicide after leaving him. There was a piece of paper on the table. Lin Lin wrote that he was sorry for Nangong Bingyu, and said that this medicine would only make Nangong Bingyu unconscious all the time, but he did not Life will be in danger.

Bubble took this paper and quickly returned to Qiu Yang's room. Guimeng had taken the pills to Nangong Bingyu. Her condition was stable. Fortunately, there were not many balls she had just eaten, and they did not all go into her stomach. After a while, she only needed to spit them out by vomiting her throat and rested for a period of time, it should be No problem.

In the next time, everyone was worried about Nangong Bingyu's body. If something happened to her, the child in her belly would also leave together, which would be one corpse and two lives.

The boat docked, but Nangong Bingyu was still unconscious.

As for Master Hua's body, Paopao threw the body into the sea without mercy after discovering that he was dead. It is already benevolent that Paopao didn't share his body, so don't expect her to bury Master Hua's body.

Everyone rushed back to Jicheng, and then received Nangong Bingyu's father and Aunt Peiyu from Jicheng. The group stayed in Qingmian Villa.

As for the affairs of the world, they have no intention to take care of them, because if Nangong Bingyu is unconscious, everything will lose their control. Now I can only hope that she can wake up.

He worked hard to live up to the sky. That morning, Nangong Bingyu finally woke up. As soon as he saw a man holding his hand beside him, he immediately shook off his hand vigorously and shrank to the corner of the bed in fear. His eyes had lost their usual self-confidence, and some of fear and confusion.

Zhou Yang was awakened by her shaking his hand. As soon as he saw her wake up, he shrank in the corner of the bed, "Yuer..."

"Don't come here! Don't come here!" But she screamed in shock.

Under the dispute between the two, Qiu Yang finally gave in. He retreated the room and called everyone to discuss.

In the end, everyone went to see Nangong Bingyu and found that she didn't recognize anyone, only Peiyu. As soon as someone approached, he hid behind her. He was very afraid of life. His face was full of panic and fear.

Until the news reached Jingzhou City, the drizzle, Chu Tianxiao and Xiao Tiancheng went straight to Jicheng. Chu Tiancheng ignored these things. Although the country was important to him, the situation of Nangong Bingyu was even more important.

The drizzle took people to Jicheng, which was already a month later.

When the drizzle saw a young lady like a frightened bird, he was shocked, "How could this happen?"

Qiu Yang stood alone in the back mountain and looked at the clouds in the distance. Now he dares not see the current Nangong Bingyu. In his heart, she should not be like this.

He likes her confident smile, saying everything confidently, smiling gently to anyone, and when angry, he will reason with the other party and be aggressive.

The vibrant vitality renders all the people around her.

However, now she doesn't see anyone. She only stays in that room, quietly alone, and doesn't talk to anyone. Even all day long, she doesn't even go out of the door.

He wanted to see her, but he didn't dare to see her, because the ghost dream said that she could no longer be frightened, otherwise the child in her belly would not be able to keep it.

For the sake of the child, he dares not act rashly. He can only not go to see her. Bingyu, Bingyu, how did you become like this? Now you are not you...