Young Knife God

Chapter 200 Western Osawa

With the crossbow in his hand, Xiao Tie shot an arrow, and an arrow shot away, hitting the dragon's body.

After the arrow tip of the rocket penetrated the dragon scales, it exploded and bombarded a large piece of iron-hard scales, exposing the bloody white dragon meat, which immediately caused the dragon to roar like crazy.

A huge dragon tail sweeps, and a huge gas vortex cuts through the void and strikes in a series.

Boom, several violent bombardments sounded around Xiao Tie. Suddenly, Xiao Tie's body was unstable, shaking a few times, and almost fell from the tiger's back.

Damn, this old dragon actually has such power in anger,

When Xiao Tie saw that he hurt the dragon, he also gave Falkiddon a lesson. If he continues to fight, he is afraid that it will be unfavorable to him.

Suffilessly patted the tiger's head, and the little tiger flew to the airspace in the distance with the two people.

Although he kept encountering the pursuers sent by the general along the way, after Xiao Tie threatened him several times with the sunset crossbow, those pursuers did not dare to approach too much. They just bluffed in the distance and pretended to pursue them and quietly collected their troops.

So Xiao Tie didn't encounter any other trouble along the way. He successfully got rid of the pursuers and came to the Black Wind Valley, and then stopped.

Seeing the flag of the hungry wolves fluttering in the wind, Xiao Tie felt weak and slowly fainted.

This battle of the general's mansion shocked his reputation, but at the same time, it also caused great damage to his whole body, so he had to stay in the Black Wind Valley.

"Big Xiao, what's wrong with you?" Gate and others, who were greeted by the news, looked at Xiao Tie in surprise. At this moment, they understood how much Xiao Tie had been affected by this battle.

When they knew that Xiao Tie went to fight with people for Oran, everyone was stunned.

After a day of adjustment, Xiao Tie slowly woke up from a coma. After all, the dragon ball in his body is slowly playing an irreplaceable repair role, so his physical strength recovers very quickly. Not only the bones are slowly healing, but also the wounds on his body are slowly healing.

After a few days passed, Xiao Tie's body slowly recovered, and his spirit was actually stronger than the previous state.

The bloody sunset crossbow was quietly placed beside him, and only the blood on the crossbow was still trying to talk about the cruelty of yesterday's battle,

Olan has always been by his side, like the closest couple,

The inseparable companion is by his side, which makes Xiao Tie feel comforted. After all, he risked his life just to save this woman's love. If love is around, it can calm the trauma of his heart.

But the only thing that reassures him is the general's mansion,

The general's mansion suffered such a big loss under the emperor's eyes. If it is not to pursue the main murderer in time, then the general's homepage will have no face, and the general's prestige will be completely lost. A person who hands over the world's soldiers and horses to him must be a good fighter. If even the person who breaks into the general's mansion is not arrested. If arrested and brought to justice, the position of general is really not as good as that of a red hawker on the street.

How can such a general emperor look up to it,

How dare you use it?

"Let me kill him in person, or let me disappear in this continent forever,"

Today's Falkiton stands in front of his father, which is very different from the past.

He is covered with golden black iron armor, and this strong armor can easily block the most powerful crossbow for him.

And the silver sword in his hand is dazzling, which is a rare good product in the mainland. It is produced by Yipinju, silver wire chopping,

The price of such a sharp magic soldier is at least tens of thousands of gold coins. It must not be easy for people who can afford such equipment, but in the eyes of the old general, he still shakes his head and said, "Son, are you going to fight with Xiao Tie this time? If you work hard for the sake of face, such sacrifice is really not worth it. Well, after all, this girl has gone away with him, so even if you chase her back, you can't save her heart. "

"I only need to take ten first-class masters in the house. At that time, 11 of us can work together to kill him. Of course, if that bitch, I will kill him in one fell swoop, otherwise it will make that bitch ashamed of our general's mansion, which is really abominable,"

Faxton's face was pale, his fingers were tightly held on the handle of the knife, and the bones of his arms made a crackling sound.

Maybe the future is not far away,

Maybe he needs a war to wash away his shame,

But the price is death.

The general's face was painful and distorted. He knew that his son's decision was unchangeable. All he could do was to send a first-class master in the house to protect his son's life. If necessary, he even planned to fight in person and launch a war to hunt Xiao Tie, but somehow, the general's mansion was After making such a huge sacrifice, the emperor, as a bystander, did not issue a follow-up order as usual.

