Young Knife God

Chapter 182 Western Osawa

"Brother Xiao, why did you come back?" When Olan saw Xiao Tie yawning, Liu frowned and said softly,

Xiao Tie deliberately pretended to be indifferent and said, "I met several thieves on the road, and they were all beaten away by me. Oh, fortunately, I was not injured."

What he said was relaxed, but it really made Oran worry about him. Oran came over and hurriedly helped Xiao Tie to ** to sit down. Then he checked for him one by one. Seeing that he was indeed not injured, he was relieved.

"In the future, you are not allowed to sleep alone. I like you, and I know we will definitely be together." Oran's infatuated eyes closed slightly and pressed a hot face tightly to Xiao Tie's chest.

Xiao Tie smiled and said no and hugged Oran in his arms,

The two slept slowly together, and the sky slowly lit up. It was not until a loud chicken sound woke up that Xiao Tie found that the night really passed too fast. Seeing that Oran had disappeared, his head was big and recalled that they just hugged each other and slept yesterday and did nothing to Oran. , he slowly relaxed,

Xiao Tie put on his clothes and walked out of the door alone to breathe the fresh air outside the window. When his eyes touched the grotto in the distance, he suddenly appeared on his body with several high-level magic skills that had not been practiced. He jumped up and fell into the grotto several ups and downs.

"Xiao Tie, how long have you been here?" When he entered the cave and had not had time to open the high-level magic skills in his arms, he heard a voice in the air asking indifferently.

I haven't heard the sound of the shadow for a long time. Once again, there is a strange smell,

Is it possible that this magic shadow has also broken through? At the beginning, she insisted on staying in this stone cave to cultivate her body alone. After all, her spiritual body was so strong that it was strong enough to refine her body, so this cave was also banned for her.

No one has always dared to break in. A few months have passed in a blink of an eye,

I think the shadow must have made a new change,

Sure enough, Xiao Tie was thinking that suddenly after a wave of energy in the air, a dazzling light rose and slowly waited for the light to dissipate. Xiao Tie found that he had already stood a beautiful woman in front of him,

It's just a beautiful body**, which stunned Xiao Tie,

"Oh, my God, is this the so-called body? Not only is the skin as smooth as jade, but also the skin is spread with a seductive luster. The body is really convex. It is not only delicate and luxurious, but also has a unique figure.

It turned out that when Xiao Tie hid the magic knife into her body, she had rarely used it, and the magic shadow had been refining her body. She fell in love with this grotto to retreat. Fortunately, no one came here often. In addition, Xiao Tie revealed one or two to Henry in private, so Henry prohibited idle people from going up the mountain, and this area fell into The restricted area is average,

"Xiao Tie, now sacrifice the magic knife, and then blow away the seal behind it," the magic shadow's expression is a little mysterious,

The seal pointed by her fingers is actually a large cyan stone, which weighs about 2,000 pounds and is about to block the hole.

"Senior, can't you remove that stone with your strength?"

Xiao Tie is a little worried. This stone is very unusual at a glance. If it is a real magic stone or something, wouldn't it be a pity to break it?

"Don't you even listen to me? Now I dare to sacrifice the magic knife in my body. Only when we combine them into one can we break the stone. Otherwise, if it is blocked, we can't get the treasures in it. Hey, to tell you the truth, I can use my soul to see it. It is not only complete, but also a high-level high-level weapon Jixin. I want to come here is It's not easy to find this secret after practicing here for dozens of days.

"Oh, there is a baby," Xiao Tie was excited when he heard the news. Without saying a word, he would cut down the magic knife in his body.

As soon as the magic knife appeared, I saw a strange light flashing in the eyes of the magic shadow. A dragon flew nine days to break the barrier and held the blade in the palm of his hand.

Xiao Tie was shocked. He didn't expect that he would always be steady. When he was like a little brother, the magic shadow would grab the magic knife on his body. You know, the knife itself has magic spirit, so as soon as the knife appeared, it immediately stimulated the knife spirit to volagate in the hole,,

Boom, an uncontrolled knife was hovering violently, as if to break away from the hand that held it tightly. Xiao Tie was shocked and hurriedly shouted: "

A super black wind spiral storm came from the palm of its hand and sucked the magic knife that was flowing outside,

In an instant, the cyan magic knife slowly flew back. Xiao Tie shouted excitedly, "Senior Magic Shadow, you have miscalculated. How dare you rob my baby? Aren't you going to get the treasure in the cave?"

