Young Knife God

Chapter 168 Conspiracy

"Xiao Tie, I won't let you go. One day we will have a fair contest," Yu'er opened her eyes and stared at him angrily. The blood stain left on the corners of her mouth seemed to be still talking about the hatred in her eyes.

Xiao Tie felt that his eyes were extremely cold, and there was a kind of hatred to remove his bones.

But at present, it was the smiling old man opposite who made Xiao Tie feel stressed. He made his seven successes back with his hands and feet, and his expression was extremely relaxed.

You should know that Xiao Tie is also a seventh-level strength. Such a terrible combat power, even if the top masters in the demon world want to eliminate their own attacks, it will take a lot of effort. However, this horrible oriental old man will shock himself back just by raising his clothes and shaking his eyebrows. This horrible strength may far exceed the demon world. Any one.

Xiao Tie was slightly shocked and stopped attacking. The blue light emitted by the old man was too strange. He was shocked and said, "What is the relationship between you and Yuqingzong?"

"Ha ha, does the little brother also know the Yuqingzong of the eastern world? To be honest, I am the third disciple of the Eastern Shangqing. Unexpectedly, the Western world is also a land of dragons and tigers. As soon as I came to this continent, I met such a strong opponent. It seems that I underestimated here "

He sighed and turned away,

As soon as he stopped, he turned around and said, "Unfortunately, such a genius person was born in the Western world. If I have such a figure, why don't worry about dominating the world? Little brother, if you are interested, you can come to Yuqingzong to me at any time. As long as you report my name when you come, your disciples naturally dare not stop you."

Xiao Tie asked, "How dare you ask how many people come to the Western Continent? There must be an extremely important task, right?"

"Oh, the little brother is really smart. Let me tell you, in a few days, there will be a treasure in the West. You must know that not only will there be various figures, but also there will be a gathering place for heroes from all walks of life. If you are interested, you can also try your luck. Oh, "After saying that , took the woman and left,

In the Western Daze, there is the arrival of Ruibao. Although Xiao Tie has also heard this news, he thinks that there are dangers in the Western Daze. There are not only all kinds of fierce high-level monsters, but also robbers and demons. It has always been regarded as a forbidden area by the strong in the demon continent, and few people have always set foot in it. < /P>

Gathering people with big votes here is not only a good opportunity to open your eyes, but also an opportunity to see Ruibao with your own eyes. The opportunity is rare. Xiao Tie is already faintly moved,

A young man in the crowd witnessed Xiao Tie showing amazing strength, and the young Philly was also frightened. Although he was also a sixth-order strength, he was a single attribute. In this way, he would inevitably lose if he fight with Xiao Tie. At that time, he would not only make a fool of himself, he might be injured.

The transaction was cancelled, and the news of Xiao Tie's defeat of the Oriental Warriors also spread all over the campus in an instant.

"Fuck, this boy is awesome. I heard that even the disciples of Yuqingzong have been defeated by him. Ha, Yuqingzong is also a major sect in the eastern world. The strength has always made the Western world look sideways. Unexpectedly, it will be defeated in the hands of this boy. Ha, it really won the face of our Western world. , "

A tall and thin student said to his companion,

"Hey, Jack, have you been brainwashed by that boy? How can you say good things about that boy? You know, he is now my enemy. I must defeat him," his companion, a yellow-haired young man, waved his fist and gritted his teeth and said, "Since this damn guy came to the empire demon. After the college, I lost Miss Feige's love. My side became his admirers, but I became a lonely person. Humph, no matter what you think, I just want to compete with him. Even if I die under his fist, I am fearless. I just need to save our love, Feige said, as long as I can defeat him. Xiao Tie, she will come back to me. Although I know that I can't defeat him, because of this sad sentence, I still have to fight for it. I want to prove that I am not a waste."

The yellow-haired young man waved his fists, and his face turned red. I don't know when a line of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. Cold tears passed silently across his face and slowly dripped to the ground.

"Rody, don't do stupid things. You can only die to challenge Xiao Tie. I advise you to enjoy life,

If Feige no longer loves you, it is useless to sacrifice himself. What you have to do is to create a world with your own efforts to prove the value of your existence, "

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm too impulsive. I'm sorry, I wasn't like this before. Oh, it's all because of this foreign boy who destroyed my Feige's feelings. I'm going to kill him."

Rody ran away quickly as he spoke,

"Oh, fool, you will only lose your life like this," the tall young man punched the stone pillar next to his body. The stone pillar was shaken by a huge force and instantly regained its former calm.

"Rody is good. You shouldn't stop him. If you see today's competition between Xiao Tie and the Oriental Warriors, you will find that the strength of this teenager is beyond our imagination. If we don't find a way to deal with him, I think after N, a large number of people in this college will switch to Enter his door and become his loyal fan. In this way, the strength of our college's Qingyi Club will be greatly weakened. I think this may be all you and I don't want to see. The speaker is actually Iverine,

Tsing Yi Club is a student-based gang that has only recently emerged in the college. Most of its members are about fifth-level students, and nearly half of them are beautiful girls, so Tsing Yi will also win a nice name in the outside world, called the Red Pink Army,

And Everlyn is the vice president of the Tsing Yi Association, and Philip is acting president as the seventh level, becoming the new leader of the Tsing Yi Association.

"Oh, Vice President Everline, is it true that Philly has cancelled the match with Xiao Tie?"

"Well, this damn thing, I was scared by that boy. He is a promising guy, and you are different. Although your strength is one level lower than him, you are more courageous. Hey hey, if you are willing to teach that boy a lesson for me, I would like to exchange my most precious thing with you."

Hearing such a blatant provocation, Jack's face showed a malicious smile,

nodded and said, "Okay, beauty, that's good, but if you let me challenge Xiao Tie like that fool, I'm afraid that even if I have a beautiful blessing, I won't suffer?"

At present, ** is still quite large,

When Avery saw that the fish had been hooked, she said with joy, "His little lover's name is Oran. What you want to do is very simple, that is, tie her up for me, and then tell Xiao Tie to ask him to take 10 million gold coins to redeem her. If he dares not come, this little girl will be enjoyed by you. This deal is not bad."

"Okay, I haven't liked that boy for a long time. Hey, Oran is also a beautiful woman, ha, I love this job, "

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the money and beauty had both. This good thing was like the world falling into a cake.


Xiao Tie is in a very good mood today. After defeating the Oriental Warriors, his reputation is believed to be raised to a new height.

I walked down the street with Oran and had another meal, so I reluctantly sent her back.

The moonlight is as hazy as water, reflected on this picturesque and beautiful land,

When the teenager's feelings first opened, he took Oran's hand and said sweetly, "Olan, today is the happiest day my brother has ever had. It's just that I haven't accompanied you well for so long. Today is my brother to compensate you."

"Brother Xiao, there are still a lot of things you have to do. It's already very good to play with me for a day. I'm very satisfied. It's getting late. You can also go back," her eyes turned red and she almost shed tears.

The sky was getting dark, and Xiao Tie did not notice the change in her expression.

Just took her hand and sent him all the way to the college,


Olan waved his hand and said, "Go back. It's very close to the school gate. I'm going back soon. Oh, I don't want my classmates to see me with you. Otherwise, their mouths are awesome. Ha ha, I'm leaving." Olan turned around and ran away like lightning, leaving only one. Beautiful back and a faint fragrance in the air,

Xiao Tiexin Chao Penghu, still recalling the sweetness just now,

But at the moment he was distracted, a scream suddenly came from the darkness in the distance.