Young Knife God

Chapter 192 Integrity

"So, isn't our Xuanmen's large-scale entry into the Westland just to find that magic knife? Unfortunately, the sacred objects of our demon religion will drift into this Western world. How can we, the Eastern people, be embarrassed?"

"Ha ha, but I heard that there is a hidden crossbow in this hole, but it is a rare spiritual object in heaven and earth. If you can get this crossbow, it is not necessarily an opponent if the other party takes out a magic knife. I heard that this Tibetan crossbow came from the hands of a god, but later somehow, it unexpectedly retreated and came to this lost Western world and enjoyed the silence alone, so that for thousands of years, treasures that could not be found by the Central Plains would appear in this dilapidated giant cave, which is also an anecdote.

The yellow-haired man roared, and the rocks were shot everywhere in the shaking hole. Speaking of excitement, his body was also swaying. He leaned forward and backward, looking like a promiscuous play.

Being behind him, the thinner man answered: "I heard that this time not only our Xuanmen has made great progress, but also the people of the magic gate have come here. I heard that they are in order to be the treasures splashed in the Western Daze. Oh, after we get it, we might as well go to the Western Leshi to have a look to the end. What kind of treasure will make so many people crazy?

"Brother Heifeng, this time we came out of the nest. The main purpose is to come for this crossbow. We must not take care of limbs. You should know that this Western world is also a strong man. In case we encounter enemies, it will be extremely dangerous?"

The yellow-haired man didn't stop saying a word, and a faint sharp color appeared in his eyes.

The black wind couldn't help but feel cold and dared not say anything more? With a slight smile, he turned around and left,

Listening to the footsteps fading away, Xiao Tie was so relieved that he touched other places in the cave alone.

This cave is extremely wide. Although there is only one person at the entrance of the cave from the outside, after entering it, it is found that the giant cave is fan-shaped. Not only is the site huge, but the cave is also as dense as a honeycomb. It is difficult to see the bottom at a glance when entering the cave.

A chill came, which made Xiao Tie feel extremely uncomfortable. A dark golden light flashed away in front of Xiao Tie.

Xiao Tie followed the streamer and searched all the way. Sure enough, he found a piece of purple jade on a stone wall in the cave. The purple jade crystal was shining everywhere, and the light at the top of the head hit a weapon above his head, so that the golden light wave rose quickly. The brilliance came, which made Xiao Tie dazzle for a moment.

But he came to his own judgment at the first time. This must be a great treasure, so before the giant found him, he reached out and swept high. Just as he held the crossbow in his hand, a thunderous shout in the distance made him almost dead.

After a gust of wind, three elders who had just entered the hole appeared behind him.

They are lined up, facing Xiao Tie,

It seemed that his eyes were shining, and they all looked at the crossbow in his hand and drooled.

Xiao Tie's face is pale. You should know that if he has a chance to compete with several masters at this moment, he must be a dead end.

But if you want to get out, there is still a way,

Thinking of this, he smiled calmly and said, "Six of you have come to get this divine bow, right,"

"Of course, if you are smart, you will save me from doing it. Otherwise, after the two sides play, it is inevitable that there will be casualties. With thegong fu of this three-legged cat, it is naturally inevitable to die. The three of us have the virtue of life. As long as you hand over the divine bow, you can leave alive."

The yellow-haired man, with a solemn face, is full of compassion and broad temperament between his eyebrows,

But this came to Xiao Tie's ears, but it was awkward to hear it.

Originally, he got what he got first, but at this time, he wanted to grab it from his hand and put on a righteous awe-inspiring appearance. Xiao Tie has never experienced such a scene,

A burst of anger came from his heart. At this time, his anger could not be suppressed for a moment. Fortunately, he adjusted his bursting emotions in time and Wen Wen said, "Several, there is only one bow. Even if I hand it over, who is better for the three of you? If I give it to the boss, the two of you will not be happy. Oh, that's it. You three will discuss it. If you make a decision, just let me know, and I will definitely let you get what you want."

The situation turned around, and Xiao Tie became the person who presided over the overall situation.

