Young Knife God

Chapter 335 Wolf Riding Assault

The night before the war,

At the edge of the Devil's Forest, there is a mountain where you can easily overlook the barracks of the human race in the distance. Although it is a little far away, it is still effective to observe the enemy's deployment.

A red-haired girl Ma Fu is accompanying him,

This girl came from the royal family and is one of the most favorite daughters of the Lion King, so when she saw Ma Fu come here and visit with the army, a strange look flashed on General Luo Ying's face.

The moonlight is seductive and accompanied by beautiful women, which avoids a little strange feelings in Luo Ying's heart, but when he thought of being the princess of the royal family, he still took his mind and looked calmly at the cottage in the distance.

"Why don't you come here at night and come during the day to see more clearly?" Ma Fu's voice was very beautiful, like a nightingale singing. The sound came to my ears, and it was particularly soft, which made people excited.

The moonlight reflects the girl's beautiful face. In the moonlight, it casts him a beautiful shadow,

Luo Ying smiled and said, "The advantage of night is that you can see how many tents the enemy has distributed and the number of people at a high place. You can easily judge from the fires rising from those tents. Generally speaking, there will be a huge fire outside every three tents.

Beyond the fire, there seem to be some soldiers flowing, and their prohibition on this night is very alert.

After a glance, Luo Ying smiled indifferently and said, "These children should be extremely excellent. In recent decades, the power of the human race has grown rapidly. This army is a hungry wolf group. It is said that they have trained a super-strong force in less than three years, such a It's really terrible that the army defeated our orc elite in the previous wars, "

"Xiao Tie, this person seems to be a genius. If there is a chance, I must personally learn about his power. "Ma Fu's face flashed with a strange smile, and it seems that Xiao Tie has already been included in his contact list in his heart.


At dawn the next day, 30,000 beasts lined up in a neat queue and headed for the stone mountain ahead.

There was an army of 50,000 people stationed in Shishan, and he was also frowned at this moment. Gate did not expect that his raid plan would be leaked. As a result, his overnight rapid march was in vain, so that he fell into this valley of advance and retreat. If Xiao Tie did not come in time, even if he retreated, It's difficult,

After all, tens of thousands of troops are still infantry under the eyes of the enemy, and it is difficult for ordinary cavalry to compete with wolves tactically. If there is a war in the plain, the defeat of the human race is inevitable.

"Look, there is a wolf horse in front of him, which is the most elite army of the orc. Such a powerful orc armed force is rarely seen, which is an eye-opening. "A hungry wolf soldier on the stone barrier exclaimed. It seems that at this moment, when the strong armament in front of him appeared, what he could consider was actually an eye-opening. Next, how they should face it is a real problem.

50,000 to 30,000, there is no chance of winning,

This really makes Gate very depressed,

Gate's eyes glanced at the powerful wolf horse below, which is the most elite in the orc army.

"I didn't expect that the orcs had such a powerful arm, the purple flame tail wolf. This is the emperor among the magic wolves. His strength is very strong. Even if it is usually encountered, it is enough to be ten. This time, the enemy is so arrogant that it seems that he wants to attack the stone barrier with cavalry. This is extremely stupid. , let them taste the power of our Vu God crossbow, "

"Yes, these stupid orcs actually attack the city with wolves. Our fire god crossbows, no matter what wolves or dogs ride, will be killed when they come. "Ajia's Vulcan crossbow has been arranged in place, and they will launch an attack after an order,

"Wait a minute, after all, these orcs have not yet approached enough distance. If they open fire, the enemy will be frightened and fleeing, so that all our crossbows will fail. After all our crossbow arrows are fired, the enemy's attack will not be stopped."

Gate's eyes were gloomy,

At this time, the new situation below shocked every soldier of the hungry wolf. A powerful wolf rode under the command of an officer, brazenly surpassed several trenches laid at the foot of the mountain and came with all its strength.

The hundreds of wolves scattered on the front, covering the whole battlefield, while others set up strong crossbows nearby. As rows of crossbows shot at the head of the city, the brothers of the hungry wolves on the head of the city already had some casualties and panic.

"Fire God crossbow, beat me hard," seeing the strength of the enemy, it shocked such a long-term war general as Gate for a moment. Those dense orcs waved their huge swords ferociously. When they rushed crazily, it was simply a little more horrible than the end of the world.

Whistle, a terrible sound from a crossbow arch shook the sky,

In an instant, hundreds of flaming crossbows flew into the air and fell down at a high speed,

Dozens of riders in front of him were hit by an arrow in an instant, roaring, a wolf rode an arrow in the front leg, the arrow passed through the leg, and the blood was brilliant,

Another knight shot his head with an arrow and fell down without saying a word. Behind him, the fierce wolf rode as old, releasing a strange beastly cruel light in his eyes. A roar, crazy rush, extremely fast, can only be described as horror,

The second round of Vula crossbow flew out of the string again. This row has narrowed the distance by about 100 meters, because the enemy and human wolf riders rushed to the city in an instant. If it is slower, I'm afraid that these fierce wolf riders can easily sweep the hungry wolf regiment sergeants in front of them.

Swish, another round of rapid shooting. Under this powerful sweep, dozens of beasts fell to the ground, but the natural recovery of the wolf horse was also good. Several of them fell after being hit by arrows and would quickly get another treatment. When the fiery red tail waved in the air, a pillar of healing light fell from the sky. Infiltrate into the injured part, and the injured part quickly compounded under the healing of this pillar of light,

Shouxiao, in a blink of an eye, several or ten injured beasts regained their combat strength and joined the regiment again.

The huge body drives the roaring wind, and the extremely powerful physical strength makes everyone feel extremely nervous. The ferocious face is as terrible as the devil,