Young Knife God

Chapter 39 Training Green Hair

A strong wind rolled around, and the invisible momentum shook around, making everyone present feel inexplicably horrible. With Xiao Tie as the center, a circular shock wave spread down at a high speed. Wherever he went, the gravel collapsed, and the knight's iron armor made a strange sound like being shot by a knife and arrow.

Jason's wide eyes narrowed in an instant, and he let out a low voice: "Are you a superpower or a supernatural person?"

Since ancient times, there have been three well-known powers in the mainland: earth power, beast power and natural power. And the natural ability is the highest level, and you must have an astrolabe,

And Xiao Tie is exactly the one above.

Oh, a wolf let out a howling, staring at Xiao Tie, his body was low and ready to go,

A dry movement is produced in Xiao Tie's body. With this shock wave, his bones and body are being twisted,,,,,,

He roared in pain, and his body was turning into a wolf.

A white wolf's head is printed with Xiao Tie's forehead with white light.

In an instant, an invisible aura spread, making every sergeant present feel an unprecedented pressure.

chi chi chi,,,

The wolf knelt one after another, as if he was surrendering to the Wolf King. On the contrary, most of the knights riding on it were unstable and fell from it one by one, in chaos.

Xiao Tie roared, and he felt that his body was changing, first the head, then the upper body, and then the lower body. The bones of his whole body made a rattling sound, and he raised his head and made a low roar.

A warm and strange airflow poured into his body, making his blood boil.

Whistle, the terrible momentum comes from the ornament hanging on the chest - the magic knife, which is as small as a nail knife and is slowly getting bigger. The black seal on the knife fell off like a piece of mud, and a blood-red knife appeared in front of everyone.

A strong and most murderous atmosphere permeated, making Jason take a breath of cold air

"Beast change, terrible young man." He took a few steps back and glanced at the wolf riding on his knees. These fierce and murderous guys would become similar to an obedient sheep.

"Fuck, it's so cool, the human boy is actually a wolf attribute," a knight who was suddenly kneeling and flashed his waist said to himself

"Niu*, boy, it can change. It seems that we are in trouble."

"If this boy is the wolf king, then won't these female wolves have to do it?" Hey, a talkative guy interrupted.

"Fight you, is it okay for him to fuck us now?" The talkative guy just now was immediately patted on the head by the person next to him and made him stop his mouth.

According to the current development of this situation, it is difficult for them to say whether they can go back. They focus on Xiao Tie. This young man is not only physically strong, but also murderous.

He looks a little scary now.

The huge wolf stands upright,

He looked at the wolves around him angrily and looked at a colorful cloud in the sky.

The cloud burst into colorful light in the sky, and a rising sun behind it, reflecting the earth was bright.

His heart suddenly warmed a lot at the moment he saw the sun.

"Get out!" He roared disdainfully,

Hearing the sound, these wolves rode like an amnesty and fled quickly.

Only the general still stood there and stared at him.

"Why don't you leave?" He felt the breath of his existence, and the magic wolf's sense of smell was a hundred times more sensitive than that of a dog.

Jason smiled coldly and said, "Why should I leave? I will never leave until I catch you."

His voice was majestic and stiff.

With stubborn persistence.

"Then you have to die!" Xiao Tie said coldly,

"It's not necessarily me, is it?" Jason drew his knife,

His body changed in an instant from a quiet general to a leopard.

He can also do the beast transformation, which is also his capital as a general.

The leopard and the wolf were relatively hostile, but no one did it.

They are not an absolute worry in terms of power and speed, so the outcome is unpredictable after the game.

"Stop, you two." A woman's soft voice sounded in her ear, making Xiao Tie sound like the sound of nature.

After all, the beast transformation has consumed a lot of his physical strength. At this time, compared with a long-term general, his chances of winning are too small.

And Mrs. Yu came at the right time,

Hearing the sound, both of them took a breath and regained their human form.

"General Jason, he is my disciple Xiao Tie. You have no right to arrest him," Mrs. Yu's face was slightly gloomy.

The voice also seems to be a little hoarse.

