shang qing tian xia

01 Returned hostess

Lying on **, she said to Aunt Peiyu, "Auntie, can you help me invite Ghost Dream?"

Pei Yu heard the words, "Are you true?"

"Hmm. I want to adjust my body. If my health is not good, even if I want to please my husband, I am still powerless, isn't it?" Although she is **, her soft voice makes people feel pity.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll find Ghost Dream." Peiyu was very happy. In the past, she let Nangong Bingyu make Guimeng control her pulse, and even scared her to hide everywhere. No one saw her.

Now that she wants ghost dreams to see her body, isn't this an improvement?

When Peiyu turned around and was about to walk out, Nangong Bingyu called her again, "Auntie, don't let anyone know when you dream."


"I want to surprise him." Nangong Bingyu lowered his eyelids and whispered.

"Okay, I know. Don't worry, my aunt will definitely help you." Pei Yu looked like she understood and frowned happily.

Unconsciously, Nangong Bingyu's body has also been adjusted, and a month has passed. During this period, Peiyu will come on time every day and send her tonics. The body of confinement has gradually recovered.

You can take a hot shower tonight.

Soaked in a bucket filled with hot water, Nangong Bingyu sighed, "It's so comfortable. It's just the girl on Liang, can you stop peeking at other people's bodies all the time?

A big red figure fell down from the beam, "Sure enough, you're back! Big brother didn't lie to me.

Paopao looked excitedly at Nangong Bingyu in the bathtub. God knew how much she missed her. Of course, it was just the missing feelings between friends.

"It seems that the soul brother also returned to the Qingfeng Tower safely?"

"Well, it's just that when he came back, he shocked the whole Qingfeng Tower. His clothes were too strange and difficult to accept." Bubble reached out and scratched the back of his head and leaned against the bucket to watch Nangong Bingyu take a shower.

The whole body was naked for people to watch. Nangong Bingyu did not panic at all, but slowly washed his body. "What's the situation in the world now?"

"October has changed a lot, because you had an accident and the prince did not launch a mutiny. Under the arrangement of the drizzle, the Nangong family's family business and property have been smoothly stabilized, and there is not much loss. Jingzhou, Jicheng's Qianzhuang and Silver Shop are still opening. And the summer resort in the Arctic country has also begun to open. For the specific situation, you may have to ask the drizzle and Yao Qianshu.

"What about the trend of the southern barbarians?"

"Zhang Zhuo suddenly killed the king of Lang, who was temporarily regent, and the Empress Dowager in the Great Yasushi also suddenly dreamed of death, but it was not that simple." Paopao said in a low voice with a calm face.

Nangong Bingyu sighed quietly, "You mean, Zhang Zhuo has taken control of the Great Yasukuni."

"You are so smart that you can't guess." Bubbles shrug their shoulders.

"What is the current situation in the world? Has Zhang Zhuo achieved the reinability of the hearts of the people in the world?

"No, but there are a lot of people. Because the locust disaster you mentioned appeared..." Bubble raised his eyebrows with a smile and joked.

Nangong Bingyu was slightly stunned, "You mean there has been a locust plague?"

"Yes, farmers now have no rice to eat, and taxes are heavy. But at this time, Zhang Zhuo actually had to send troops to fight in the sea country, and there was a lot of public resentment.

"Denary to the sea country?" Nangong Bingyu was a little confused, "Why are you so eager to fight in the sea?"

"I don't know."

"Is there any rumor about me during this period?"

"Yes, everyone says that you are crazy, and you have been crazy since you went to the sea country."

"Dizzy! How can there be such a rumor?" She was shocked that the rumor was not true.

Bubble laughed like a fox, "If I don't know the explanation, how can I say what you have done in the past ten months? By the way, how did you come back?"

Nangong Bingyu smiled bitterly, "I'm going to ask the soul brother. He brought me back."

Bubble was terr astonied, "You mean, Soul Brother, go and bring you back in person?"


"What about the real Nangong Bingyu?"

