Young Knife God

Chapter 132 Winning

Beljamin's tall body is a little tired,

He strode to Miranda surrounded by several guards,

Reaching out and patted her jade-like face and said, "My dear, why did you come out again? I've been in chaos these days. Didn't I let you stay on your mountain and don't run around?"

"I heard that the enemy was going to attack the mountain, so I didn't trust you, so I came to have a look."

"Good boy, go back. Dad has a lot of things to deal with later, and I can't take care of you for a while. Oh, "

Turn around and want to go, but it is entangled by Miranda,

"Dad, I'm not in your way, so as long as I stay and watch, I can pull it. Why should I drive them away?"

"Okay, good daughter, it's up to you,"

Benjamin smiled and glanced at Ziyu, the deputy master standing quietly.

With a gloomy face, he said, "Master Zi, how could I have promised you if you hadn't insisted on fighting last night? Now I fell down and went out of battle, so much that I was defeated. Unfortunately, my beast cavalry camp would have been destroyed by the whole army. "After sighing,

"Master, this Xiao Tie has a set. I heard that he actually dug countless traps in front of the battle and waited for us to take the bait. As a result, as soon as our people arrived, they fell in. In addition, his rocket power is also extremely powerful, and even can penetrate the iron armor of our Dark Horse Gang warriors."

"Fire Dragon Arrow, is it really like this?" Hearing the name of the fire dragon arrow, Benjamin's mind went blank.

You should know that this fire dragon arrow is a new weapon that has only been popular on the mainland in recent years. It is said that this weapon came from Xiao Tie, and his hungry wolf group is equipped with such powerful weapons. It is said that the income of this new weapon alone is even comparable to that of a medium-sized country. Words are not enough to describe him.

When the dragon arrow cut through the night sky and landed on the Linglong Temple, he really realized that his opponent was not ordinary strong,

"We can't fight against a powerful weapon made by fire dragon arrows," Ziyu's words caused a series of associations in his mind,

"It seems that we have met a terrible opponent. If we admit defeat, it seems that it will be too late. It seems that we have to fight to the end with the enemy,"

Bunjamin's words are somewhat helpless,

even Qi,

But in the past few days, the talent shown by this teenager has shocked him,

"It seems that we still have a mysterious force that has not entered the battle. I would like to ask the master to let them participate in the battle. Maybe their joining can turn the battle around."

"Kaze Team? No, if we use them recklessly, it will completely expose our strength, and such consequences will attract the attention of more enemies in the mainland and attract the possibility of Europe. It is hard enough for us to face these mercenary regiments. If we call other enemies, we will completely die. A long sigh made Benjamin's eyebrows locked,

Ziyu stamped her feet and said, "Master, if we let the mercenary regiment gather at our feet, even if we take out a secret weapon, it may not be effective,"

"Do you mean that there will still be a mercenary regiment heading here?"

"Yes, the lion regiment is already starting. Although his starting is the slowest, the fighting ability of this team is still extremely strong. If the enemy is allowed to separate us, it will be very unfavorable for us."

"I can't care so much. After all, it's not the first time we have been besieged. As long as they are brave enough, we have to fight with them to see who can survive in the end, which is an excellent proof."


After being besieged by nearly 10,000 mercenaries for three days,

Another good news came,

The lion group finally came late,

appears outside the Blackstone Valley,

"You came too late, Marian. Fortunately, we have a few days to rest, otherwise you won't be able to catch up with the last battle." Xiao Tie saw the late lions and said sarcastically. The previous visit returned without success, which also made him angry.

Compared with his energetic mercenary regiment composed of young mercenaries, the Lion Regiment is a middle-aged man of nearly half a hundred years old. Although they have all experienced hundreds of battles, the heroes are late, and there is an impression of mourning their fighting power.

"Haha, dear Mr. Xiao, there are some things in our regiment that have not been dealt with. Hearing the horn of your uprising, we will participate in a battle of great significance to London, which will make our heroic spirit famous in history."

Marian smiled slightly and didn't care about Xiao Tie's disdainful attitude.

"Well, with the valley as the boundary, we are divided into two. You and the Snow Fox Group attack several other mountains together. As for how to fight, you can fight separately."

Xiao Tie smiled and glanced at the mountain in the distance,

Although the enemy has the worries of a good location, it is also a strategy as long as it is surrounded first and not attacked.

