Young Knife God

Chapter 234 Swordfish

When Xiao Tie saw that he was fascinated by Lu Feifei, he was much more relaxed. Now he got rid of control and fled quickly.

roared, as soon as his body moved, it attracted the attention of several dragon knights, but at this time, they paid more attention to the situation in the water below. After being frustrated, the turtle killed it again. This time, with one against nine, it did not fall into the wind. For a moment, the white light road on the back of the turtle shot into the sky, and the flying dragon in the sky did not When he fell down and fell into the lake, even the two people who first went into the water were in and out, which made Yuqing believe that there must be a unique space below, and the existence of this space further confirmed his guess,

"Brothers, beat me hard. This old turtle was injured and won't support it for a long time. If we continue to fight, we will definitely win." Yuqing led his men and attacked the old turtle crazily. The old turtle was seriously injured under continuous attacks. In addition, his physical strength sank into the water again. Seeing the old turtle sinking into the water, Yuqing Gritting his teeth, he said that if he didn't take the opportunity to get rid of this old turtle, he would have no chance to open the treasure house of heaven and earth in the future.

At that moment, he took the lead in rushing to the water and followed. After a stroke of water, he found that the lake was like an open pot, very hot, and the red magma kept gushing out of the crater, which made everyone feel a feeling of suffocation for a moment.

The divine light of body protection was sacrificed one after another, which barely blocked the hot water flow under the water.

"Hey, you are really brave. You even dare to come to the bottom of the volcanic lake. It seems that you are really impatient to live. In this case, let me give you a ride."

After saying this, his body suddenly trembled, his tail shook, and a violent flow of water surged from the water, and the dark airflow broke through the surface of the water.

These black substances are all black, and it seems that the luster of the whole body has been sucked into the body. What is left outside is only a dark shell. On this shell, there is a layer of horrible green crystals attached to each of which is as thick as a finger, and the head is sharp to the sky, as if it is not good-shaped.

What the hell is this?

Yuqing couldn't help panicking when he saw it. After careful investigation, he suddenly knew that there must be something strange in it, so he did not dare to fly out of his hand and pierce into the dark water.

"Hey, useless, Yuqing boss, this is a dark poison stream. It was formed after living under the water and feeding the swordfish with 32 kinds of poisonous grass. These swordfish have high skills and extremely fast speed. In addition, their heads are shaped like the tip of the first arrow, and a bone is extremely poisonous. No one can live for three days, hey hey These are all I have been controln since I was a child, and the toxicity is a little worse. Maybe you can survive for five days, he, but you have to be careful. These guys are not easy to mess with.

The turtle came out of an underwater cave in the distance, and the armor on the turtle's back opened, and the dying old man appeared again.

Seeing the old man appear, Yuqing's heart was chilled for a moment. He clearly saw the strange smile on the old man's face,

"Swallow them, hey hey" The old man whistled, and the whistle stopped, and he heard the sound of a sharp water being punched. The black fish that were flowing slowly immediately accelerated their speed and turned into lightning and thunder.

So it came to Yuqing and others in a very short time,

Yu Qing is gloomy,

shouted, "Everyone be careful. These arrowfish are terrible. Everyone must strengthen their protection. Those with weak protection can retreat first."

Before he finished his words, he was swallowed by a black tide, like a huge underwater storm. A violent shock exploded along a 15-foot wide and 100-foot-long range. Boom, the water waves overflowed and shot around. These water waves became like bombs in the violent city. Terrible,

hong hong, several people were bombarded into pieces in a blink of an eye,

This violent explosion occurred underwater and shook the underwater world. Yuqing's cultivation was obviously stronger than others, so under the explosive attack of some black arrowfish, he barely blocked it and waited for the black around him to disperse. Only then did Yuqing find the tragic situation around him. At least dozens of people suffered in this attack Injured or dead, only he and a few disciples who have reached the four-fold level of physical cultivation survived.

After seeing such a miserable situation in the underwater world, Xiao Tie looked selflessly sighed. Blame these disciples for trying their best to open the treasure house of heaven and earth. They thought that this treasure house of heaven and earth could not be opened easily.

Such a treasure house has been hidden under this pool for ten thousand years, so even some extremely high-level masters, such as the knife god level, are not sure to open it. What's more terrible is that the underwater world has been completely different from the water world after tens of millions of development.

It's a fluke that they can block such a super attack.

