Young Knife God

Chapter 20 Soul Awakening

The girl said anxly, "What a shameless guy, this move can be done."

She grasped the corners of her clothes with both hands, pulled hard, hissed, broke her clothes, and instantly turned into butterflies all over the sky.

Xiao Tie shouted secretly. The butterfly shadows all over the sky were intertwined and blocked his sight. His fists fell empty and his body fell weakly.

"Butterfly Flying Phoenix Shadow!" A faint tone sounded in his ear, and then he realized that he had lost the game.

Xiao Tie's heart was cold, and his eyes looked at those cold eyes. The blue light seemed to see through his heart.

"This is the first punch, and there are two punches!" Xiao Tie looked at the beauty opposite.

Her expressionless emblem nodded slightly, indicating that he could let him go.

"Wind, fire, thunder and lightning hammer!"

A flame turned into a huge hammer and fell from the top of the head.

But when approaching the beautiful woman, she was suddenly blocked by an invisible strong wind. There was only a roar, like a stone sinking into the sea. There is no power at all.

Xiao Tie was shocked and knew that she had several attributes of wind and electricity at the same time, so his attack was completely invalid.

Three moves have passed in a blink of an eye,

"Now it's my turn." Her long eyelashes are cut, and her cute big eyes sparkle with mischievous colors,

Xiao Tie knows that his strength is very different, but he still has to fight next.

He gritted his teeth,

Gas energy in the chest.

"Come on,"

Life and death are just a game for him. It's better to die than to be a personal guard for this sinister woman.

"Wow, blue storm!"

With the shouting, a blue tornado hit violently, instantly involved his body in the storm, and countless ice arrows flew across the storm. Xiao Tie smashed several ice arrows with a fist, but several ice arrows still hit him.

Blood is flowing along the corners of the mouth and some parts of the body.

Wet clothes,

It also colded his originally hot heart.

At this moment, his blood and green blood suddenly boiled.

A pair of eyes emitted a terrible green light, and a familiar voice slowly came to my ears, which seemed to come from my body.

"Hee, don't be afraid, I will protect you, Xiao Xiao,"

A woman's soft voice seems to be hidden in the depths of her soul,

At the moment of this death, he heard wonderful language, which was really like a doping.

A light shield instantly formed an entity in front of him.

The scars on the body also heal at a visible speed. And a new flow of energy flowing in his blood made his body several times bigger in an instant.

At this moment, he looks like a beast, but his level is too low, otherwise if the beast changes, his energy may be doubled.

Oh, like a ninja who had endured for a long time, he let out a shocking roar.

Choke, a bright light emitted from the ugly strip on his chest and fell into his hand. It was an illusory knife like a curved moon.

Although it was only a ray of light, there was actually a feeling like holding the substance in his hand. A sharpness burst out. Huo, with a wave of his hand, this knife light was emitted by hand, and only heard a loud noise. The center of the violent storm actually cracked a gap, and a golden light burst out, hitting it with an irresistible force.

"Princess Lanny, be careful/" Seeing the danger, a dark shadow blocked in front of her, and a black light burst out of the palm of her hand, instantly turning away the unimpeded knife.

A touch of dust in the palm of his hand, and for a moment, he disappeared into the palm of his hand. The man in black smiled and looked at the seemingly weak teenager opposite him with a sharp eye.

He hummed softly. Although the strong breath turned away the nihilistic blade, the domineering knife spirit echoed wantonly in the nihilistic space, and the shocked people were deaf and their clothes were broken.

Lanie is the second daughter of the Demon Lord. It is said that there are three women and one man under the Demon Lord. Although this Lanny is young, she has always been the most favored daughter of the Demon Lord.

That's why I let go of training spiritual children to her. I didn't expect such a thing to happen on the first day.

A murderous atmosphere gushed in, and Xiao Tie felt that it became difficult to breathe.

