Young Knife God

Chapter 272 Great Reversal

When she saw 5,000 gold coins, a lovely smile appeared on her face.

smiled and said, "I saw the Sami people in the forest a few days ago, but they seemed to be in a very hidden place, so even I found their traces by chance," the beautiful big eyes blinked mischievly,

said, "There are about tens of thousands of them, right behind the forest, but because of the strict vigilance there, if anyone dares to approach, they will be killed immediately."


After the two returned to the camp, they found that the problem was serious.

What made the two of them unable to figure out is why these always powerful Sami people have been lurking in the forest like this, and why didn't they attack and meet them?

"Your Majesty, I wonder if they have encountered any trouble. Although they have always regarded us as opponents, we have to take the initiative to meet them, "Gate said what he thought,

"Well, I agree, but before attacking, we need to find out what the Sami are doing there?"

After Xiao Tie finished speaking, he turned back to the room, leaving Gator to look at him with an excited face, and then went to give the order.

After all, when a big war is coming, it is better to move early than to move late. Seize the opportunity to completely drive these enemies out of the forest of Warcraft.

On the third day after the negotiation, Gate sent a reconnaissance team to enter the forest across the river.

The nine people in the group are all the most trusted friends in the mercenary team. This time, they have been carrying out dangerous tasks, which has always made Gate suspicious.

"Aura, Feili, Puti, Luohan, and you are the most trusted people. This time, such an important task is naturally entrusted to you. Cross the river, detect whether the enemy is in Helibu, and then quietly return and report everything found to me."

"Yes, we must complete the task." After saying that, this group of people quietly disguised as cost hunters under the leadership of Aura and ran to the distance.

At night, in the Warcraft Forest, the light is dim. From time to time, the Warcraft makes this place a place of death in the eyes of others. Roar, 300 meters away from the Warcraft Forest, Aura climbed a huge red tree and looked around. Sure enough, an imperceptible black mask will appear in the depths of the jungle in front of him. In front of everyone,

"Hey, be careful ahead. There is a light covering there. I think that may be where their camp is located. Let's take the path and have a look."

Aura jumped gently from the tree when he found that several brothers under the tree had disappeared.

"Hey, where have you been? Don't hide it. Come out and see me."

He screamed, and it was not until a sharp knife cut his throat that he slowly fell down.

After them, a group of girls in black slowly emerged in perfect shapes. Most of them wore some sexy leopard prints, so they not only acted like leopards, but also their eyes were extremely cruel.

Seeing the appearance of this group of people, the atmosphere in the forest slowly became dead and quiet,

"See his end, if you want to be the same as him, there is only one end, that is, death, so if you want to live, you have to listen to our leader, otherwise, there will be no chance, " under the tree, a grass bound a few people horizontally from within, It was eight of the nine warriors who crossed the river with Ola, but it was a shame that although they were good at it, they were restrained without a move in the hands of this group of leopard-print girls, so of course they could not make any sound.

Until the rag that had been stuck in his mouth was taken away, his eyes lit up and pointed to one of the girls and said, "It's you. You betrayed us. You are actually one of them. I'm going to kill you." He stood up angrily, holding a knife in his hand, and stabbed the leopard girl, but only half of the knife was stabbed, so he held on to the girl. Her smile was like flowers, and she trembled and said, "stupid. I didn't expect that there would be such a stupid emperor in the hungry wolf empire. He would believe a woman's words so much. He deserves to fail once,"

"Well, don't be too proud. Our emperor is a smart emperor, and he can't believe your words, so he asked us to cross the river to scout."

"Even if he finds something wrong, he still doesn't recognize my identity, and I can easily get so many rewards. Such 1005,000 gold coins are enough to arm mercenaries. Oh, I didn't expect it to come to me like this. What does this mean?"

A naughty smile, a strange smile flashed on the leopard girl's face,

The blade cut down, a blood arrow gushed, and a forceful arm flew into the air. A pain surged, making him scream uncontrollably, but as soon as his mouth opened, he was stabbed in. Suddenly, his expression was stunned and he fell down.

"Well, everyone who has seen me will die, and so will he."

"After saying this, his expression was calm, blew the shiny knife, and slowly inserted it back into the sheath.

"Let's get to know each other. I'm the commander here, Amy, oh, I didn't expect that meeting him would have such a big effect. Oh, it's really funny, "

"Are you Amy, the woman who is inclined to the country with beauty and at the same time a snake's heart?"

