Young Knife God

Chapter 161 Life and Death Agreement

"Hi, boy, I don't know what to call you? Should it be a troublesome maker or a troublesome boy?

coaxed. After listening to his sarcastic words, the crowd onlooked burst into a burst of laughter in an instant.

"Let's just give him a big trouble. This boy also went to the girls' dormitory for sightseeing yesterday and wanted to rape girls. Oh, it almost insulted our school beauty. Ha, as the boyfriend of the school beauty, it's okay to teach him a lesson. Haha" A sarcastic voice came from the crowd, making Flory's The heart was as uncomfortable as being pricked by a needle, and his face gradually became more rosy.

A pair of fists clenched even more.

The fire almost spewed out of his eyes. At this moment, Xiao Tie looked like an enraged beast. His eyes were congested and he looked coldly at the young man opposite him. It was the young man who not only rudely blocked his way, but also insisted that Xiao Tie was a ** thief. At this moment, he said that he was the maker of trouble. He has been entangled in Xiao these days. The gossip on the iron made him miserable, so defeating the unknown challenger in front of him may be an excellent way to prove himself.

And the origin of all this is Everline, so I have to teach her a lesson for a long time, even if it is her boyfriend.

"Kid, since you came to die, it's no wonder that I'm ruthless. We signed the certificate of life and death. No matter what life or death, the other party will not bear any responsibility?"

Xiao Tie's eyes flashed with animal light. He couldn't wait to take action at this moment to beat the boy opposite into a pig's head.

"Fuck, who is afraid of who? Even if you are powerful, I won't treat you as a urine. I will sign any life-and-death agreement with you. Ha, it's just that your leg will be broken at that time. Don't cry and beg me to let you go. Haha, it's a big trouble."

A burst of laughter suddenly broke out in the crowd,

The sound of Xiao Tie's teeth,

The two signed a life-and-death agreement under the notarization of an old man in the college,

The old man's name is Rebke, and he is a highly valued teacher in the college.

He also happened to pass by and saw this fun duel.

The sun is rising and the weather is surprisingly good. Looking up, the sky is a desirable blue,

At this time, neither of the two people in the battle did move, just slowly moved their bodies and slowly approached,

Like his opponent, Xiao Tie is not only very slow, but also extremely careful every step forward, because he can see that the strength of the young man in front of him has reached the level of knife ghost, which is really above himself.

Finally, at the urging of the audience, Floyy, who had been wandering around, suddenly burst into a cyan fighting spirit, and his body turned into a blue light and shadow rushing.

Two fist shadows in the light and shadow are ringing,

Dieve to Xiao Tie's eyebrows and heart,

Xiao Tie was slightly shocked, and his body retreated one after another,

At the same time, a light shield was turned out in front of him to block the fierce blow,

Boom, the light shield disintegrate in an instant,

The power of the fist does not decrease, and then hit Xiao Tie's lower abdomen,

Xiao Tie's lower abdominal muscles suddenly contracted, and a strong sticky suction came from his belly, which actually tightly adsorbed the pair of fists to his body.

"Star-absorbing!" Xiao Tie roared, his legs came out, and swept to his opponent's lower plate.

Floye couldn't close his fist, only his leg and Xiao Tie's leg,

The two of them fell back at the same time,

With two sounds, the two of them fell and squatted, got up again, and tore up again like two fierce beasts. Booming, Frey's punched, Xiao Tie did not avoid it, but still punched each other,

Boom, the two people were shaken back a few steps at the same time, unstable and almost fell to the ground,

Boo, the two of them turned red and didn't use magic, but seemed to fight with physical strength,

Boom, boom,

Black tiger down the mountain,

Meteor chasing the moon,

Flying stones,

The top of Mount Tai,

The two seemed to be desperate. Every time they fought, the space roared and the ground vibrated.

After 20 moves, Xiao Tie slowly got the upper hand. From the beginning, he didn't pay attention to the young man opposite, so he didn't call the star power at all. At present, he sees that the young man's martial arts skills are strong and is also a hard bone.

So I had no choice but to call the star force,

A blue star poured into the right arm,

Boom, he punched out and instantly repelled his opponent five steps.

Star power is injected one after another, like hitting iron, and Frey, who shook each pair of punches, almost vomited blood,

After 18 punches in a row,

Floy has fallen to the ground and vomited blood,

Xiao Tie strode over and punched again.

"Sit," a voice in the crowd stopped him,

As the sound sounded, a beautiful girl appeared in front of him,


Xiao Tie's eyes stagnated,

The eyebrows frowned,

This broom star was originally because she almost discredited herself,

Now that I want to win, I have to come forward to plead with my superiors,

"What are you going to do? Isn't it to plead for this poor man? You should know that we have just signed a life-and-death contract, so life and death are not interfered by outsiders, so please go back. This is a battle between men. I don't want women to come forward to interfere with the outcome of the war."

Xiao Tie's cold words flashed a trace of displeasure on Everlin's pretty face,

The eyes are full of sadness, and tears are in my eyes,

"I beg you to let him go. He is a good man. I don't want him to die tragically under you."

"Well, can you cancel the harm you brought me? If not, pay for it with blood. I don't need tears and sympathy. I just want him to die!" Xiao Tie seems to be completely rational at this moment, and his whole body is full of violence.

The astrolabe in his body is running at full speed, flooding one star after another into his body. Now from the outside, he looks like a kind of strength that is not commensurate with his physique.

The arm is no lower than 30% thicker than before, and even the body has become like a strong man, with muscles shrugged everywhere, like a giant with gas.

He approached Floy with a wild smile and slowly waved his huge fist.

shouted: "Damn guy, dare to bother me, I want your life!" He waved his fist violently and fell heavily.

Floy has lost his resistance, only closing his eyes and quietly waiting to die.

"Slow down, let him go," another light red figure flashed,

A beautiful girl appeared beside Xiao Tie, stretched out her delicate five fingers and held Xiao Tie's fist.

The fist sinks and seems to fall on a powerless cotton bag. It can't enter and retreat, and it can't retreat.

Xiao Tie was shocked and only then did he meet a master.

Looking intently, the fairy-like Lorioni was standing in front of her, clenching her fist with one hand.

I can't let my fist fall,

A cold air rushed into my arm, and a feeling of soreness swam all over the body in an instant.

"What a strong wrist," Xiao Tie withdrew his arm,

Look calmly at the beauty that suddenly appeared on the opposite side,

"What are you going to do? Is it possible that you also want to save that cowardly guy?"

"I just want you to let him go. I promise that as long as you promise to let him go, all your feuds with Everline will be written off."