The middle-aged yellow-haired opposite laughed coldly,

said, "You are not old, but your mind is good. You actually provoked the three of us. It seems that even if I want to keep you alive today, the two of them will not agree."

"Fuck, Black Wind, kill this boy. Don't let us wait too long, otherwise it will be unfavorable to us after a long time. After all, these giants have only been shocked by my magic sound. Once they wake up, their strength will still be terrible,"

"Okay, just according to my brother, "Black wind nodded and agreed. His body flew half a foot obliquely. His big hand stretched out, and a rain fell on the golden sand. His big hand poked out seven meters out of thin air, like a huge net, covering Xiao Tie's body in it. At this moment, Xiao Tie suddenly felt that his front and back and lower passages were completely blocked, and fell from above. The huge magic palm seems to be able to take pictures of themselves in an instant.

Xiao Tie shouted and held the crossbow in his hand. A black magic arrow was already hanging on the string.

With a pull away, a golden light pierces the sky,

Boom, Xiao Tie aimed at the black wind opposite and shot this arrow,

This arrow broke out of the air crazily, causing the energy fluctuations in the sky. The arrow rubbed against the air and emitted a dazzling light. The flame is burning fiercely from the arrow, reflecting a bright sky.

Boom, an almost imperceptible blue interstellar energy hung Xiao Tie's finger on the bow string. The blue energy arrow could not attract the attention of the opposite master in the dark hole, but when he shot it, the blue interstellar arrow still tore the air as soon as it appeared,

Boom, two of the three people were hit by the arrow in an instant, but when the two people were hit by the arrow, one launched a divine escape in time and disappeared in an instant. The other person patted a palm in time, a powerful god's palm, and a palm wind covered the blue arrow.

The short arrow was smashed into pieces in an instant,

However, the powerful energy remaining momentum has not subsided, and it still makes the black wind shake its mouth salty, and a stream of blood spewed out and splashed to the ground.

The only white-bearded man who was not attacked looked at Xiao Jin with a stunned face and was shocked by the absolute strength shown by this crossbow.

It's just that his eyes are not this crossbow, but another magic weapon in Xiao Tie's arms,

Magic Knife,

The dark magic knife is now spinning in the palm of Xiao Tie's hand, and the faint blue star power keeps flashing between the blades.

Although Xiao Tie has not yet attacked, he has already scared the white bearded man on the opposite side, but his expression is still extremely cold, but the sweat in the palm of his hand is sweating, two strands of war, a lost soul,

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Young man, you have a good cultivation. Isn't the magic knife in your arms stolen from our Xuanmen hundreds of years ago? If you are willing to hand it over after seeing our Xuanmen, I can save your life, "

"Fuck, my life will naturally be in charge. What else do you want to do? At this moment, you have to worry about yourself. I'll count three times. If you don't disappear, my crossbow will deal with you.

Listening to Xiao Tie's words, his face suddenly changed, and his body was like a strange bird in the air, and disappeared outside the cave in an instant.

When Xiao Tie came to Coxon's office on time with the divine bones he got, Coxon was sleeping. Although the elderly vice dean rarely showed his strength, once he took action, it was also a shocking move.

"Hi, Dean Coxon, I'm coming," Xiao Tie saw that he was going to wake up naturally. He didn't have time to wait, so he simply patted the table and thought it was to wake him up.

Although after Xiao Tie slapped the table a few times, shook several tea cups, and broke two cups, Coxon woke up like an attack,

When he saw that the young man standing in front of him was Xiao Tie, an awkward smile flashed on his angry face.

"Mr. Xiao, you are very punctual. It seems that you are indeed a trustworthy three-good young man."

"Oh, let's keep the beautiful words later. I've got fifty bones now. If you are interested, take them. Anyway, I don't need them."

After saying that, he took the pocket off his shoulder and threw it on the ground casually. When a crystal jade-like bone jumped out of the mouth of the cloth bag, he suddenly opened his mouth in shock.

Oh, where did this boy get so many divine bones? Look at the boy's relaxed appearance. It's easy to do. Oh, if he can get the source of this batch of treasures from his mouth, the treasure hunt business will be done by himself. Oh, the one who will make a fortune will become himself. Have you already?