In the crowd, Luohan struggled to stand up, but he also ignored the cruelty of this beautiful woman's means,

looking at Amy with a smile,

"Our brothers have always been living and dying together. If you want to kill them, you can even kill me together." His smile was particularly strange, but Amy smiled disapprovingly and waved her men to escort them into the camp.

"I still need you to go back to report the news, so I can't bear to kill you. If I kill you like this, it will be cheaper for you, yo," this devil-like figure, angel-like smiling woman makes several men have a strong feeling of life or death at the same time,

Amy waved her hand, and several men rushed over and took them down.

Amy narrowed her eyes and sneered, "This Xiao Tie is really interesting. He just gave me 100,000 gold coins and sent me a few meat tickets. It seems that there will be a good show tomorrow."

"Marshal, what you mean by good play," the two leopard women who had been following her quietly leaned over,

"Well, this is a secret. Maybe it won't be long before there will be a wonderful offensive battle here. Oh, these stupid people may never think that we can defeat our opponents with a beautiful combination."

"Combination boxing?" After hearing this new term, the eyes of the two leopard print women rose with horror.

Amy smiled and turned into the endless darkness,

Dongdong, an inexplicable sound of drums slowly beat in the depths of the forest. With the sound of drums, a group of people and horses quickly appeared by the river. The other two roads waded across the mouth of the river regardless of casualties. They reacted that the hungry wolf brothers shot a burst of arrow rain, and the heavy rain of arrows fell into the river, making a terrible cry. Hearing this sound, Xiao Tie's heart tightened and got out of bed. Seeing that the sky had just broken, it was just dawn and bombarded. Before Xiao Tie could react to this, a large number of tyrannosaurus resounded in the sky. The dragon's mouth opened, and flames sprayed down from the sky. Xiao Tie's carefully built defense line collapsed in an instant. The danger of retreat,

Swish, Xiao Tie stepped outside the house, and what he saw was that the Sami people of the brigade desperately waded across the river and rushed here crazily.

Although some people couldn't help falling under the shooting of the arrow rain, the rest of the people rushed here more fiercely,

"Stop them," Gate's eyes sparkled with a beastly luster, waved the sword in his hand, and desperately fought back against the enemy,

"What the hell happened?" Didn't someone bring back the news from the other side of the river yesterday, saying that his people didn't mean to do anything? Why did the enemy turn away from the guests at dawn? What's going on? Xiao Tie's mind was so confused that he no longer cared about the svenity. He jumped barefoot on the red flame impuled brought by his subordinates, waved a big knife, shouted loudly and rushed out,

The short soldiers of the two sides meet, and the brothers of the hungry wolf group showed a fierce expression in their eyes, and they rushed to the enemy regardless of their lives.

The weapons intersect, and there are faint sparks. The soldiers on both sides are entangled and die in the war. At this time, Xiao Tie is the focus of attention.

With the appearance of Xiao Tie, the brothers of the hungry wolves who had already appeared defeated suddenly came to their spirits and shouted back one by one. Those Sami who thought they had won the victory suddenly went forward and retreated without evidence and shouted to retreat.

Xiao Tie took the lead and sacrificed the magic knife in his hand. With the heavenly magic knife sweeping the opponent, Xiao Tie was invincible. That day, the magic knife shone brightly and flew in mid-air, instantly turned into a mountain of knives, which was knocked down upside down. The Sami people below suddenly turned into meat sauce. Maybe such a method of war is too horrible to kill red eyes. Xiao Tie was actually worshipped by them as a demon god,

Xiao Tie waved, chirping, and several knives swept away. Those fleeing enemies were immediately swept by a huge force, and their bodies were divided into two,

"Escape, the demon god is coming. Oh, my God, we provoked the demon god. The demon god was angry, and everyone couldn't live. Lu Lu, "The fearless Sami suddenly lost their will to fight. Their buttocks turned and fled back desperately. Behind them was the Nishui River that they had worked so hard to cross. Behind them, 20,000 The brothers of the Hungry Wolf Group are chasing with all their strength,

After a near-failure retreat, this hard-won victory made everyone's eyes reveal animal cruelty, and the hungry wolf spirit returned instantly, allowing them to win in defeat on the battlefield.