"Hmm, little rabbit, you should know that this knife originally belonged to me. Humph, if your boy hadn't put the knife into his body and adopted the method of dripping blood to recognize the sect, I wouldn't have stayed with you for so long. Humph, this knife must belong to me."

During the struggle between the two, suddenly a knife shadow flashed in the sky,

The magic knife suddenly went out of control in the air and went back to the magic shadow. A knife stabbed into her newly repaired body. In an instant, an incredible expression flashed on the magic shadow's face, and the body turned into a thick smoke and was sucked into the magic knife.

The magic knife once again emitted dazzling brilliance, and one dazzling brilliance passed around like waves. After hitting the stone wall, it slowly returned white. After repeated collisions, the temperature of the cave slowly rose sharply. The huge green stone that had been blocked outside the inner hole suddenly collapsed and burst. Fried,

The violent vibration almost made the whole cave collapse. Fortunately, Xiao Tie moved quickly, received the magic knife in time, and trotted into the hole. In a short time, he took seven or eight things from it that I didn't know and ran out.

Not long after he came out of the cave, the cave permanently fell into the ground, as if the whole mountain had sunk by more than a few meters.

Let Xiao Tie shake it,

"Xiao Tie, when the horn of life calls us, can we still stay in this place to enjoy life? You should know that there are still a lot of things waiting for you to do in the distant West. You and Oran will go together. She will be 18 years old this year. After she becomes an adult, I hope she can follow you to the outside world. Oh, Xiao Tie, you are happy. I will ask you, oh, "I don't know what. At that time, Henry and Oran's father and daughter were standing behind him and looking at themselves.

It is not difficult to see from their eyes that they are still very worried about themselves. After all, they have lived here for so long and have a deep relationship with Henry's family. Xiao Tie responded with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm going to leave in a few days, maybe in that distant place. I will find what I want,"

A few days later, Xiao Tie saw that the training work of the Guard Mercenary Regiment was gradually becoming regular. When Tu Ba saw Xiao Tie, he was also in a good mood and said, "Brother Xiao, the brothers are ready. Just wait for your order, we can start the whole group. Ha, I heard that you are going to marry the bride. Haha, don't I forgot to invite our brothers to have your wedding, haha,"

"Oh, Boss Xiao is coming, let's line up quickly," with a crisp whistle sound, and a palace people who were training on the grass quickly gathered. Xiao Tie was surprised to point out the number of people and couldn't help admiring his ability to draw pictures. This boy, in only half a month, absorbed nearly a thousand mercenaries, and big Most of them are young mercenaries with strong combat effectiveness. It seems that this person is a natural leader.

"Big Xiao, you can review the team," said Tocia, who walked in front of her, and the mercenaries lined up in front of her. They were all in high spirits, smiling, confident and strength showed their smiling faces.

This made Xiao Tie very satisfied. After watching it for a long time, he got off the stage and walked into the tent that Tocia had prepared for him.

In this tent, a topographic map of Western Daze has already been prepared. Judging from the map, Western Daze is an unmarked mountain, but it has drawn many blue areas. I think it is some rivers and so on, but it is only extremely dense, like cobwebs.

"Tocia, where did you get this picture? You know, I didn't find half of the map about Western Osawa in the library of Imperial College, but you got such auspicious, which really makes me doubt the authenticity of this map?"

Seeing Xiao Tie's suspicious eyes,

Totia smiled faintly and said, "Don't worry, I bought this picture at a high price from a friend in the mercenary union, and the painter of this picture is a mercenary who has been to Osawa in the West, so I believe in its authenticity."

Tubal said seriously, "I also believe that this picture is correct, because I have heard a long time ago that there are three dangerous gates in Daze in the West, and the corresponding position is generally the same as the one marked above, so there will be no problem with the picture we got."

Xiao Tie looked at this picture carefully. Somehow, he always felt that there was something wrong, but he never found the problem. Strangely, this morning's time was wasted until the time for lunch came.

By chance, he saw a mercenary listening to the sword. The scabbard of the sword was actually depicted with a flying dragon, and a powerful dragon knight was faintly sitting on it.