Young Knife God

Chapter 140 Breaking into Linglong Temple by mistake

"Well, I said good sister, if you don't want to join the partnership, why do you take it easy on me? Brother, I'm still a pure country. If you are not careful, it will not only ruin my brother's rest of my life, will you bear to be widowed for me?"

Fuck, Xiao Tie felt that his face was thick enough and regarded the two followers of Ajia and Una as their lovers,

It's just that this happened to be heard by Una,

Una blushed and said angrily, "Bad guy, what are you talking about? I won't guard you," she blushed and couldn't go on. However, Ajia came to the top later and didn't figure out what was going on. She kept asking, "Una, go and save people quickly. Why are you dazed here? I'm afraid that the girl's men may not be sure. If they really hurt Boss Xiao, the two of us can How to live."

"Bah, you dead girl, even if you are sad, you can't get me. I don't want to compete with you." Una's face turned pale,

The knife in his hand waved forward and swept awe-inspiringly less than half a step away from Xiao Tie, shocking Xiao Tie in a cold sweat.

Although he still has enough opportunities to get out at this time, he intends to leave himself in the hands of this beauty to see what she will do to herself?

A sudden change caught Brenda off guard,

She didn't expect that Xiao Tie's popularity would be so good, and several of his female subordinates would also eat cool for him, which made her not expect.

But the arrow is on the string, but it has to be fired,

She gritted her teeth and dragged Xiao Tie all the way back to the Linglong Temple behind her.

"Don't break through. It's horrible in there. You female demon, don't pull it." Xiao Tie saw that Brenda would lead himself to this place and was angry for a moment. Although he had just come up the mountain and didn't know much about this mysterious temple, he also heard many legends about this horrible temple from the prisoners on the mountain.

One of them is that there are a large number of zombies in this temple. There is also a legend that a fairy and a demon fought here a long time ago. Finally, somehow, both of them died on this mountain. In order to commemorate them, later generations built this temple and collected their bones in one place and put them in this temple.

There were also some monks who stayed here before, but later, somehow, there was no trace of the monks who walked into the temple. They all died in the temple. Later, someone risked their lives to break into the temple and found that under the altar, there were fresh white bones everywhere. It is said that blood was sucked away by zombies.

So as soon as the news came, the mountain became extremely deserted, and a large number of believers fled the mountain one after another, but turned a temple full of incense into extremely desert.

Until the Dark Horse Gang occupied here,

So after hearing the news, Xiao Tie immediately blocked the news and laid people around the temple, strictly prohibiting idle people from entering.

After all, causing chaos in the army will seriously damage morale.

But today it's a little evil,

Brenda's eyes emitted green light, like a fierce beast. The five fingers that grabbed Xiao Tie's arm almost fell into his flesh. Xiao Tie frowned in pain and almost cried out.

Fortunately, his internal breath runs smoothly. After a few roundbacks, he has already washed away the acupuncture points in the Brenda point.

Now he pretends to be in a coma and wants to go in to see how magical the legendary temple of gods and demons is.

Hey hey, anyway, with a beauty, even if you die, you can pull a cushion. Are you afraid of a bird?

A Jia and Una saw the Linglong Temple in front of them, and couldn't help but stop and shouted, "Hey, stinky girl, there is a ghost here. If you're not afraid, go in. But whether you can come out alive or not, then no one can explain it clearly."

Seeing that their expressions did not seem to be lying, Brenda seemed to hesitate for a moment,

Reach out and pat the sleepy Xiao Tie,

"Well, Hero Xiao, tell me, is it really as terrible as they said?"

Xiao Tie put his shoulders on his shoulders and pretended to be innocent and said, "Nothing. At worst, a few zombies will come out to scare people. Ha, if you are afraid, let me go. Just admit your mistake. Friends, I won't do anything to you."

"Bah, ghosts believe your words. If you want to talk more, be careful that my men are ruthless."

Oh, when Xiao Tie heard that she was going to commit murder to herself again, he also stuck out his tongue and stopped talking. He just made a gesture to ask Ajia and Una to take people out of the temple. Otherwise, it may cause trouble.