"I don't know..." She really didn't know this, and then thought, "It may be attached to the body of my era."

"That's better. Do you feel any discomfort now?" Bubble asked.

"No for the time being. It's just that you know a lot about my husband and wet nurse. Nangong Bingyu glanced at the bubble.

Bubble laughed exaggeratedly, "By the way, Xiao Yuer, I really want to see how you beat that foxen away. Your son drinks her milk every day now~

"That's not good, and I don't need to feed him."


"But she seduced Brother Qiu! I often undress in front of Brother Qiu! That pair of waves often shake in front of your husband.

"So what? There will only be children in his eyes, and others are nothing in his eyes."


Bubble stared at her, "Hey! What did you say as a matter of course? They took off their clothes and seduced your husband!"

"Did they go to bed?"

"South Palace Ice Jade! Can you stop talking so directly?!" The bubble is unsentiable.

Nangong Bingyu covered her mouth and smiled, shook her head, stood up, wiped the drops of water on her body, put on her clothes, and put on it on, "Bubble, help me call the drizzle and others to come over tomorrow. I want to see how many assets the Nangong family has now."

"This is no problem, but are you going to continue to hide it from Brother Qiu?"

"I'm not going to hide it. I'm going to find him now." Nangong Bingyu smiled and said, "Isn't this what you expect?"

When the bubble heard the words, she clapped her hands, "Okay! Now it's just right that the fox spirit is still feeding your son.

"Oh? So you mean that if I go there now, I may still see a scene? The play of charming my husband?" Nangong Bingyu spoke with a smile, combed her hair, and then coiled it up with a simple hairpin.

Bubble found a cloak for her, "Let's put it on. The temperature in the villa is still a little cold at night."

"Thank you, beautiful woman."

Bubble gave her a white look, "When did you become polite to me?" Let's go."

The two walked out of the quiet garden side by side. Nangong Bingyu looked at the scenery of the villa. The garden was full of harsh flowers, and the silver light of the moon shrouded the red flowers, which was even more charming.

Look at the flower, "This flower is blooming more and more brilliantly."

Bubble followed her line of sight, fell on the flower, and whispered, "Well, Brother Qiu makes this flower every day, looks at your son, and then does nothing."

"That's just a kind of sustenance."

Bubble shrugged his shoulders, "Well, it's really sad. In the past ten months, you are really inaccessible. No matter who is close to you, you ignore people and hide from everyone. In the end, I don't know what you've been stimulated. You actually want to commit suicide by cutting your pulse. If it hadn't been for the timely discovery of Pei Yuniang, she would have found the midwife to come over, and I didn't have known that you were going to be in labor.

Nangong Bingyu frowned gently, "There are some things that I can't explain. At that time, I came here without warning, and even went back when something happened. This time I came back because she was going to die, so did I come? Maybe this is what the soul brother said?"


Nangong Bingyu pondered for a while and suddenly said, "Bubble, I don't think I should procrastinate any more. You'd better get married with Qi Shao quickly. I'm afraid that something will happen to me next time, and I will leave again. At that time, I won't even be able to drink your wedding wine."

"Why should I marry?"

"Don't you like Qi Shao?"

"These are two different things."

"Don't you want me to attend your wedding?"

"Don't force me to do it, Xiao Yuer..." Bubble begged for mercy.

Nangong Bingyu saw her bitter face and did not force her, "Bubble, the breeze has left. She will not disappear forever. Her figure must still be in your heart and in your mind. As long as your heart never forgets her, it is love. Love does not have to have, but true love. Sometimes, let go of love is more unforgettable.

Bubble only smiles and doesn't say a word.

I walked to the big yard where Qiu Yang lived, and the yard was full of piercing.

There is still fire in the hall, which means that he hasn't rested yet.

At this time, the child's loud voice sounded and cried loudly.

Then a female voice came out of the room, "Oh, the young master cried. He must be hungry. I'll breastfeed him." Listening to the sound, it is full of charm. Speaking of which, the sound is quite coy.


