Young Knife God

Chapter 275 Hero Saving Beauty

Hu Lishi waved a double hammer and hit the crystal. It seemed that the crystal was extremely hard. Even if he tried his best, he only made it smaller.

"Sure enough, it is a rare treasure in heaven and earth. Since I am such a magical power, I can only make it undergo slight deformation,"

Tiger Lishi stopped after hitting 318 hammers. At this time, he was thinking that if he continued to fight like this, he was afraid that he would never be able to deliver the goods in three days. After all, this thing is far more valuable than ordinary things in his mind, even if it is an ordinary thing, which is a huge blow. Next, it will also become fragile, but this crystal has the opposite attributes and is extremely strong. If you want to make it, you must first burn it with a huge fire. However, looking around your iron house, there is nothing else but this iron furnace. Oh, my God, I didn't expect that the old man would tease people, but it was impossible for the big customers to come to the door. After completing the transaction, if it goes on like this, you will really ridicule yourself.

Hey, he sighed, wiped the sweat on his head, put two giant hammers weighing 100 catties on the ground, turned around, and glanced at the woman who had just talked to him,]

This woman is sitting in the room not far behind him at this moment. I don't know what she is busy with.

His hands slowly oozed sweat, quietly opened the curtains and walked in.

I saw a woman dressing in the mirror. After deliberately dressing up, her originally delicate face was covered with thick powder, emitting a seductive and criminal fragrance.

Damn, this crazy woman, I don't know what she has done recently in mysterious makeup. It seems that she has other plans. Although she was only sent here by the Lion King to monitor other human residents, what she didn't expect is that in addition to him, this woman is slowly happening deeply. Change,

Since she found out that she began to be distracted the day before, all her actions have always made him doubt. After all, this woman has been by her side for several years and has already had some feelings with herself. Although she can't be a husband and wife, she is still quite good. Hey, this girl dressed up like this as soon as she got home. Presumably It's the man I like outside,

Thinking of this, an anger surged in his heart and he couldn't wait to go out and beat her at this moment.

"Riff, come in. You don't have to worship ghosts outside. Oh, I haven't heard the sound of you beating iron for such a long time. I guess you are peeking at me outside the door again."

A lazy voice was sent over, which made people very uncomfortable to hear. After all, this sharp speech was full of sarcasm. Even if Hu Lishi was a thick-skinned guy, he still couldn't stare at her face under such sarcasm. Her face turned red. He smiled and said, "I just care about you. Well, when I smell the fragrance in this room, I have some doubts, contemptuous, "

He interrupted the woman's laughter before he finished his words.

"Stop pretending, come in quickly. The Lion King has already said that if you can capture Xiao Tie and make great contributions to the orcs, then it is also reasonable for him to reward me. Unlike now, I would rather accompany him and make difficulties on both sides."

Rif was also shocked to know that the Lion King had him here to trap those disobedient human rebels,

If you directly conflict with Xiao Tie, I'm afraid the people of the hungry wolf empire will not be easy to mess with.

It is said that the two were talking, but they heard a fight in the distance. Reeve's face changed in shock, and his soul was almost half scared away.

The mysterious woman was also shocked and muttered, "What happened there?"

On a street 500 meters ahead, there are dozens of people fighting in the distance. One side is clear that the human race and the other side is the orc nobles. These nobles seem to be robbing a woman of the human race. Unexpectedly, those seemingly weak human beings dare to stop them. In this way, it will inevitably trigger both sides. Fighting,

But between the action, several people have fallen to the ground.

The orc nobles were mostly surrounded by tigers and wolves, and they beat this group of people with a little fist and feet.

"Return my daughter, you are a beast-hearted guy in broad daylight. Why did you rob my daughter? You know, I'm such a daughter. If you rob my daughter, I will fight with you." After saying that, a white-haired old man who was knocked to the ground bowed his head and bumped into the wolf-faced nobleman,

A cold light flashed on the nobleman's face and said coldly, "Looking for death."

A cold light flashed in his hand and stabbed straight into the old man's head,

Tiger Lishi's vision was very sharp. At a glance, he found that it was a blue dagger. The dagger of this color was mostly from his hand. Every time he spread some blue crystal powder into the weapons he came to build to enhance the brightness. As a result, after adding these blue powders, these swords turned blue as a whole. , it's really beautiful,

Naturally, the same is true of this sword in the hands of the nobleman.

A series of sounds came one after another, which made Hu Lishi dumbfounded. He thought that the old man would definitely die, but in a blink of an eye, he saw a stone flying from nowhere, hitting the nobleman's wrist. The nobleman couldn't hold his sword and dropped his sword to the ground.

In the light of the sword, a light keeps shining,

"Who are you? How dare you break my good deeds?"

Yunbao's face changed, and he withdrew two steps back and looked coldly at the man opposite.

A teenager, with a delicate beauty, came slowly in the distance,

A sharp light flashed in the young man's eyes and said, "Let that woman go, or you will all die."

Xiao Tie usually can't see these phenomena of bullying men and women. Seeing that everyone bullies men and women so much, he was very unhappy. In addition, he just walked around the blacksmith's shop and found that his shop had become someone else's monopoly. For a moment, he was angry that he could only find some peace on this nobleman.

Although the cloud leopard is just a low-level orc aristocrat, he is a bully guy. After wandering around the room for a while, he actually saw this annoying guy, and his heart was depressed for a moment.

When he was angry and saw Xiao Tie stand up to stop him, a malicious smile flashed on Yunbao's face and said coldly, "In this way, my brother doesn't want to give in."

Xiao Tie nodded,

"Fuck, you boy dare to call me before he is dry. Let's see if I don't beat you to death."

Huhu, a series of seven or eight punches, bombarded Xiao Tie. Xiao Tie shook his body, took the first, punched him, and hit his waist. Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of bone explosion from the cloud leopard's waist,

The body withered,