Young Knife God

Chapter 195 Surging Wolves

"What the hell happened?" Una was the first to find the abnormality on Tosia's face,

"Today I saw the resurrection of the Wolf King," Tocia's expression was a little indifferent, but at this moment she showed some relaxation,

As soon as they arrived at the eyes of the two beautiful women, they told what they saw that day. Hearing Tocia's story, the two beauties were a little shocked.

Although they had also heard that the wolf king had died thousands of years ago, the wolf king was seriously injured and died under the attack of the crowd, so when they heard the resurrection of the wolf king, their expressions were particularly shocked. After all, the appearance of the wolf king made everyone present feel an unprecedented threat.

After all, this place is so close to the Linglong Temple, and it also threatens the security of the underground world. I believe that these underground strongmen will also come forward to deal with this matter. Otherwise, the power of the human race alone cannot defeat the extremely powerful wolf king, and its appearance will certainly be formed in this area. A new disaster.

Boom, a slight vibration suddenly came from the distance. From a distance, I saw only a few miles away from a smoke and quickly approached this area.

A tight wolf howling can be faintly heard,

Boom, several villages were destroyed in an instant, and some passing merchants were also attacked. For a moment, Tosia did not expect that these wolves would form a threat in such a short time, and they were constantly burned, killed and looted along the way, but the human race had no strength to resist them and was almost instantly defeated. Killing, such a tragic scene is unparalleled, and several people are creepy.

Fortunately, Ajia was the first to wake up, pass the order down, shrink the troops at the foot of the mountain, and issue an alarm to prepare for the troops at the foot of the mountain, so that the tragedy did not be staged.

The hungry wolf group at the foot of the mountain had already prepared the fire god crossbow, so as soon as the wolf county approached, ten thousand arrows were fired. For a moment, countless arrows were hit by the wolves, and many wolves howled and retreated.

But the only leading wolf king is invincible. Not only is the knife and gun invulnerable, but also the crossbow fell on the body and was instantly burned into a cloud of smoke and dispersed with the air.

The wolf king rushed under the stone barricade, and suddenly opened a big mouth and spewed out a flame, almost swallowing the whole stone barricade. Countless flames flew on the stone barricade, and smoke erupted everywhere for a moment.

Some sergeants of the hungry wolves were caught off guard and burned into skeletons for a while,

Seeing that the sergeants suffered a lot of casualties,

Ajia and Gate also appeared outside the court in a hurry, and all their eyes looked at the heroic and invincible wolf king.

"Let go and shoot the arrow, kill it. It's really too big." When I first saw a huge beast almost as tall as the stone barrier under the mountain, it surprised everyone.

Boom, before the city soldiers reacted, the giant wolf had already pointed its head at the stone barrier and launched a round of double impact on the stone barrier.

After a violent shaking, the corner of the stone barricade collapsed.

Xiao Tie shouted, "Remove to the mountain, be fast. Do you have to do this if you want to live? Hurry up," he took the lead in jumping out of the stone barricade and fled to Linglong Temple with the rest of the mercenaries.

Sure enough, the stone base completely collapsed under the continuous impact of the giant wolf.

hong, a large number of magic wolves came,

I entered the stone barrier in an instant,


There was a sound of horn, and a stone gate fell at the entrance of the mountain.

This stone gate was built on the other side of the river, which was easy to defend and difficult to attack, so the wolves saw that it was difficult to attack and simply shifted their positions. Thousands of magic wolves killed other targets in the distance.

Seeing this torrent of magic wolves and killing the nearby Lun squatting in the city with an irresistible momentum, Gate said with great shock: "It seems that there will really be a big event in the demon world, and maybe a new era will begin."

"Your Excellency, what are we going to do now?" Ah Chuan saw that these magic wolves rushed to the distance under the leadership of the wolf king, and thought that a new scene of human tragedy would be staged. Unfortunately, the strength at hand was not enough to compete with it, and he couldn't help sighing for a moment, with a sad expression.

"Well, if only Xiao Tie was here. Boss Xiao has always been resourceful. He will definitely have a way to deal with these damn monsters."

There was a little uneasiness in his words,

But the people around him sounded like a disaster. After all, the hungry wolves have never had a war since they captured Linglong Temple. The salaries of mercenaries are received every month. As a source of income, although there is also a surplus in the payment of tolls and taxes, the wolf occupies the stone. After that, the hungry wolves will lose an important source of income.

And the merchants who entered the city also went far away because their roads were blocked. These are real crises, but Gate is indecisive.

However, it is no wonder that it is a problem that no mercenary regiments dared to imagine in the past to make these monsters so powerful and fight against such powerful and fighting desires far beyond human beings.

"It seems that we are in real trouble. This Wolf King is powerful, far beyond our view of Warcraft,

Lun squatted under the city, and a city guard was returning. Someone exclaimed, "Look, what's behind you?"

Someone pointed to a huge dust head in the distance. It can be seen with the naked eye that a gust of wind and dust rose to the sky. Under the dust head, it seemed that a row of giant beasts were roaring towards them. Along the way, countless creatures were suffering.

Boom, before the city guard came back, the beast army came to everyone. The huge wolf king opened his mouth and shouted, and a flame instantly swallowed dozens of people.

A vague smell in the air dissipates with the wind,

The remaining city guards just had time to lift the weapons and tear them into pieces for the wolves.

Boom, one after another of flames came from a distance,

Villages, fields, towns, everywhere is filled with smoke,

The wolves are sweeping thousands of troops across the plain,

In an instant, dozens of families were trampled flat,

"Close the gate. It's not good. Warcraft is about to attack. "The sergeant who guarded the gate made an almost crazy cry.

The city behind him slowly closed. He quickly rushed to the gate, but blocked the way by a giant beast.

The flames ignited behind him, and in an instant, the city guards turned into ashes,

"Fly!" With a nearly crazy roar, someone quickly shot a dense rain of arrows from the city, but this only disrupted the offensive formation of the wolves in an instant, which was completely invalid for adult magic wolves.

When the arrow rain came to the head, the long hair of these magic wolves danced gently, and a light blue flame ignited from their bodies, unexpectedly turning the arrow rain that broke through the air into dust in an instant.
