Young Knife God

Chapter 98 Legend of the Astrolabe

After saying goodbye to Gate, Xiao Tie returned to Henry Manor in the afternoon. When he saw Henry resting in the courtyard, he politely said hello.

"Hey, Uncle Henry, you look good today"

Hearing Xiao Tie's words, Henry smiled happily and said, "Xiao Tie, ha, your mouth is really good at talking. I'm really happy to hear your words. For so many years, our Henry family's business has never been as developed as today. If you look at it from the book, we are already the most powerful in the market. A strong family-style shop, ha, thank you for this. It's the result of your new product that has developed and sold well all the way. Ha, you can find Oran later, and she has calculated the money you should get. It's almost the end of the year. I think you must also need money, haha, "

Speaking of money, a smile flashed with excitement on Xiao Tie's face. After all, months later, he thought that old Henry must have forgotten about dividends. After all, this is a huge amount of money. If he can earn money smoothly, it will be a charcoal in his financial empire. "

"Oh, Oran, is she in the house now?" Xiao Tie hasn't seen Oran in the past few days and vaguely felt a little abnormal, so when he heard old Henry mention it, he remembered this matter. He should have explained to Oran about him and Kelena. Otherwise, if she continues to misunderstand, it will be unfair to her.

"Oh, she's in the house, but she doesn't seem to be very happy recently. Ha, it's better for you to persuade her, young people, there are more things. Think about me back then, hey,,,," Xiao Tie didn't have time to listen to his chat, and stepped into the house with an arrow,

In the room, Oran is facing a mirror with her back, thinly smearing powder. She is wearing a white gauze skirt that feels extremely sexual. Through the white gauze, she can faintly see her crystal jade-like body.

Xiao Tie swallowed his saliva with difficulty. He was even doubting his eyes. At this time, he suddenly broke in. Is he going to review it?

When he was about to quit carefully, he heard Oran scream excitedly: "Brother Xiao, is that you? You're back."

"Oh, yeah, as soon as I came back today, I came to see you. Haha, are you happy now?" Xiao Tie opened his arms and gave her a big hug. When the palm of his hand touched the soft skin of her back, a burst of pleasure suddenly rose in his heart.

To be honest, he has been secretly liking this girl in his heart, not only because of her simplicity and beauty, but also because of her affection and intelligence.

"Brother Xiao, why did you come to see me? They miss you so much." She picked up her pink mouth and looked at Xiao Tie with a crooked face. Xiao Tie didn't know what to say for a moment, but smiled indifferently.

"I went out a while ago and did something, so I came back today. Hey, to tell you the truth, after a while, I still have important things to do. Maybe I can't afford to meet you. Don't hate me?"

"Ha ha, how can that work?"

"They want you to accompany me," Xiao Tie was in a daze and felt a kiss on his face on his forehead. Now he had a lot of fun. The red lip print was printed on his forehead like a seal, which made him feel embarrassed.

"Don't do this, it's not good for people to see it." Xiao Tie felt embarrassed and was about to push her away, but he found that his palm touched a soft and smooth meat bun. He looked down, but he was bitter and nervous.

apologized and said, "I'm really sorry. I met your place. Damn it. Please scold me or hit me, or I'll be sorry."

A burst of laughter came from the opposite side, and Xiao Tie found that Olan did not look angry at all, but showed a rare happiness on his face.

Damn, what the hell is going on?

Xiao Tie suddenly had a big head, and he was afraid for a while, and he didn't have time to take the money, and he escaped like a smoke.

Only Oran's happy laughter came from behind,

She doesn't seem to have been so happy for a long time.

Xiao Tie fled back to the house and breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself, "It's good to open her heart. After all, this pure girl has been hurt by herself, which is also a kind of compensation.

He thought about it all afternoon until it was dark.

Olan brought him a meal, a braised pork ball, a barbecue bun, and white jade tofu. At the same time, she held a platinum card in her hand and threw it into his arms and smiled, "Why are you running? I'm not a tiger who can eat you? Here are your 20 million purple gold coins. Ha, the money is not much. Let's take it.