When Yuqing saw the tragic situation of the disciples around him, he was also confused for a moment. After all, Xuanqing sent out hundreds of good hands this time. He led the team to get the most precious treasure here in one fell swoop, but who knew that he lost most of the people just a few faces. In this way, how to go back and how to confess to the master, even if he is not, his eldest brother will Being beaten on the head of a pig, it's really worse than death, ah,

Thinking of this, he was suddenly disheartened, shouted, and retreated. Come on,

After shouting, some of their partners fled to the surface of the water one after another, but their movements were still not as fast as the swordfish. Soon, groups of arrows swarmed in and ate the flesh of these disciples in an instant. In the lake, there was a white-bone forest everywhere, with cold arrays.

Yuqing took several disciples to escape from the surface of the water, dancing his sword crazily and smashing the nearby arrowfish one after another.

"Damn, this old monster is so terrible. It's a killing move. It seems that we are far from this old physics opponent in the underwater world,"

Yuqing sighed, and his expression was gloomy, not as sharp as when he first came.

Yufeng whispered, "Brother, how can we tell the master that there are no less than 100 disciples this time, and there are dozens of dragon knights. Such a strong strength is enough to wash a small sect, but we fall in this damn place. I really can't swallow this breath, brother. ."

Yufeng is Yuqing's younger brother, ranking seventh, ranking high among the disciples, and he is also an excellent player.

Listening to this, Yuqing was speechless for a moment, but tears of regret.

While swinging his fist and slapping a huge stone under his feet, such a cyan jade stone slowly turned into gray powder under his continuous slap, and then his hand did not even break the skin.

The strength of internal interest can be seen,

After a while of silence, he said, "Brother, I really have nothing to do. Well, let's take a break for a few days and see the situation. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve great things by renting us."

"Do you mean the million mercenaries behind us?" Thinking of the millions of new mercenaries at the foot of the mountain, his heart lit up,

"Hey, brother, I see. Let's sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight and see how these guys work. If possible, let's eradicate them all the time."

"Hey, two people look at each other and smile, as if they haven't been so happy for a long time,

But what they didn't expect was that at this moment, on a hillside not far behind them, Xiao Tie was looking here with a group of people. After successfully stunning Lu Feifei, Xiao Tie tied her up first, then summoned several brothers, and finally brought the cavalry troops that had been hidden for many days here.

Although the cavalry troops are not useful at this time, they can still take advantage of the chaos after the war,

Xiao Tie sprayed a mouthful of water on the beautiful woman's face while playing a small calculation.

bu, a mouthful of water sprayed on the beauty's face, and Lu Feifei slowly woke up.

She woke up leisurely and saw Xiao Tie as soon as she opened her eyes. She was squinting and looking at her. Her anger couldn't help it for a moment. She stood up and kicked Xiao Tie with her legs up. Xiao Tie stretched out her hand and held her snow wrist and smiled and said, "I didn't expect Miss Lu to be so brave when I was a prisoner. So uneasy, take a quick look below. Your eldest brother is depressed now, oh, so you can think about whether to continue to hang out with the eldest brother or with me."

Lu Feifei didn't understand what it means to hang out with Xiao Tie. Is that what it means?

A series of bad news flashed in her mind. Her face turned red and she said angrily, "Let me go quickly. If you dare to force me, I will kick your life, root,,," before she finished speaking, she found that there were still several people around her who were looking at him with strange eyes, which was extremely embarrassed for a moment.

Totia covered her mouth and snickered, and her eyes kept sweeping on Xiao Tie. The other two also looked different, and the atmosphere was extremely strange for a moment.

Xiao Tie smiled. He was the thickest. Since he was exposed to his face, there was no problem. He just smiled.

"I don't mean to take you as a concubine. At present, I want you to see the situation outside. If I hadn't been worried that you would be framed by your beast brother when you went back, I would have let you go. As for what the beautiful woman thinks, I haven't thought about it yet."

Another flies. After listening to Xiao Tie's words, Lu Feifei's face turned red, his heart beat faster, and his eyes couldn't help scanning Xiao Tie's face.

Under her sweep, Xiao Tie's expression also became a little dignified, and he became uncomfortable all over.

For good, the new change at the foot of the mountain attracted everyone's attention, which relieved his embarrassment.

Xiao Tie stood on the top of the mountain and looked down. Sure enough, he saw the mercenaries of the brigade rushing up the hillside crazily and quickly rushed to the top of the mountain and looked at the volcano in the valley. Everyone was secretly frightened.