Young Knife God

Chapter 210 Monster

Seeing that Xiao Tie was safe and sound, he didn't know what to say for a moment. He only held Xiao Tie and shed tears. Xiao Tie also felt this hard-won sincere friendship. For a moment, tears did not surge. Finally, the three people hugged together.

Friendship is priceless. Xiao Tie has been loved by his friends in these short months. He is very excited.

"Tup, our horse is about to set out, and there may be 100,000 mercenaries behind. At this time, we'd better get out of the enemy's pursuit as soon as possible. Otherwise, if we are caught up by hostile forces, we want to retreat completely, and it must be much more difficult than now."

The two of Tuba had no opinion when they heard it. The three of them went on the horse together, and Tuba blew the assembly number.

After a short time, the team of mercenaries gathered in a place and lined up in a simple square formation, and the team rushed out of the city.

In this small city, they also got a lot of things they lacked, such as food and weapons. After replenishment, they moved to the West with full confidence.

"Fad Director Tuba, how much food have we added this time? You should know that we are about to stay away from the city. This may be our last supply station, and most of the way forward are some barren places. Even if we can meet households, most of them don't have much food exchange, so this time we must replenish enough, otherwise if there is a lack of food on the road, it will be for us. He said it would be a failed trip.

Seeing Xiao Tie's worried look, Tu pulled out laughing and said, "Don't worry, Boss Xiao, this time we have replenished thousands of kilograms of grain, so even if we go back and forth again, the food is still sufficient. Oh, not only that, I also ordered the purchase of everyone's surplus grain in the city, P>

Oh, when I heard that Tuba had acquired all the surplus grain in the city, Xiao Tie was there for a moment,

Oh, my God, isn't Tuba ironic? You should know that the surplus grain in the whole city is an astronomical figure. If you want to buy all of them, you will pay a lot of money in vain.

"Oh, what do you buy so much food for?" Xiao Tie was puzzled.

Although he handed over the leadership of the whole mercenary regiment to Tuba, it costs him money to buy food, so it's better to ask,

"Oh, Boss Xiao, don't you forget that there are 100,000 cavalry behind us. The enemy's speed is not as fast as us, but it is like an annoying tail, which makes it difficult for us to get rid of. If we buy all the surplus food in the city, they will inevitably not be able to buy enough surplus food. Give up the action, so we can take this trip easily for a while. After all, it is extremely difficult for them to catch up with us."

"Well, smart enough, I can think of such an idea. I admire it. Haha, okay, we can rest assured in this way."

The two talked and laughed all the way west,

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of miles away,

Looking back, on the way, there was a lot of dust in the distance. It was thought that the pursuers behind had entered the city and were looting. However, it can be imagined that when they saw that all the supplies had been transported away in advance, they would cry or laugh in the face of the empty warehouse and grain.

"Haha, I'm really in a good mood today, so we can definitely get rid of the pursuers,"

Xiao Tie raised his eyebrows and looked at a blue mountain in front of him, but couldn't help taking a breath. The mountain was in front of them, like a huge obstacle. Looking directly, the height of the mountain was actually more than nine kilometers. If you want to pass in front of this mountain, it is difficult to imagine.

Driving, Xiao Tie was anxious, urging the horse to run forward like a gust of wind,

"Is this what you are talking about?" Xiao Tie remembered that before leaving, someone said in his ear that the first danger of entering the Western Daze was the blue porch. It is said that there were horrible monsters hidden in this blue mountain, with super strength and horrible combat power.

There is not only a dragon cave, but also the hometown of some super poisonous insects, so you have to pay a huge price to pass through this place.

"Yes, this place is not only claimed to be the most dangerous place in the world, but also full of poisonous insects and giant beasts, so it is absolutely impossible for us to pass through here safely. It seems that there is only a bloody battle." Unlike the battle between the soldiers just now, the opponents faced this time are some natural. Elites, poisonous insects and monsters in the world,

"Well, we should be careful. Last time, I heard that a mercenary regiment had about 1,000 people. After arriving here, it fell into the attack circle of Warcraft. As a result, it was completely destroyed by Warcraft in a few days."

His words were a little sad. In the face of life and death, and the friendship between life and death, he had never been so worried, but now, he frowned and looked worried.

