Young Knife God

Chapter 55 Replenishment Pills

After acquiring the American Song and Dance Collection, Xiao Tie returned to Henry's residence exhausted.

"Hey, Brother Xiao, you're back. I've been worried to death because I haven't seen you these days. Oran said that you were fighting with people and worried that you would suffer losses? Now that you come back well, I'm really happy." As soon as I entered the door, I met the hospitable Henry patriarch. He held Xiao Tie's hand tightly for fear that Xiao Tie would run away.

His enthusiasm gave birth to an invisible warm current in Xiao Tie's heart.

Let his eyes get wet. I almost burst into tears,

He smiled and pretended to be relaxed and said, "I'm fine. I just met a thief that day. I was afraid that he would steal things from the manor, so I beat him away. Unfortunately, this thief was too cunning to capture him." Far away and pretend to be a regret,

Henry couldn't help smiling and said, "Brother Xiao, as long as you don't get hurt. Now the world is not peaceful. I heard that there is friction between the half-orcs and the human race in the north and are about to invade the human territory. Together with the war, I'm afraid that life will be ruined again." His worries are not without reason. In the past 100 years, the mainland has had several large-scale wars in a row. The demons, the human race, the Orcs, and the Protos have been involved in the battle. However, although the demon clan won the final victory, it was greatly damaged, and the normal population of the clan was reduced by more than half, which made the demons The emperor was very sad. In the next hundred years, he would never talk about war lightly, but the Orcs came back again. It seems that this continental war is imminent.

His look suddenly became gloomy.

Xiao Tie knew that he must be saddened by such a beautiful river and mountain, destroyed by the terrible consequences of the disaster of war.

But he is just one of this tide. He smiled indifferently and comforted, "Uncle Henry, even if war comes, we should not be afraid, because a person who is afraid of war will only kill more people in the end."

Henry suddenly said, "Okay, let's not talk about these sad things. By the way, Oran just made a good dish. Let's sit down and drink a few drinks together, which is also to welcome the safe return of Brother Xiao."

Xiao Tie smiled and said, "Okay, let's get drunk today."

"Gour, I knew you must have smelled the smell of the food before coming back. Ha, let me tell you, I spent a lot of effort to make this meal." I don't know when Oran came to him, grabbed Xiao Tie's arm and walked into the house.

Several exquisite wine dishes are arranged on the table, such as large fish, oil braised duck tongue, seven-flavor braised, black root hair dish. The wine is a good black wine. The black ink wine is slowly poured into the cup, emitting a faint wine fragrance. Two large pills are placed in the transparent cup, one cyan, placed in Xiao Tie's cup. , one red, put in Oran's cup, and the other one is actually purple, which naturally belongs to Henry.

"Uncle Henry, what is this pill used for? Is it possible that the fragrance emanates from there?" Xiao Tie, who has always studied pills, suddenly became interested. Between his breath and sniffing, it seemed that he could faintly distinguish the smell of a few familiar herbs.

"Big green fruit, yellow hair leaves, black stone rock, emperor flower." He smelled and casually said the names of a few herbs. At this time, Henry opened his mouth in shock and nodded, "Brother Xiao is right. I did add these flavors to my traditional Chinese medicine, but there must be a few flavors that Brother Xiao has never seen before. Oh, to be honest, there are still three flavors in this medicine, which is tortoise shell spirit grass. , and Shangxianzhi, Linglong drunk. And these three different colors are also one of them. "Ha ha, Henry actually danced when it came to excitement.