Young Knife God

Chapter 106 Refining Blue Dream

The two came all the way to the door of the house with jokes, and a young man came forward to block the road and said, "Who is he? Why did you bring him here?"

The man in black had a sharp eye, and his eyes swept over Xiao Tie's face, which was a little surprised.

"This is a famous person, Mr. Xiao Tiexiao, who is Mr. William wants to meet."

The black wind said slightly unpleasantly,

The man in black smiled and said, "Haha, I said it was so familiar. It turned out to be Mr. Xiao. Well, please come in. Our boss can't wait."

Xiao Tie nodded slightly and walked into the room with Anna.

As soon as the door opened, a fragrant smell came into his nose, making Xiao Tie faintly feel a trace of strangeness.

He frowned slightly. At this time, the mysterious poison king will not put down the poison bait in his room. If so, this person is really dangerous. He is by no means a person he can deal with. It is not difficult to explain why the demon emperor allowed him to act recklessly in this valley and dared not do anything.

"Ha, dear Mr. Xiao Tie welcomes you to the Black Valley. Although the environment here is a little poor, it is absolutely safe, so it is really a wise choice for you to cooperate with me." Next to a black brazier, black fireworks steamed, and in the middle of the fireworks basin, a flame vortex was spinning rapidly.

As it slowly rises, the temperature in the house has more than doubled in an instant.

A red-haired middle-aged man sat by the black brazier and was not afraid of the horrible fireworks,

"Mr. Xiao, I'm afraid you don't know how this blue dream is made. Ha, I can take you to see my blue dream factory later, where hundreds of people are working at the same time. In addition to blue dream, there are several other dream drugs, almost every All kinds can be called perfect.

There seemed to be a beating flame in his eyes, and his blue eyes looked at Xiao Tie, which made a terrible chill suddenly flash in Xiao Tie's heart.

Because at the moment he turned his head, Xiao Tie saw that there was a big king engraved between his eyebrows. If he guessed correctly, the original attribute of this horrible man must be a tiger.

People with tiger attributes are not only strong, but also have a very wild terrorist fighting power, so once they launch an attack, the amazing power can be imagined.

Xiao Tie stared at it and saw a gray mass burning in the center of the mysterious spiral flame in the middle of the brazier.

"Oh, maybe you can guess this. This is the core material of the blue dream, the blue ice ball. To make this blue ice ball, it must be made at a high temperature of 50,000 degrees. The temperature of my black single spiral core flame just reached, but the refining time is longer than ordinary pills. So the price of blue dream has always been the first choice for aristocratic consumption. However, if Mr. Xiao intends to cooperate, the price is still negotiable. I will definitely give you a suitable price. Who makes you the boss of Miss Anna? Haha, fate.

Anna and Xiao Tie looked at each other and smiled,

Xiao Tie looked at the mysterious spiral and smiled indifferently and said, "This flame may be the black heart flame you are talking about. People with this mysterious fire must have attributes of fire, right?"

"Well, it can be said, but not all people with strange fire must have fire attributes. Ha, maybe I'm an exception. My attribute is gold, but I may also have strange fire. Why? You can't figure it out either." A trace of color flashed on William's face,

"Oh, this is really hard to imagine. If this extremely high-level flame of the earth has not enough tolerance, I'm afraid it will bring disaster to yourself while inhaling this strange fire. Haha, but you are really lucky. I'm glad to meet a supernatural person like you."

Xiao Tie just said indifferently, but when he saw William reaching out to take out the blue pill from the heart of the flame, his expression was no longer calm, because he knew that the temperature of the heart of the flame was at least tens of thousands of degrees high. It was extremely terrible to extract it freely under such a high temperature.

The pill-like flame beat freely in the palm of his hand,

Let Xiao Tie's calm heart rise again,

If his hand reached into the heart of the flame for a short stay, it can be understood as suffering the momentary heat, and now, his move to hold the blue flame in the palm of his hand can only be described as madness.

