Young Knife God

Chapter 203 The Wolf King appears

The exchange of killing on the court and Xiao Tie's roles surprised everyone on the court for a while.

The crown prince standing with his hands changed slightly and said, "It seems that Xiao Tie is a little knowledgeable and has made friends with the most cold-blooded warrior in the empire. In this way, it seems that our efforts have been completely useless, which is a complete failure for us."

"Yes, but it seems to be just a superficial peace talks. At this time, if there is no intervention from outsiders, I'm afraid this Xiao Tie is still a dangerous opponent. Why don't we get rid of him earlier?"

Renault's expression is different, and he seems to be a little confused about the current situation.

"Let's take a look and talk about it later. At present, killing is not so easy to make friends with people, and most of his friends around him have died under him. I don't think this Xiao Tie will be much better."

, "Then according to the prince's idea, we have to prepare for the next step immediately. There may be a new task in this killing. Before we haven't found a suitable candidate at present, why don't we let me carry out this task?"

"Okay, let's do it according to your idea, but it's better not to hurt his life before we leave for Daze in the West. After all, the general's mansion will also send people, so that I won't rob the credit of the general's mansion. In addition, the general's mansion may suffer any more, and we can learn a lesson, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone. The matter."

"Okay, that's it, but before Xiao Tie leaves the Black Wind Valley, we still have to say hello as usual. Otherwise, it doesn't seem to leave any trace when you come and leave quietly.

"Okay, let's do it like this. If there is any objection, we have to wait until now"

Prince Figo finished speaking and turned away. Behind him, two young men saw him go, with a faint smile in his eyes.

Reno smiled and said, "It seems that His Royal Highness still cares about Xiao Tie, otherwise we are all ready to kill the boy who caused a big disaster in the general's mansion, but his words made the people of the general's mansion also reach out, as if they intend to make a fool of the general's mansion."

The shadow that had been hidden behind him finally took off his disguise and exposed his original face. He said quietly, "Maybe he will use Xiao Tie's hand to get rid of the general. After all, the general has always refused to listen to the prince's instructions. For a disobedient but important position, he kept it. A scourge.

His words were extremely slow, and it seemed that every word was extremely difficult, but as soon as he said it, it shocked Reynolds.

: "What did you say? Does he want to use us to remove the general and blame Xiao Tie? If you do this, it will greatly damage the prestige of the prince. "

"Indeed, if the emperor knows about this matter, he will definitely not agree. After all, if the assassination fails and shows his feet, then the general's mansion will inevitably do something against us when it is angry. After all, the general's mansion has also accumulated considerable strength in recent years, so once it breaks, his It is still very lethal, so we must be careful not to reveal our identity, "

The man in black said quietly. His body and body only showed a dark head and the rest of his body seemed to be hidden in the black stealth mask, and only a pair of eyes kept scanning around seemed to be extremely concerned about the environment around him.

After all, as a killer, the perception of the battlefield is extremely **,

This almost invisible person is called Black Knife,

He ranked eighth on the Empire's Warriors list. He is a person who is not strong in attack but has outstanding stealth ability.

He can not only shield his own fighting spirit, but also launch a fatal blow to the enemy without warning.

Make the attacked people unpreventable and confused.

At this moment, his appearance is an invisible pressure for everyone,

"Black knife, just stay here. Your task is to secretly monitor Xiao Tie, but when you don't get an order, don't attack Xiao Tie. His Royal Highness asked us to keep him, and it also has an important purpose."

Renault's eyes looked far away, through a faint sadness between his eyebrows,

Boom, with a loud noise, a huge stone outside the Blackstone fell down,

Rolling to the bottom of the mountain,

Attacked the wolves at the foot of the mountain with an unstoppable momentum,

This one has just been armed and is strengthening an armed wolf clan nearby. It is powerful and has a number of magic wolves of about 500. The leading wolf king is about five meters tall, with golden hair all over its body, and its long golden hair shines strangely in the sun, which makes people can't help but look at it. Sigh,

The stone falling from the sky fell from the air and fell on the head of the wolf king led by lightning.

Just as the stone was about to hit the Wolf King, the Wolf King suddenly looked up, spit out a yellow fireball from his mouth, and hit the boulder. With a bang, the boulder cracked and divided into four.

The fireball bounced back, hit again, and split into eight pieces again. After several times, the Wolf King finally closed the entrance of the beads. Looking at the huge stone in the sky, it turned into a dust and floated and fell from the sky.

The Wolf King raised his eyes and looked at Renault, and his eyes suddenly became a little more sharp.

A wolf roar,

The body flew up in the air and ran to Renault like lightning,

This wolf actually knows the art of ethereality. It seems that there is indeed some heresy.

Renno's heart is in a mess,

With a snatch, he pulled out a dagger, took a meal on both feet, and greeted him like lightning.

A knife is like a flame, cut into the wolf's head,

Boom, a fiery red ** erupted from the wolf's head and sprayed Renault's face,

Rainol only felt a flower in front of him, and a sharp pain came, which made him scream strangely and kicked the wolf's abdomen with three legs.


A series of muffled sounds came, and the Wolf King let out a howling, struggled to spewing a flame at Renault, and fled with injuries.

Renault took his sword, jumped lightly, and jumped back to the cliff again.

At this moment, his heart is at a loss,

"No way, this wolf has cultivated to such a horrible extent that even his blood is almost boiling?"

Renno thought about it, and his face was extremely pale. A face made him feel the horror of the wolf clan.

"This may be the regeneration of magic blood, that is, an ancient evil art. Legend has it that a great prophet kept his blood underground for thousands of years and was taken out again by later generations. If it is injected into the body a little, it can reach the level of blood boiling. However, this blood Jinghua has been absorbed into the body by the wolf. In the muscles and bones, there seems to be some magic in the blood, so it makes them move forward crazily regardless of danger."

As an ancient race, the wolf clan has always existed in people's sight, and people are still afraid of wolves.

Wow, the wolf king was injured and fell back to the wolf group. Immediately, a group of giant wolves surrounded him and spit out fire beads from his mouth to hurt it. Sure enough, without a meal, the wolf recovered 70% or 80% of his physical strength.

Wow, after the Wolf King recovered his strength, he whined softly, and hundreds of wolves behind him scattered one after another and surrounded the stone base.

When killing wolves here earlier, how heroic it is. At present, with the departure of killing, this place has once again become a paradise for wolves.

Xiao Tie and Tong Kill are sitting opposite each other in a pine forest in the back mountain at this moment,

After two cold eyes looked at each other, they said coldly, "Don't miss it when you meet a high man. Since you are here, let's face each other for a while. I'm so solemn that I won't do my best. You just attack."