Young Knife God

Chapter 28 Try to cut bamboo

As the little tiger attacked more and more fiercely and was skillfully dodged by Xiao Tie again and again, the little tiger's movements gradually slowed down,

When Xiao Tie saw the opportunity, he was rude and turned over and jumped on the back of the tiger.

When Xiaohu saw being mounted behind him, he did not show weakness. With a tiger roar, he waved his tail and wanted to throw Xiao Tie down, but Xiao Tie could not get rid of him in any way.

After several twists and turns, it was also panting and exhausted, and could only bow its head and lie there.

Xiao Tie saw that his goal had been achieved, so he threw the duck in his hand to Xiaohu. Xiaohu looked at him and was rude. He swallowed it as if he was not full. He turned his head and looked into Xiao Tie's pocket.

Xiao Tie looked into his pocket angrily. Seeing that his pocket was empty, Xiaohu lay down listlessly.

Although there is no hostility, he still disdains it.

Xiao Tie smiled and thought that the magic tiger was extremely difficult to control. Even if he was a master, it would take several years, and he had only been dealing with it for a few days, which was not bad.

Feed the magic pet,

Annie has changed into a beautiful skirt and waited for him in the front yard,

"Brother Xiao, come on me and I'll take you there. It's not far from here, but it's just that you have to pass through several demon territories on the road, so it's inconvenient, so I'll take you there for the first time. In this way, you can recognize the way, and secondly, I can also teach you some skills of cutting bamboo. You have to learn it well, otherwise you will suffer when you go alone.

She bent down and waited for Xiao Tie to come up. Today, her clothes are very exposed, and her jade back is almost unobstructed. The witch not only has extremely delicate skin, but also has a great figure. Xiao Tie swallowed his saliva and whispered, "Sister, do you want to carry me? Oh, I'm a man, and I'll carry you on my back."

Annie smiled and said, "What did you say? I want you to carry it. I'm afraid you won't be tired if you can't even walk 50 steps. It's a long way here. I have wings to protect my body, and it's much faster. Don't you come? I have to go.

"Hey, slow down, wait for me to go up." Xiao Tie obediently lay on her jade back, and an elegant fragrance between his skin came into his nose, which made him slightly intoxicated.

Wow, the colorful wings appeared in the sky stunned Xiao Tie,

Anne looked back and smiled and said with a fascinating smile, "Walk, sister's wings have not been refined for a long time, and even Rick has not grown up yet, so if you go far away in the future, I can take you there,"

Hey, as if she got a free ticket, Xiao Tie's interest in her has been upgraded to wing equipment. If he can have this good equipment, it will be much more convenient to go out.

Xiao Tie blushed and said, "Okay, sister, I will trouble you in the future."

Wow, spread your wings and fly faster than a plane.

Xiao Tie didn't sit still and shook his body. He was so scared that he shouted and reached out to hold Anne tightly.

But the place touched by the hand is actually soft, with the smell of smooth meat.

Annie shook her body and said shyly, "Can you take your hand away?"

"Oh, I'm going to fall down as soon as I let go. Don't joke." Xiao Tie looked nervously at his feet and saw a white cloud wandering under his feet, and some gray mountains could be faintly seen below. If it fell down, it would be strange that it would not fall into a photo.

"I mean, can you change to another place to touch, here,,,," Annie stopped.

Xiao Tie followed the gesture. Oh, my God, the place he held just now was Annie's huge and plump chest.

"Hey, I didn't mean to. Just now,,,,,," there was a kind of confusion that I couldn't even tell.

"Let's sit down. We'll be there soon." Annie didn't seem to blame him. On the contrary, there was a rare gentleness in her tone.

Xiao Tie sighed slightly. Woman, it's so fucking weird that it's so happy to be eaten tofu.

A dive, Xiao Tie grabbed Anne's shoulder in panic, and then the momentary distraction caused his body almost to hang upside down in the air

Only the hard grasp of the fragrant shoulder.

For good, Annie found something abnormal.

When her speed slowed down, Xiao Tie fell back to her jade back. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he seemed to touch her chest again and quickly released it. Ha, this looseness made him a lot of fun.

He felt like a flying man falling from his beautiful back. Fortunately, it was only a few feet from the ground. Xiao Tie took a deep breath and said something bad.

fell down like a stone. Fortunately, there is a black bamboo forest below, but the bamboo here is not only dozens of feet high, but also hard as iron and thick as a waist.

Xiao Tie happened to fall under a bamboo. He reacted very quickly. He turned around, grabbed a wisp of bamboo leaf, and slipped down the bamboo to the ground without injury.

"Are you all right?" As soon as she fell, Annie fell behind her. As soon as her wings closed, she instantly entered her body.

Xiao Tie secretly glanced at her huge chest and was still thinking that the wonderful touch just now. He really wanted to touch it again. Ha, but when he saw Anneson's eyes, he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Are you thinking about something bad again?" Anne's eyes swept at him, and Xiao Tie's heart was cold. She secretly said that this woman was really extraordinary, and she could detect her intentions with her eyes alone.

"No, oh, I just thought that the feeling of flying behind my sister was really good."

"Well, don't** in the future. People's clothes are messed up. These are new clothes. They are very valuable." She seems to care more about her clothes,

I don't care about Xiao Tie's eating her tofu just now.

Xiao Tie quietly ** again in his heart.

"That's it. From now on, you will have to cut five black bamboos every day. I will send you here every day, and then, after cutting them, they will be tied together and wait for me to send someone to luck."

She said a few simple words and took out two black giant axes from the space ring.

It's not an exaggeration to say that it's a giant axe,

Three-foot-long handle, three-foot-long axe.

The weight of himself is about a thousand pounds.

Xiao Tie smacked his tongue.

Oh, my God, it's so heavy that I can drink a pot by myself.

Perhaps when she saw Xiao Tie's embarrassed expression, Anne took out another small axe from the empty ring.

is also black, but the size is about ten times smaller than the one.

Xiao Tie holds it in his hand, which is very light and can be regarded as a hand.

Wave the axe and cut off a black bamboo beside him,

Hearing a bang, the small axe was shaken out of a small gap, but the black bamboo only shook it.

Hard bamboo is stronger than steel.

Xiao Tie was disappointed for a while. Originally, he thought that bamboo was easy to cut, so he only used three points of effort, but he didn't expect such a result.

Anne couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering.

"Look at me, today's five bamboos, my sister will cut down four for you, and you have to cut the remaining one by yourself." She smiled charmingly again, and her smile had not subsided. She had waved a huge axe in her hand, and a huge flame soared into the air, as if it had been blown up by explosives, bursting a dazzling firelight at a bamboo joint in the lower part of the black bamboo.

The bamboo cracks in response.

then fell to the ground.

makes a earth-shaking sound.

Her power is absolutely unmatched.

Xiao Tie's admiration for Annie has also reached its peak at this moment.

In a blink of an eye, four bamboos have been cut down, and Anne made a wind magic 'shock' and an earthquake-like wind instantly put these bamboos into an open pocket.

But such a big thing is not only extremely heavy, but also more difficult to transport it back.

Xiao Tie didn't have much time to ask, because at present, four bamboos have been cut down, and he, a man, hasn't even cut down one.

I can't hold it on my face.

The cold sweat also drips down.

Anne covered her mouth and smiled and said, "You must cut it down before dark. I'm going back. You have to work hard." After saying that, wings appeared again, like lightning.

Only Xiao Tie stood there in a daze, at a loss.