Young Knife God

Chapter 53 Acquisition of American Song

At this time, behind the two of them, I don't know when a group of unknown people came, all holding short knives and hugging them aggressively.

Frank's face was covered with sweat. Although he was metallic and his body was much harder than ordinary people, so many people came like a tide, which still made him pale.

Looking at Xiao Tie on one side, he looked at home. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it in his mouth. The smell of tobacco from Ancient Spirit Mountain is not only not spicy, but also has a faint aroma. After smoking, there will be an inexplicable excitement. Although it is different from the tobacco Xiao Tie has smoked before, he is still used to it. When the enemy, suck one to make your nerves excited.

After lighting, a puff of smoke came out and smiled, "Don't panic, someone will naturally come forward." Xiao Tie estimated that these scoundrels were all subordinates of some gangs, but as a first-class gambling hall, there must be strong support. Otherwise, the gambling hall would close in a few days, so he expected that Sophie would come forward to settle this matter for him.

On the one side, it gave him face, and on the other side, it was also for business.

"Either leave the winning money or leave your life?" The short man came over with a ferocious smile, and the bright light in his hand flashed, thinking it was a good knife.

"Fuck*, just because you dare to threaten me, "Xiao Tie spit out the cigarette in his mouth. At the moment before the cigarette had landed, his body suddenly burst out and punched the dwarf's face. With a bang, the dwarf's front teeth were broken, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

Then kick it again,

The dwarf covered himself with his hand and fell pale. It is estimated that this foot can make him a eunuch again.

"Kill him and avenge the boss." The rest of the people's eyes turned red in an instant.

They waved knives and rushed over.

" Stop" Sophie didn't know when she appeared in front of her. As soon as the ghostly beauty appeared, she and the aggressive fat man just now stopped.

Obviously, her identity is not low.

As a gangster squatting in the city, although they can be unscrupulous to deal with ordinary civilians, they still have some scruples in the face of Sophie, a special person.

"Miss Sophie, this boy is so angry that he wants to slip away after winning the money. The brothers couldn't see it, so they asked me to teach him a lesson."

The fat man is three short and has no arrogance.

Looking at the fat man's embarrassed face and swallowing his anger, Xiao Tie would have wanted to laugh long ago if he hadn't been can't stand it.

Sophie glanced at Xiao Tie

Yanran smiled and said, "Brother Xiao is my friend. Fario will put him on my face, otherwise my friend will be injured in the field, which is too indesc�able."

Fario shook the knife in his hand with a painful expression. If Wencai kicked his foot crookedly, I'm afraid he would really become an eunuch.

At present, it is time for revenge, but it is blocking people, and his face is violently twisted.

"Well, okay, I'll give you this face, but I can't guarantee what will happen when I go out." The fat man waved his hand, and nearly 100 brothers followed him out of the door.

Frank looked at Xiao Tie and then looked at Sophie on the opposite side.

Xiao Tie still smiled with saliva, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Sophie's face is pale, but she can't bear it.

"Hi, Mr. Xiao Tie, although I can stop that madman for you for the time being, I can't say whether you can get out safely. Good luck," Sophie turned around and wanted to leave,

But he grabbed Xiao Tie's arm with his powerful hand.

I don't know when he held the cloth bag containing tens of thousands of purple coins in his hand and put it in her hand with a smile.

Sophie was stunned and said, "Mr. Xiao, what does this mean?"

Xiao Tie smiled indifferently and said, "Nothing. I know you have a way for us to leave safely. Even if you make friends with Miss Su with this money, I will come to you in the future when I finish this matter."

"Sophie smiled, and a surprised look flashed in the corners of her eyes,

I was secretly surprised that this teenager seemed to be scheming and had a certain future in the future.

I thought about it, and the money is not small,

called a waiter in white around him, whispered in his ear, and then ordered him to send Xiao Tie out of the casino safely.

Xiao Tie went out of the casino without any danger. Thinking of Su's beautiful voice and smile, he couldn't help admiring: People say that the witch has a good figure, but I think she is beautiful and incoherent. Hey hey, maybe she will be pressed under her in the future.

He thought as he walked, and the smoke in his mouth spewed out a fragrant smoke from time to time.

Even Frank, who followed behind, was stunned.

This smoke, this taste, this age,,,,,,,,,

He also looked confused and couldn't figure out the boss,

"What should we do next?" He couldn't help interrupting Xiao Tie's YY,

"The next step, of course, is the song and dance collection," Xiao Tieyi said complax,

Frank was puzzled, "What are we going to do?"

Xiao Tie spit out a smoke ring and said lightly, "I want to buy it,"

"What? Buy it?" Frank opened his surprised eyes,


Beautiful songs and dances,

In a luxuriously decorated office, two people sit face to face, one is Xiao Tie, and the other side is Harrie, the boss of the song and dance meeting

Different from usual, the faces of the two people sitting today are extremely solemn.

First of all, it was the fat boss Harrie who broke the silence,

"Mr. Xiao, I'm very happy that you said you want to buy my beautiful songs and dance collection, but you may not know that I'm not the only boss here. I'm afraid you won't believe the other person. He is Mr. Thomas, one of the three black dragons here. His gangs are the most powerful in the city. One of the powerful forces, if it offends him, what are the consequences? I think Brother Xiao must know it very well.

His tone is soft and hard. Although he doesn't know the purpose of Xiao Tie's purchase of his song and dance collection, selling the song and dance collection is like killing him.

"I naturally understand the strength of the Black Dragon. It is a fair deal between you and me, so I will pay an amount that will satisfy you." Xiao Tie showed the inevitable frame and took out a platinum card from his arms and put it on the table.

Seeing this platinum card representing identity and status, Harrie's eyes almost burst out of flames,

Although his song and dance business is good, he has to spend a large amount of money every month to make friends with black and white, which accounts for almost half of his operating income. As for the remaining half, in addition to paying employees, it falls into his own hands. There are only about 100,000,

And Xiao Tie's conditions moved him,

"If Mr. Xiao is dedicated to buying it, I will make a price of 10 million Zixin coins,"

"Eight million Zixin coins, I know that you still have other debts, so if I take over, there will be a lot of trouble to deal with it," Xiao Tie resolutely,

Harrie's head oozed fine beads of sweat, and his lips moved and said, "Okay, I accept it."

The acquisition of Meige Song and Dance Collection was successfully completed, which was greatly beyond Xiao Tie's accident,

When he came to the backyard of Meige, Xiao Tie saw a huge courtyard, which was as big as a football field. Only a few rows of houses with stars were built, and the rest were green grass.

Although he doesn't know what this grassland is used for, he is sure that this is definitely the best training ground for his wolf camp.