Such an ambiguous attitude is worth playing,

"Son, you went to Black Wind Valley to find that boy desperately. I think it's better to take the opportunity to get rid of this boy in Western Daze in a few days. After all, the emperor's attitude is still unclear, so he not only did not order the follow up, but also said something irrelevant. It seems that he is very dissatisfied with our general's mansion. By the way, if we send people to openly chase and kill Xiao Tie, I'm afraid the emperor will be unhappy. I think it's better to find a remote place in the Western Daze and quietly get rid of this boy, so that the emperor will not say anything even if he knows it. Of

"Father, do you still care about the emperor's attitude? Why did the emperor of this country open up to this boy in vain? It seems that this boy's * must be unusual, "

"I have inquired about this. It is said that Xiao Tie is the apprentice of Mrs. Moshanyu. This time, he was ordered by his teacher to come to the city to practice.

Therefore, although the Demon Sect has rarely dealt with the Demon Emperor for several years, the strength of the Demon Sect is still eye-catching. After all, there are branches of the Demon Sect everywhere, so the power of the Demon Sect is not inferior to the Demon Emperor, and Mrs. Yu is still the original match of the Demon Sect, which is more eye-catching, so this boy is exhausted. It's bad for you, but I hope you don't attack him in the near future, otherwise it will anger the Demon Sect. If you let the people of the Demon Sect come out to pay us, even if your father is a general and can mobilize the world's demon army, he may not be able to save you, so you'd better be more at ease.

"Oh, Mrs. Yu, no wonder this boy made a fearless scene in the general's mansion. It seems that his back is really tough. Let him live a few more days. In a few days, I will send someone to go to the West Daze to confront this boy. Oh, if he is killed in the West, then Even if the Demon Sect wants to investigate, it will not find the door of our general's mansion at all."

"Well, in this case, let's do it. I really can't interfere with your affairs too much. In that case, it will only increase the disgust and rebellion in your heart, so I respect your choice. Even if you kill that boy now, I will never stop you."

I don't know why, after hearing this, his eyes were wet and he almost burst into tears.

said, "Father, I'll go. I won't mess with that boy again these days."

He turned around and left,

The general stroked his white hair in the wind, and there was a deep tear mark on his face.

Black Wind Valley, the fifth day after Xiao Tie woke up,

These days, he has slowly recovered under the care of Oran,

I thought to myself that there were still a few days left before the departure for Daze in the West. In these days, his life was full and happy.

"Brother Xiao, let's set off in a few days. After staying on the mountain for a long time, I'm a little reluctant to leave."

Olan is a little impatient,

Gate pushed the door in and saw Xiao Tie's sentimental appearance. He couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect that a big hero in everyone's eyes would also be worried.

| "Big Xiao, is there anything you can't think of? You might as well talk about it."

Gate has always been a warm-hearted person. He has always admired Boss Xiao. In his eyes, Xiao Tie has always been a firm-hearted and decisive person, but this time he showed a little hesitation about the departure to the West Daze. It seems that there must be other things in his heart.

"Ha, maybe, after getting Oran's love again, I'm a little reluctant to leave, but this trip must be dangerous. I don't want my loved ones to take risks with me. Well, Miss Oran, you can stay on this mountain. When I return from the Western Dazawa, we will start again. Let's live."

"However, I don't want you to go to Daze in the West. After all, this time you go, the goal is too big, and the general's mansion will not stop there. They will definitely deal with you on the road, and in Daze in the West, there must be many dangers. It can be said that this trip is a lifelong adventure, and it is not easy for us. Happiness, I want you to give up going to Western Daze for me.

"For you." A trace of embarrassment flashed in Xiao Tie's eyes,

"But I've been waiting for this adventure for too long. This time, I must go to Osawa in the West to see what is Ruibao falling from this day?"

"Okay, make your own decision," after saying this, Oran went into the house alone.

The sky gradually became gloomy, with a thunder, and a thunderstorm in the sky, and a thunderous sound came from the sky. The bean-sized raindrops fell from the sky like arrows all over the sky.

Bah, a series of rain and masts came from the outside,

The cold wind blew through the doors and windows, making a rustling sound,

Xiao Tie looked up and looked beyond the mountains in the distance and looked at the clouds hanging down in the mountains.

He savored what he had just said, and his heart was confused at this moment.