"E Elder Black Hawk, you are just right here. Teach me a good lesson from this disobedient bad boy." Lanny's eyes widened and glared at Xiao Tie.

"Naturally, Your Highness doesn't have to worry about this. I must be angry with you." The black eagle shook its black cloak, and a pair of dream-like eyes firmly stared at Xiao Tie, and a faint dark light in the palm of his hand kept turning.

Wow, behind Xiao Tie, some timid children cried in fear. They knew that annoying these people would bring unpredictable dangers to themselves.

A black light burst into the palm of her hand and fell heavily. Xiao Tie was afraid and was about to retreat. The soft voice in his ear sounded again: "Don't be afraid, I'll help you." A continuous flow poured into his body in an instant. He felt that the internal flow of his body overflowed and immediately increased his confidence. No matter who this person was, the most important thing at present was to take these children away safely. Otherwise, if he fell into the hands of these sadists, he would have to take off his skin even if he did not die.

Thinking of this, he took out the crossbow of poison from the empty ring, put on the bow and arrow, and shot it out.

It's like a page of a flat boat in a violent storm. Although it fluctuates in the turbulent current, the arrow is extremely strong. One arrow shoots out and another arrow, shooting at different parts.

Black Hawk took a deep breath of cold air. As one of the four guardians under the throne of the Demon Lord, she has always met few enemies, but today she is competing with a half-old child.

She disdained to put these poisonous arrows at ordinary times, but when she saw that these poisonous arrows were actually distributed in a human square array and shot at herself, they actually showed blue light, and her heart was shocked.

It turns out that this boy is not simple.

For good, she reacted very quickly and came out of the sheath with a choking soul-killing knife,

Thousand-blade broken bone knife!

The sky is full of knife light falling from the sky, making a gorgeous sharp sound,

It was as dense as a net, and I couldn't tell how many knives greeted Xiao Tie. Xiao Tie only had one sentence in his ear: "Escape!" A wind force emerges at the bottom of the feet, and the body swings a hundred steps away without strength.

Xiao Tie didn't understand, but now he is more like a puppet in a puppet play. He doesn't think much about it at all. His body moved out of a hundred steps, and then with another effort, he took another hundred steps. Seeing that the knife light disappeared, but a dark shadow came and chased after him.

"Hey, beast change,!" A strong force poured in, and his body changed uncontrollably. Wolf hair grew in one hand, and his head turned into a wolf's head. He jumped on a rock in front of him like lightning.

He raised his head again and abruptly took the black eagle's claw attack.

Boom, Xiao Tie felt a strong blow on his body, and a wisp of skin behind him opened, and blood oozed out of the pores and blood flowed out.

An old man in gray stood on the top of the mountain in the distance, looked at all this and muttered to himself, "The beast has changed. How can this child do it? He looks like an ordinary human being.

On his side, a young man in gray said with bright eyes: "This teenager is a little extraordinary. Although he is only ten years old, his skills are enough for a black eagle to drink a pot."

"He seems to have more than several attributes. I mean, in addition to the exposed ones, there are also hidden attributes, but they have not been revealed."

"Grandpa, is this the spiritual child we are looking for?"

"It's possible, but I'm not completely sure where I seem to have met this teenager. Although I haven't seen him, the strange thing is that I have a feeling that I have met him."

"Grandpa, should I help Black Hawk take him down, otherwise it seems that even if he doesn't die, he will be seriously injured."

"Good boy, stop Black Hawk and say I want to see him." The old man in gray closed her eyes slightly, and his body made a powerful shock wave, which spread all over the valley in an instant. Hearing this sound, the black eagle was suddenly stunned. She looked back at the top of the mountain where the old man was located, and suddenly sighed, "You are a big boy. If the devil hadn't come forward today, you would have died ten times."

Xiao Tie's blood is pouring, and his body has returned to his human form, but the injury on his back is not light.

An eagle scratched his back, and a deep scar almost exposed the white bone.