"20 million, a lot," Xiao Tie suddenly got up and took the platinum card in his hand,

By the way, I hugged Oran's shoulder and kissed her back.

"I hate it and tamper with others. I kissed you just now, and you came back to pull back. Haha, is it really interesting?"

She sat on the low stool by the bed and looked at Xiao Tie with interest.

Xiao Tie simply scanned the card and confirmed that the amount of money was good, and then put it into the empty ring.

smiled and said happily, "A few months ago, when I first came here, you were the goddess in my heart. Ha, you were so cold at that time, very different from you are now. Can you tell me why?" Xiao Tie was interested and looked at Oran's angelic face and joked.

In fact, his heart has already known Oran's feelings for him, but he has not been broken.

Sure enough, after listening to his words, Oran gradually became silent.

"There is no difference. When you first came here, people thought you were an unruly country bumpkin? Now you have undergone a reborn change. Of course, it's different. Haha, isn't it that you have some bad thoughts again? "Her eyes are as clear as water, as if she can see through Xiao Tie's heart at a glance,

Xiao Tie smiled and said, "Ha, if it's a bad idea, it's better to say it's lust. Ha, people say it's a knife at the beginning of the word. It seems that I'm going to be stabbed, hahaha, "

"If you look for a fight, I will cut you down, ha, who made you so poor." Oran pretended to raise his palm and chased Xiao Tie to fight. The two laughed and completely forgot that there was an uncle Henry passing by outside the window. He was looking at him with a smile.


When he was about to lie down and rest, a wind broke into the door.

It made his heart suddenly nervous,


"Of course it's me!"

A horrible sound outside the door,

Xiao Tie tightened his heart and asked again, "Are you from the black killing group?"

His question only turned into a burst of laughter,

A dark old man pushed the door and entered,

An invisible aura spread, and the repressed Xiao Tie felt breathless.

"Leader, why is it you?"

The night wind is like a blade, blowing cold all over, listening, the wind outside the window sobs, wildly rolling up the fallen leaves and wind and sand sweeping around, hitting the wooden window and emitting horror like a sharp blade penetrating the body.

"Let me come to see you. I sent you some fighting spirit a while ago. Your astrolabe must have been opened by itself, right?" His eyes are bright, like a meteor in the night sky,

The flashing light made Xiao Tie faintly afraid.

In just a few days, most of the skills on the leader have recovered. It seems that there must be a strange energy source on his body.

The leader seemed to see Xiao Tie's doubts,

said with a long smile, "I said that we are all powers. At different times, you and I both have an astrolabe, but I have been open for a long time, but you have just opened it. Maybe you don't know much about how to use the astrolabe,"

Xiao Tie said, "I have heard that everyone with an astrolabe will become a first-class killer, not because of how excellent they are, but because their subsequent efforts are inseparable."

"Wrong, people who are born good enough will have smooth cultivation, and vice versa."

The leader's eyes were like lightning, and he glanced back and forth on his body several times. Suddenly, his face changed slightly.

Surprised, "In just a few days, your astrolabe has undergone a fission. It seems that your boy's innate potential cannot be underestimated."

Xiao Tie said puzzled, " fission, do you mean me? Why didn't I feel it at all?'

"Well, although you and I have an astrolabe, my astrolabe is just a solitary star that can't attract energy sources between galaxies. Its brilliance will go out as soon as possible."

"Oh, so, my astrolabe is very different from yours?" Xiao Tie was curious. Although he also knew a little about the astrolabe, his desire for energy was very thirsty.

Although Master Magic Shadow will give him some simple medicinal baths every day, although the effect is extremely slow, in the past few months, his body is obviously more than 100 times stronger than before. Even if he doesn't have to fight, his physical strength is far greater than that of ordinary people.

"Well, yes, your astrolabe is a complete galaxy, which is so complete that only one person has owned it in history. His name is Daomo Nanjiduo. He was a rare hero in the world a thousand years ago. He fought against demons in order to ask for the poor people for the right to survive. Although he was a knife demon, he was still defeated by the enemy's knife, because he encountered a stronger enemy. In that era, there were at least dozens of knife demon-level characters, which is not difficult to explain the reason why he would eventually fall under the enemy's knife.