Because standing outside the door of Linglong Temple, you can also feel a penety chill,

A fishy smell came from the temple, which made people almost feel disgusted, but what Xiao Tie didn't expect was that Brenda not only did not have any disgust, but on the contrary, there was a look of excitement flashing in his eyes.

Without Xiao Tie's thought, he was dragged into this cold and dark temple.

This temple is built on a tall stone wall. The temple is also expanded by a cave. It is backed by a volcano, and the springs are warm, but only this temple is extremely cold. Even if you walk here on March, it is still cold and penetrative.

A soft moan seemed to come from the temple, and Xiao Tie's heart beat like a drum for a moment.

The little tiger that had been hiding in his arms was also frightened and panicked.

It roared, and the sharp claws in its hand kept scratching in Xiao Tie's arms. For a moment, it added a few wounds to Xiao Tie's chest.

But Fortunately, Xiao Tie's self-healing technique is quite effective, so in less than a moment, the damage to the skin surface has been restored to invisible.

The sigh is getting closer and closer, and it is getting clearer and clearer,

With a thunderbolt, the sky seems to become darker. A few dark clouds block the moonlight, and the light becomes darker and darker.

The bean-sized raindrops fell and quickly wet the few clothes on the two people.

The rain actually carried a little snowflakes, fluttering and dancing, but when it fell, it was extremely fierce. One drop fell, quickly penetrating Xiao Tie's thin clothes and almost pierced into the meat.

Fortunates, Xiao Tie adjusted his luck in time, and the white light inadvertently shines on the surface of his body, forming a protective light.

Block this terrible rain,

Maybe because of the dim light, Brenda, who became more and more violent, was unaware of it.

Not long after they entered the temple, the stone gate outside the temple suddenly flashed a blue light and quietly closed.

Meow, a wild cat, jumped lightly and flashed in front of Xiao Tie,

It scared Xiao Tie,

A trace of fear flashed in Brenda's eyes, but he snorted coldly and put the single knife in his hand into his arms.

The cold air is getting colder and colder,

You can even faintly hear a cold wind roaring.

faintly, the wind and rain outside slowly moved away, and only a thunderstorm-like movement could be heard.

"Oh, my God, how can this door be closed by yourself? Sister, don't be afraid. I will save you later."

Brenda suddenly hesitated at this moment and didn't know whether she should go down. After all, in this extremely cold cave, although she can escape the pursuers behind her, she doesn't know what she will encounter if she goes on. After all, she is still a girl, but even if she is old, she is much smaller than a boy.

Xiao Tie felt that the jade hand she held on her arm became more urgent, and even trembled inadvertently.

This is also a manifestation of fear,

In the dark, a strange laughter seemed to come from far and near, and then a heavy sound of footsteps fell into the ear.

"There are ghosts!!"

Brenda was almost scared to cry, and pulled Xiao Tie and hid under a huge stone by the wall.

At this moment, her face was pale, her heart was beating like a drum, and even her breathing was short. The hand on Xiao Tie's shoulder was also quietly released. Xiao Tie was happy and was about to move her muscles and bones, but she didn't expect her hand to slide down, but she was holding her own key point.

With a little force, Xiao Tie almost called out in pain,

"Witch, where are you going to catch it? Oh, you want me to be an eunuch. What a vicious woman."

"Bad guy, shut up," this time she let go of him, but the hand covered his mouth, thinking that she had just touched her place, and at this moment, she actually touched her mouth again, which was really disgusting.

But this time, Xiao Tie did not call out, because a blue light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and a huge beast slowly walked through the open space in front of the two of them.

"Oh, my God, monster!"

This time, Brenda was scared and fell softly into Xiao Tie's arms.

And Xiao Tie's hands touched her body maliciously, smiling and said, "What are you afraid of? It's just a little snake. Ha, at most, its head is thick with your waist, and its body is dozens of feet long. Haha, honestly, it won't bully you."

Xiao Tie vaguely remembers that his father once said to himself that there is a kind of magic snake in the demon world, which is hundreds of feet long and has a big head, but his eyesight is not good, and his hearing is also average. Therefore, as long as he does not take the initiative to provoke it, he will be at peace.