"Mr. Xiao, maybe you are still wondering why this flame can be in my palm without causing any damage to me. In fact, the reason is very simple, because I have immunity to fire magic skills, so no matter how strong the flame is, it will not cause any substantial damage to me, ha, this is also It is one of the reasons why I have a unique secret recipe, which makes the blue dreamy continent popular.

While saying, he reached out and threw the blue flame into a basin of ice water. In an instant, a flame rose on the ice surface, but the ice under the ice did not melt, forming a spectacle of half ice and half flame.

Such a scene stunned Xiao Tie and Anna. They didn't expect this magical man to have such a unique skill,

"Oh, Mr. William, what is this? Is it also one of the steps to make a blue dream? In addition to opening his eyes, Xiao Tie also became interested in his method of refining pills.

William smiled indifferently and said, "This gaseous pill can only exist in the form of fire, so if I want to refine it into powder, I have to constantly add new reagents, and this cold ice is an excellent material that can resist flames, so I can use this material to make whatever I need. Water solvents can only be powdered after the water solvent is made. This step is also extremely critical. Its difficulty lies in how to control the temperature and melting point. If it cannot be effectively controlled, the best way is to take a break and refine it from scratch. Oh, I said a little too much, haha," William suddenly stopped talking, just stretched out his hand and gently waved towards the flame,

A invisible black breath fell from the sky and extinguished the blue flame in an instant.

The blue quickly melted in the ice basin, and the ice water also produced a rapid reaction under the mysterious black breath. The ice basin looked a little like the hot pot that Xiao Tie had eaten, constantly emitting bubbles, and the blue water vapor floated in the air, which was full of associations.

Xiao Tie was fascinated and slowly full of respect. Although he had such a talent, he made slow progress in gas refining. He also did not have fire attributes. If he could also have a strange fire, it would be an excellent choice.

William saw that the color of the basin turned blue, and there was no more freezing point. He stretched out his hand and quickly scratched a finger in the basin and drew a spiral. Through this spiral, Xiao Tie was surprised to see that the basin of ice water slowly boiled again. Could it be something wonderful hidden in his fingers? The medicine? Xiao Tie was puzzled, but he knew that if he asked further, William might be suspicious, which would be very unfavorable for him to crack the secret of the blue dream.

William clapped his hands, and a purple flame in the palm stunned Xiao Tie. Oh, my God, there could be so many strange fires hidden on his body. It seems that he must have a very high talent in making weapons.

Even if he can have a strange fire, he is satisfied, but sadly, up to now, he is only staying in the primary stage of gas refining. For Xiao Tie, who has given the name of genius, this level is simply an indescribable pain.

While thinking, the door was suddenly opened. A person came in from outside the door. He seemed to be an ordinary subordinate, but he saluted William and picked up the boiling water and walked outside the house. Xiao Tie could faintly see that he walked into another house with this pot of things. There was a faint sound of talking and stirring things.

Maybe that's the production workshop William mentioned,

Xiao Tie withdrew his mind and looked at William, who had washed his hands and was making tea,

When he sat back on a comfortable wooden chair, he found that the black flame in the center of the earth had been extinguished.

The temperature in the house instantly returns to about zero,

But strangely, he doesn't feel cold. Maybe it's because the large amount of heat generated by refining the blue dream just now is still in the house.

Xiao Tie smiled indifferently, rubbed his palm, and looked at William, who looked at him with a smile.

"Mr. William, you must be a high-level engineer who can generate such terrible energy with one hand. Throughout the mainland, it seems that few can beat you."

I really don't know whether Xiao Tie intends to compliment or want to get close to him. In short, his performance makes Anna look very abnormal, which is completely different from the majestic, cold and arrogant Xiao Tie.

Looking at Xiao Tie's sincere eyes, William smiled proudly.

"Mr. Xiao must be very interested in the refining process. In fact, it's simple. My level may be just a blue-level engineer. For me, there seems to be a person I can't surpass." After saying this, he lit a thick black cigarette and spit out a mouthful of smoke before saying lightly: "That man is your father, a great purple-level maker."