The blue porch is a mysterious undeveloped area. It is mainly dominated by primitive beasts and is famous for the horror of poisonous insects. It is said that a poisonous insect called seven-winged centipedes has been produced here. It is not only extremely poisonous, but also a flying master. It is also huge, about half a person tall, and weighs up to 100 About a catty, it is a half-dead monster that is enough to scare people at a glance.

In a long time, 500 mercenaries came to the foot of this blue mountain,

Looking up from the foot of the mountain, there is a swamp at the foot of the mountain. The black soil is full of unknown bubbles. From time to time, the black mud-like bubbles raised from below are amazing. The radius of each bubble reaches an amazing few meters. In the process of rising, these bubbles continue to explode. Boom, after a burst of drama, the bubble burst out countless disgusting smells, accompanied by black mud shooting around. The power of the gas explosion was extremely powerful. Xiao Tie saw with his own eyes that a flying geese passing from the swamp unexpectedly rushed down to the house at an altitude of 100 meters, and was bombed by a huge black gas explosion, and nothing The force fell into the quagmire and became the fertilizer of the swamp,

Everyone came to the edge of the swamp and couldn't help taking a deep breath when they saw this scene.

You should know that if you don't know the geography, you will be forced to break through, and there must be no return,

Xiao Tie was still a little reluctant to take this risk. After all, this team was brought out by himself with a lot of money, so when the team was in danger, he still decided to let himself try the water first.

Xiao Tie looked at the brothers behind him and knew that they must be waiting for the news anxiously, so he exchanged glances with Tu Ba and shouted, "There is an unknown swamp ahead. I think I'd better let me test it, otherwise we will rush in and give the whole detachment. Wu brought the disaster,"

"No, Brother Xiao, I won't let you go. This place is too dangerous."

Somehow, when Tosia saw that Xiao Tie was going to be in danger, she cried in a hurry.

She really likes Xiao Tie so much that she really doesn't want to see any danger to Xiao Tie.

Xiao Tie smiled calmly and said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. You know, I'm a master of knife and magic. I won't finish playing like this." Ha, he smiled and got on the horse and control the red flame horse. In the exclamation of the crowd, he ran away like an arrow.

In front of him, the black swamp is constantly surging, like porridge in a pot of boiling, but in this black mud, the huge air cannons that keep flowing out threaten his safety from time to time. There is no way on the swamp. If there is, there is only a slightly dry part from the top of these black air cannons. Pass, in addition, you can only wait for the opportunity in place,

Shuh, Xiao Tie rode the red flame foal and jumped high, jumping on the top of a black air cannon like an arrow,

Standing at the top of the air cannon, you can clearly see the situation in the bubble. There are some strange black creatures hidden in it. This creature is less than two meters tall, with golden eyes, light yellow fur, and a round body and very cute.

However, the purple flame like a fire erupted from their mouths from time to time, quickly blowing out one huge bubbles after another in the mud above,

Boom, these bubble walls are thin and explode one after another, and the sound of bombarding explosions buzzing in people's ears, which is very terrible.

Squeaked, a black-tailed red-eyed monster saw Xiao Tie at the top of the bubble at a glance. His eyes were red, and a flame spewed out of his mouth, instantly swallowing Xiao Tie's body.

Xiao Tie was shocked, and the light protection on his body was immediately activated. With a bang, the flame was shocked back. At the moment when the flame was extinguished, Xiao Tie jumped up again and jumped on another unexploded air cannon.

However, this time he didn't seem to be lucky. The air cannon exploded, and Xiao Tie and his horse were bombarded to a height of nine feet by this strong current, and then fell heavily.

It fell into the sticky mud,

For good, Xiao Tie used the floating technique in time, which didn't make him fall too embarrassed.

Shoo, three bubbles burst at Xiao Tie's feet one after another. In an instant, the black poison gas was released from the gas cannon, emitting a pungent smell, and Xiao Tie was also dizzy by the smell and sad.

He moves forward quickly and knows that there is no way out, so move forward bravely. Maybe he can get a way to live for himself.

His movements were extremely fast. Under the cover of a series of actions, he had sent dozens of flaming palms to the black air cannons in front of him, bombarding, and bubbles bursting one after another. Those little monsters with black-tailed red beads were shocked for a moment and fled deeper into the bubbles, but there was also an accident that a monster actually meant Outside, Xiao Tie took action like lightning. Unexpectedly, he slapped it and bombarded it. It was blowd out of the air, fell on a blue stone, and then quietly plucked himself. I guess it was hopeless.