But her vision has always been sharp. Sharp as a soft shot into the human body, which can make the enemy see blood at any time.

"Madam, in the Moshan, they are all under the jurisdiction of the Demon Sect, so they are also ordered to act here. Please don't be embarrassed." Jason did not give in,

"Humph, presumptuous, this Wuzhan Valley has the final say to me. Even if the doorkeeper comes, he can't take people away."

Jason sneered: "What if the general is strong?"

Before the laughter stopped, I felt a flash of white light, and I was slapped a few times on my face. Jason got up and was about to use a knife, but he kicked Xiao Tie again. The fun was so great that he flew out like a broken kite.

A fall to the ground,

Leaving away with the help of several knights.

Mrs. Yu looked at Xiao Tie and hummed, "It seems that I'm going to teach you some skills. Although you have learned the ability of beast change, it will take some time to understand the instinct of Warcraft, otherwise it will be empty and you will inevitably be exposed. If I hadn't arrived in time, you would have been really in danger this time."

Behind the lady, stood Anne with a burning face. It was she who just ran to deliver a letter to her, which made Xiao Tie safe.

Xiao Tie nodded and said, "Thank you, madam."

Mrs. Yu looked at the magic knife hanging on his chest to restore the size of a nail clipper and said with great interest, "Take it and show it to me."

Xiao Tie hesitated, reached out and took it off, and respectfully handed it to Mrs. Yu's hand.

Mrs Yu took it in her hand. When she looked at it for a long time, she suddenly put her hands hard and choked the demon out of the sheath of the day. The blood-red demon was full of chilling into the bones.

held in the palm of its hand, through a strange chill, there were some lines similar to the meridians of the human body. The previous Xiao Tie's accidental injury had been absorbed by it, and the veins were slightly obvious. Mrs. Yu frowned and said that this thing was very evil.

She put the knife into the sheath and handed it back to Xiao Tie, and there was a burst of consterion in her heart.

"The magic knife actually has the vein of the human body on it. What if it is not blood sucking? Do you dare to have something to do with this knife blood refining hall? She said to herself, ignoring Xiao Tie and Anne.

A few days later, Mozong never came to find Xiao Tie's trouble, which made Xiao Tie have another few more days of leisure and comfort.

50,000 bamboo arrows have been completed.

Xiao Tie tied into a bundle and put it aside, waiting for his wife to have a look.

Sitting alone and bored, after feeding the little tiger, Xiao Tie was stunned for a while. When he didn't know what to do, oh, he suddenly shouted.

It turned out that an unknown pheasant ran in, and in an instant, it triggered a fight with the pheasant.

It's like fighting with domestic chickens, but compared with domestic chickens, their bodies are too large, but there is a scale between one attack and one defense, either hovering in the air, or attacking at low altitude, and every move is extremely thrilling.

After a few rounds, oh, oh, taking advantage of the unprepared pheasant, a pair of iron claws grabbed its back fiercely, with a long mouth like a knife and a lightning peck on its head. The pheasant screamed and was about to escape, but it held Xiao Tie's neck and suddenly came down honestly.

Hey, Xiao Tie was really happy. He didn't expect that he was about to get a plane to sit down, and a chicken fell from the sky.

Hey, looking at this golden phoenix-haired and powerful pheasant with green feathers and red mouth, Xiao Tie smiled and said, "Okay, oh, you have made a contribution today. I will give you some delicious rewards later, ha,"

Oh, I don't know what he said. He just tilted his head and looked at Xiao Tie with the other side of his eyes. I don't know what Xiao Tie is going to do by holding it?

Xiao Tie took out a rope from his waist, tied it to its neck, took it with his hand, then jumped on the back of the chicken, reached out and gently patted it on the chicken's head. The chicken was frightened and struggled to spread its wings to fly to the sky. Xiao Tie sat firmly on it, and no matter how it bent down, it was as stable as Mount Tai. After a tossing, the green-feather chicken finally obeyed. Come on, Xiao Tie laughed and said, "In the future, you can call it Green Hair. All the Ha demons have black eagles. In the future, you can be my driver."