Qiu Yang's deep and magnetic voice is responding.

Nangong Bingyu looked at the bubbles around him, "What are you still doing with me?"

Bubble frowned at her, "I want to see how Xiao Yuer caught the traitor!"

Nangong Bingyu is really speechless. Bubbles have always been afraid that the world will not be chaotic. There are lively places. Whether it is dangerous or not, she must come up.

Irrespecting the bubble's psychology of preparing to watch the play, she reached out and pushed open the hidden door.

The moment the door was opened, Qiu Yang looked up at the people outside the door. When he saw Nangong Bingyu, his whole body trembled and his eyes were full of astonishment.

But the bubble looked at the woman beside him with her breasts exposed with a joking smile.

Nangong Bingyu smiled, looked at the woman who was feeding her son, and said softly, "It's so cold now that the wet nurse has to be so undressed and fed. It seems that the wet nurse is really conscientious."

A few words are full of derogatory words.

The wet nurse had never seen Nangong Bingyu. Although she spoke softly, her tone had a contempt that could not be ignored. For a moment, she was ashamed and angry, and her eyes went straight to Nangong Bingyu.

However, she hid behind Qiu Yang and said weakly, "Lord, slave and maidservant..."

Seeing this, Nangong Bingyu smiled even more, "Nanny, don't you think your current behavior is very ridiculous? What do you mean by leaning on someone else's husband before you get dressed? Do you want the red apricot out of the wall?

"I...I didn't!" The wet nurse was ashamed and angry.

Nangong Bingyu retorted, "Don't you? You don't. Why don't you know how to avoid it when feeding the young master? What is it like to undress in front of other people's husbands? Do you think this place is a brothel?

"Wow... I didn't... Zhuangzhu..." The wet nurse was speechless when questioned, and finally cried in a low voice.

Qiu Yang has never paid attention to the attitude of the wet nurse behind him and didn't hear what she said. In his eyes, there was only Nangong Bingyu that just appeared!

Is she really her?

Is she really back?

Why, why does he have a very wronged feeling in his heart, and his eyes are getting more and more blurred?

"Yuer, is it really you?" Qiu Yang begged, but his voice was trembling and unbelievable.

Nangong Bingyu looked at him with tender eyes, "It's me, I'm back. Therefore, the women around you have to disappear."

Qiu Yang rushed up with an arrow and hugged her tightly, "You're really back! I think you are thinking so hard that I thought you would never come back..."

"I will come back, and I will definitely come back for you." Nangong Bingyu let him hold it. Seeing his haggard face and the beard on his chin, he may not have shaved for a long time. The hair is also a little messy, which is caused by decadence. Her heart hurts even more. Qiu Yang is the only concern of this era.

Her heart, from the moment he said he wanted to marry her, had fallen.

Bubble put his hands around his chest and looked at the dumb wet nurse. He came forward and took the child and sneered beside him, "The wet nurse, the woman held by the landlord is her wife. You seduced the landlord so blatantly in front of his wife. Do you think you still have the face to stay here?"


"Yes, my wife is weak in confinement, so she can't take care of the children, but you actually started the farmer's idea. Do you want your husband's family? If so, how about I inform your husband's house now?"

"No, no!" The wet nurse was scared. If this spreads, she will really be taken home by her husband's family. At that time, who else will look up to herself!

Bubble stared at her, "Since you don't want me to say it, why don't get out of here!"

The wet nurse staggered out and couldn't take care of her untidy clothes.

Bubble looked back at the two men and women who were still hugging each other, holding the children, covering up the door for them and no longer disturbing them.

After all, she hasn't seen each other for nearly a year. She knows the suffering of Brother Qiu.

And Bingyu did not intend to leave him like this, hoping that this pair of people would not suffer from such separation again.

Qi Yang held her in his arms, felt her body temperature, gently let go of her, looked at her thin face, reached out and stroked her face, and said sadly, "You have lost weight..."

"You are also haggard."