After returning to the stone base, Xiao Tie checked the trophy,

A total of 200 magic wolves were captured in this battle, nearly 300 magic wolves were killed and injured, and a large number of knights and equipment also fell into Xiao Tie's hands.

"Okay, this battle annihilates the enemy's most elite beast cavalry camp, which is a cost-effective business for us. Ha, we need to integrate these beast riders and usable knights into our team. After all, wolf riders have strong combat power and deterrent power. Even if they do not appear on the battlefield, they will also give the enemy Powerful deterrent."

"Yes, these knights are also treasures. After all, it is extremely difficult to cultivate knights who can connect with the devil wolf. If they are included, it will greatly enhance our strength."

Gate's excited smile,

In the past few days, his admiration for Xiao Tie has risen to a whole new level.

He was extremely annoyed at that time when he talked about Xiao Tie arranged people to dig traps in the dark. After all, it was almost an impossible task for his brothers to dig deep enough traps in the rocks, but with the expansion of the results of the war, it completely convinced the previous chatty brothers. Xiao Tie is regarded as a god. How do they know that these tactics were transplanted by Xiao Tie from the earth? Ha, you can win the battle just by copying, not to mention those useless fools.

First take out a little bone to ** the opponent, and then kill when the opponent is fishing, which is his usual style,

I had dinner,

Xiao Tie quietly came to his tent with several battalion commanders,

Light a bright candle,

Spread the map that Xiao Tie personally took the risk before,

The above clearly marks the location of the defense lines of the organs on the mountain and the deployment of troops.

But with their arrival, I believe that these deployments will also change,

But one thing to note is that behind the Linglong Temple, there seems to be no defense on the steep mountain wall, so the attack is naturally an excellent platform, but the problem is that it is too difficult to climb to the top of the mountain little by little from the bottom of the mountain.

There is a height of nearly 100 feet on the back side of the mountain,

And it forms a 90-degree vertical angle with the ground, which is very unfavorable for climbing.

"Big Xiao, if we go up from this attack, this height seems to be too dangerous for us. Our people are likely to be found by the enemy. If the enemy wants to attack us from above, even if a stone falls, we will be worried about our lives."

Seeing Xiao Tie staring at the steep mountain wall behind Linglong Temple from time to time,

Gate said what he was worried about,

After all, after having been together for so long, he still has a certain understanding of this teenager's mind and knows that he has always been good at making strange and dangerous moves to defeat the enemy. This time, I believe there will be no exception.

"You must have forgotten that we still have a flying chicken brigade. I just calculated that this mountain is a hundred feet high, and the limit height of the flying chicken is also a hundred feet. If our people sit behind the flying chicken, take the noose, and try to throw the noose near the top of the mountain, it is still possible to go up, as long as we go up to the top of the mountain. , our rocket hand can give them enough support. Some of my newly developed resounding rockets can deter and delay enemy attacks from a long distance. Anyway, as long as our people appear there, even if they set a fire on the mountain, they will panic the enemy.

Seeing Xiao Tie saying confidently, he didn't take this difficulty seriously at all. Several people present were stunned for a moment.

"Flying chicken brigade, after this period of expansion, there have been more than 20 of them, of which only ten have the best flight ability, and the rest have less than 100 feet of flight altitude, so maybe only these ten can be used. Ten people at a time, there are 100 people at a time, but this plan is too risky, I don't Support."

Gate thought for a long time and still voted against it,

Xiao Tie smiled proudly: "Objection is invalid. I have decided. Now what you have to do is to select a few elite soldiers from the team and follow me. Just wait for my order, and you will bring enough things to attack me. Of course, as a commander, I also want to go up for sightseeing."

The tone was as relaxed as a trip, and Xiao Tie's attitude stunned the battalion commanders of Ajia and Una.

Ulp, the battalion commander of the beast cavalry battalion, was silent for a while and suddenly said, "I think this plan is feasible. Unexpectedly, it can often reverse the situation on the battlefield. If we occupy the top of the mountain and set fire along the mountain, the enemy will definitely be in chaos. At that time, we will launch a strong attack from the bottom of the mountain together, and it is estimated that the enemy will definitely abandon it. The mountain fled, "

Hegel also agreed,

He patted his chest and said proudly, "Mine me. I'm light. I'll go up with you. I haven't fought for a long time. I feel the blood all over my body is boiling."