Young Knife God

Chapter 43 Accept the task

"Xiao Tie, now guide these spirits into the astrolabe. Hurry up. If it's too late, your Dantian will explode." The voice of the magic shadow came again, shocking Xiao Tie's spirit. The development of the matter has been unexpected, and he will still be very happy if the opening of the astrolabe can be made several months earlier.

He meditated on the decision and guided these white airflows through internal vision to enter the purple aura beads at full speed through the air pulse.

In a moment, a cyclone poured into the purple aura beads in Dantian like the Milky Way, and the purple aura beads burst out a dazzling flame, and then rushed to the star disk driven by a magical force.

"It's a pity that my precious bead, in order to open the star disk as soon as possible, I have to give up this bead." The words of the shadow are somewhat helpless. Now I can help you. You have to completely relax, control the fighting spirit of your whole body, and don't let them escape at the moment of the explosion.

The impact begins!

Wow, the purple aura bead emitted a brilliant purple light and hit the original pearl of the astrolabe. The original bead symbolizing the sun has revealed a little cracks, and the widest place can even faintly see the boiling flame inside.

Boom, bombarding, a series of shock waves like shelling came into his ears, making Xiao Tie's body almost transparent, and the light was transmitted from all over the place. At this time, his body looked like a balloon, and his internal organs were faintly visible.

When the last blow fell, the purple aura beads turned into a purple flame and instantly melted into the solar star position. Huh, the solar star crack increased, and the black material wrapped in the outer layer fell off little by little, but the speed was extremely slow.

The original beads cracked again, and some fragments burst, emitting stronger light and heat through the cracks.

When Xiao Tie sticks out his tongue, damn it, is this really breaking through the realm? This period of toss like a physical reconstruction made him suffer a lot. When his body slowly recovered, he felt a pain in his heart. A star disk slowly rose above his head and loomed. Between these clear mountains and rivers, his progress finally completed the first step.

Xiao Tie stood up, with a kind of perseverance in his eyes, and the astrolabe returned to his body.

"Congratulations to Boss Xiao. Now that you have been promoted to the first level, you are already the king of knives. I wish you rise step by step." The magic shadow's smile was a little reluctant. Just now, in order to open the acupuncture point and open the astrolabe, she has exhausted almost half of her body's strength. Now she is a little weak and even speaks.

"Hey, thank you, senior," Xiao Tie waved his arms and threw a piece of gravel beside him two miles away, and hit a passing magic bear. Although the stone was like the end of a strong crossbow, it was also three points into the flesh.

Oh, the magic bear has always been the boss in the forest. No one dares to provoke it. He was suddenly hit. For a moment, he was extremely angry. It was not the sound of screaming and shaking everywhere.

Xiao Tie smiled. He chased after him in an instant, chokingly pulled out the flying sand magic knife and chopped it down with a knife.

The magic bear is unprepared, but the reaction is not slow. The backhand is re-paired with one palm,

The moment the knife was connected with the bear's paw, there was a choking sound and sparks. The magic bear's giant palm was cut off a sharp claw. Xiao Tie closed the knife, but also shocked the power of the shock. After all, he was only a knife king, not enough to fight against high-level warcraft. The knife that just sneaked on is also full of the strong attack power of the magic knife.

"Oh, "The magic bear quickly counterattacked, and the speed was amazing. He took a series of palms and wanted to shoot this little human into a meat pie,

Xiao Tie's face was pale, and it was another escape of light. He instantly moved dozens of steps away and returned to the place of departure at full speed.

With the knife, there is an additional bear's palm armor in the palm of his hand.

The cyan palm armor shines with a bright luster and is adorable. At first glance, it is a treasure,

The bear's palm armor is one foot long and as wide as half a finger. Hey, the tip is extremely sharp. Holding it in his hand, it is a natural dagger.

There was such a gain from the first try, which made Xiao Tiele unable to close his mouth for a moment.

is laughing secretly, and a sound of footsteps is approaching.

Looking back, it's Annie and Rick,

I heard that Xiao Tie was going out to make a deal alone, so they rushed over together.

"Brother Xiao, are you going to London?"

