Young Knife God

Chapter 18 One move to decide the winner

Sister, what's going on with you? Have you been bullied by this bastard?" Seeing that Xiao Tie pressed his beautiful sister on his body just now, Hoover had a kind of hatred.

"Damn, son of a bitch, it's really shameless that he dares to eat my sister's tofu. Fuck, I'll have to marinate you later." Hoover picked up his sister who fell to the ground and glared at Xiao Tie.

Xiao Tie smiled and glanced at Linda again. The super wonderful feeling made him inexplicably excited.

He withdrew his hands and smiled shamelessly, "Hey, today's ordinary people, I'm really happy today, ha,"

But I hate it in my heart: Fuck you, stinky girl, next time I will meet you.

"Little pershit, what have you done to me? Why is my waist still so weak?" Thinking that Xiao Tie just clicked on his waist that he had no strength at all, so he ate tofu for nothing.

"Bad boy, if you hadn't cheated just now, I wouldn't have cheated you. Otherwise, we would have won't have a fight again and see who is more powerful?"

She suddenly rose. It was just now that he called Hoover's name that he distracted himself. Unexpectedly, he took advantage of him, and her face instantly turned red.

What means did this teenager use to make himself unable to vent his fighting spirit at all? Isn't it an evil magic skill? As she thought, she looked at Xiao Tie's body, but after looking back and forth, she didn't find anything special.

Is it weird? How could such a thing happen in the world!

Xiao Tie was so happy that she almost didn't understand it. This stupid woman didn't even understand it. It seemed that she was a chick. Who let her find trouble with herself? Hey, if Hoover hadn't been in the way, he would have wanted to vent.

"Brother Xiao, what are you doing? Oh, Miss Linda, what's wrong with you? The speaker is a bell. As soon as she appeared, the atmosphere at the scene tended to ease.

Originally, she came to save him, but she didn't expect that he actually defeated Linda, a knife emperor-level master. This was really a great record, but what she saw next embarrassed her.

Xiao Tie said oh and pretended to be calm and said, "It's okay. Oh, she just walked carelessly and twisted her waist. I helped her correct her muscles and bones. Ha, you came too in time." After listening to Xiao Tie's shameless discrimination, Linda's face suddenly turned red and white, white and red. She regretted asking about the stick. Now she understands it. At that time, he was extremely angry.

Of course, about the stick, Hoover told her,

"Goodbye, Miss Linda, it's not early. If you want to go to sleep, you have to go home to sleep. Don't rely on pulling here. I heard that there are often poisonous insects and monsters here at night. Ha, if you are unfortunately bitten, the devil's body will be destroyed. It's really a pity. It's a pity..." Xiao Tie exaggeratedly spit out his tongue. He shook his head and pretended to be a scholar.

"Bah, crow's mouth, I don't want it. It's not so easy today. I'll come to see you sooner or later. Ha, I'll beat you all over the ground looking for teeth." Linda stared at Xiao Tie angrily and pulled Hoover to turn away.

"Brother Xiao, what kind of stick is she just talking about? Is it a mysterious weapon?" I don't know why Bell was also very interested in sticks, which embarrassed Xiao Tie and hesitated with other words.

It was getting late, and two young people hurried through this dangerous mountain road.

Along the way, they didn't have time to talk, just holding hands and moving forward at full speed. Fortunately, they did not encounter any terrible monsters along the way, which made them return to the city of Fa Ke without danger.

"I'm afraid I can't go back tonight?" Bell looked at the two-story building that had turned off the lights in the distance with some embarrassment. At this time, his uncle must have fallen asleep, and his temper was also very bad recently, so Lingdang came home too late and was often scolded.

"Go to my house, or let's stay in a hotel for one night." Looking at the beautiful face and slightly convex chest of the bell, he suddenly had an evil idea.

The big eyes of the bell looked directly at him, pure without any distractions, only a little shyness and uneasiness of the girl.

"Don't hesitate to pull it. It's all in the middle of the night. I'll take you to find something to eat first, and then take a rest, he." Xiao Tie knew that Lingdang had always wanted to study at Dijia College. Although she was qualified for admission, she still chose to give up for him, which really moved Xiao Tie, who was not deeply in the world.

"Are you looking around again?" Bell found his malicious smile, snorted, turned his face, and stopped looking at him. A slight blush appeared on his face, and his heartbeat accelerated.

"Hey, I was just thinking, why did you stay with me? Am I really worthy of your doing that?" Xiao Tie looked away and asked emotionally.

"Oh, Brother Xiao, I'm hungry. Let's go eat." Lingdang cleverly changed the topic and took Xiao Tie's hand like a gust of wind.

After dinner, Xiao Tie took the girl's hand and went to a nearby hotel. After paying 300 gold coins, the two came to the room.

For some reason, there are not many guests in this room.

The moment the two were stepping into the guest room, a black figure appeared behind them,

The man actually hid the breath on his body. He stretched out his hand, grabbed the shoulder of the bell, and gently pulled it. The bell fell into her arms. "Woman, you should go home. Do you still remember the half-year deadline you and your sister agreed? You will definitely bring a spiritual child back. Oh, isn't this little brother the spirit boy you were looking for? Sure enough, there is a little aura, but the breath on the body is a little strange.

"Our Lady of Black Light, don't touch him. He is just a good friend of mine. I will naturally have something to talk to my father when I go back. Don't interfere any more."

Xiao Tie couldn't help sweating when he heard the name of the Virgin of Black Light. It turned out that Black Light was the eldest disciple of the Black Bone Demon Lord of the Demon Mountain. Although she was a female stream, she was a first-class master of the Demon Sect and had always been valued by the Demon Lord.

The bell is actually the daughter of the Black Bone Demon Lord. Xiao Tie didn't know what to do for a moment. But when he heard that someone actually wanted to take the bell away, he couldn't care about the gap in strength and jumped out.

was about to stop it, but I heard her sneer: "Little brother, you'd better stay honest. The princess just had an order. Don't let me hurt you. If you don't know what's good or bad, you can't blame me."

Xiao Tie snorted and remembered that his father hated the demon clan all his life and said angrily, "Why do you lie? Bell, you know that I have always hated the demon clan the most. You are actually the daughter of the demon master. I killed you."

Xiao Tie was so angry that she was about to rush to the bell. Her long hand stretched out and rolled it up to Xiao Tie. She was clearly a woman with eight feet long sleeves, but she didn't know what kind of texture it was. She just gently stretched it and rolled up Xiao Tie's waist.

Xiao Tie moved very fast. He opened his bow in an instant and shot with an arrow. His unique skill, the poisonous crossbow was not given for nothing. The arrow is as fast as electricity, and the force penetrates the body of the arrow,

As soon as the arrow burst out, it shrank out of the electric light and made a buzzing sound.

Several blue light electric lines rushed quickly on the green arrow and shot into the heart of the Dark Lady.

The woman snorted slightly and praised, "Sure enough, as I expected, you still have some skills, ha," as soon as she stretched out her long hand, a black light burst out of her palm, and the poisonous crossbow turned into powder in an instant.

Then it was wrapped like a purple rope snake, instantly tying Xiao Tie like a brown.

Xiao Tie felt that he had been brought into a carriage. When he looked up, he found that there were dozens of children in the car, crying.

A tall middle-aged man waved a whip in his hand and pulled heavily at the crying child: "It's too noisy. If it's not quiet, I will blood you one by one and throw it into the forest to feed Warcraft. Ha, it's so tender meat that I'm a little greedy. If it hadn't been for the demon Lord's order, I would have eaten you, ha," his eyes could see a terrible red flame,