Xiao Tie nodded,

"Hey, here are some things we want to buy, all listed on it. When you come back, you can help bring them back. Oh, this is 50,000 Zixin coins, more refund less, ha," Annie stuffed a card into Xiao Tie's hand. Xiao Tie looked down and saw that it was full of fat powder and potions. She smiled slightly,

Rick also silently put something in Xiao Tie's hand. His fingers touched Xiao Tie's palm, and a warm breath passed through, and there was a kind of reluctance in her eyes. Lun squatting in the city is the center of the demon world. Be careful when you go there."

"Well, don't worry, I'll be fine." After saying goodbye to the two witches, Xiao Tie looked at the green hair that had been staying with him and had not gone far. At this time, the green hair was staring at a big grid. He wanted to go there, but he was afraid of misunderstanding. He was staring there, and oh, oh, he lay lazily and basked in the sun, and there was no psychological understanding of him at all. For the defeated generals, oh, I'm still very relieved.

Xiao Tie looked interesting and said, "Green hair,"

Hearing the cry, Green Hair quickly came to Xiao Tie. It was as tall as two people and stood in front of Xiao Tie like a giant. Of course, its strength and flight ability were not inferior to Black Hawk, but its flight altitude and safety were greatly reduced.

In these days, Xiao Tie has been taking good care of it. He not only feeds it alone every day, but also regularly puts it outside to eat some wild food. The green hair is also very kind, and he often brings some game back for Xiao Tie to eat.

It threw a rabbit into Xiao Tie's arms with its mouth, stretched out its head and gently rubbed Xiao Tie's face a few times.

"Good boy, thank you for the hare." Xiao Tie put the rabbit in his arms and put the bundled bamboo arrows into a huge cloth bag. 50,000 pieces are definitely not a small number, and the weight is also huge.

Xiao Tie tried hard with his arms several times but didn't move it to the green hair. The green hair also looked at the huge bag in a daze,

Oh, my God, so much, you won't vomit blood. It also had a burst of tim

When Xiao Tie tried his best to put the cloth bag behind the green hair, the green hair gritted his teeth and propped it up.

Slap the head of the green hair, spread the green hair wings, fly up to the sky, and fly straight to the wheel squat city,

Before that, he had also asked Anne and Rick about Wu Zhangu's foreign trade, and he was also very confused. Why are there only three of them in a valley of Youda, and how on earth did they make a living?

Now he understands that his wife has several shops in the central city of Moshan.

Each family mainly sells weapons or magic skills. Since Xiao Tie developed a beauty potion last time, it has been very popular with Annie. Of course, in addition to her own use, she also gave some of this potion to her wife. After her personal trial, she was also deeply shocked.

So let him see the world this time.

The scale of Lunquat City is much larger than that of Fake City. As the central city of the demon clan, it has always been synonymous with flowers and luxury.

This is not only a place where the rich gather and spend money like dirt, but also a place where the middle class symbolizes identity and status gathers.

Of course, there is a place for refining martial arts here,

After all, the spirit of martial arts is still a consistent tradition of the demon clan.

This time, Mrs. Yu let Xiao Tie out to practice alone, just to see what he can harvest here?

Although the load is extremely heavy, the green hair flies faster than the plane. Before dark, it took Xiao Tie to the sky of Lun squatting in the city.

Wow, Xiao Tie patted it on the head,

The green hair shook its wings and fell down like lightning.

It's just that the landing process is a little thrilling. In addition to grasping the mountain-like burden and preventing him from falling freely, Xiao Tie also has to clamp the green hair's neck with his legs, so as not to make a fool of himself in public during the vertical landing process.

Wow, when the green hair stood firmly on the golden square of Lun squatting in the city. Xiao Tielezi was so big that he fell down and pressed the goods on his body. Fortunately, the cloth bag was strong enough not to let these 50,000 arrows fly away, otherwise it would be difficult to hurt people.

"Oh, have you ever seen a flying chicken? "Magic guy," a boy in the square who was playing a kite said to his mother,

"Ha, it's so cool that it's sitting on a flying chicken. Is this shop doing a publicity campaign?" A good middle-aged man approached and watched the green-haired flying chicken carefully. ,,,,,