Young Knife God

Chapter 249 Spitfire Beads

After this confrontation, the bodies of both of them slowly stopped,

One clenched his teeth and the other frowned. It seemed that they were all injured, but they persisted in front of the strong enemy,

Hong Shao has done his best in this blow, but he didn't expect that the black elder's internal strength was strong. Even if he only emitted half of his strength, it would shake his muscles and veins.

In the first confrontation, the two did not take any advantage, but compared with Hong Shao, the black elder also seemed to be very damaged, the corners of his mouth oozed blood, and his body was weak and took a step back.

Although the two of them have a heavy gap in their realm, this macro is furious and can't exert more than 100,000, so such a violent attack has exceeded his expectation.

The black elder had very little experience of injury, so after feeling the strangeness of his body, he swept around fiercely and said harshly, "What are you doing? Kill this boy for me." After a shout, more than a dozen men in black who had been watching for a long time drew their knives and forced them from all sides.

These are all his elites, all above the knife emperor level, so if more than a dozen people form a struggle, it will be a fatal threat to the enemy.

At this moment, both sides had red eyes, and Hong Shao's eyes were congested. Looking at the black elder who was about to escape, there was infinite hatred in his heart. His eyes glanced at the two innocent girls who died, and his hands were trembling.

My heart is shaking, my hands are shaking, and even my footwork has a strange rush,

"I want revenge," he roared in his heart, and while his body turned, he broke into the crowd like a wolf and a tiger and cut it with a knife.

Wow, blood splashed, and with one scream after another came to his ears. In front of him, more than a dozen guards fell down one after another. Although these were the elite people around the elders, they were an excellent object of anger for a red-eyed person.

His figure is slowly forcing towards the black fire. At this moment, the physical strength of the black fire is slowly recovering, and the spiritual power in his body has also recovered.

He held a knife in his hand and stood at the door to meet Hong Shao.

Those brother-like guards around him died under the knife of their opponents. Such tragic casualties will certainly arouse doubts among the elders. If the matter can't end, his end must be as miserable as those dead brothers. The only thing he can do is to walk out of this courtyard. Before, kill him cleanly,

The big knife in his hand danced and flashed a dazzling light,

His eyes also became as sharp as when he just entered the house.

So at this moment, the battle between the two must be dead,

Hong Shao's body was injured, and his body was constantly bleeding. In order to revenge and kill all the difficult guys around him in the shortest time, he hardly dodged. Instead, he hit the other party's knife with his body and then killed the enemy under the knife.

In this way, he killed more than a dozen guards, and the knife wounds on his body were at least more than 20 knives, so when he came to the Black Fire, only half of his physical strength was left, and the most important thing was that the blood on his body was being lost. If it went on like this, I'm afraid he didn't have to fight, and he would He died of bloodshed,

"Haha, boy, now I know how powerful I am. My brothers are all extremely loyal and brave guards. What do I let them do? No one dares to say no, even death. Oh, this time they must have hit you hard, oh, but it's okay. , seeing your poor appearance, I have a little pity, ah, "

At this moment, he does not seem to be in a hurry to kill his enemy under the sword. The threat posed to him by this seriously injured person is actually minimal.

It can even be ignored,

So you can make the other party bleed to death in the process of a pleasant chat. Why do you risk to provoke a dying bison? Oh, even a lion will not be so reckless,

And his wisdom told him that he would have a perfect result,

"Hmm, don't dream, let me end all this," Hong Shao obviously recognized his attempt, flashed with a knife and launched a fatal blow. His knife suddenly injected all his strength,

So with a knife, the blood on his body spewed out of his body, reflecting his body like a red light fog, but the red color was composed of blood on his body, so this sad and gorgeous knife exhausted all his strength,

When, the black fire, the big hand is stretched out, and the contempt in the eyes is infinite,

One hand actually held the knife and completely held a strange energy from the handle in his hand.

But after all, he was still careless. At the moment he held the handle of the knife, an inch of strength broke out on the knife body, and the extreme power surged in. The knife actually penetrated his five fingers under this strong push, and the knife head pierced into his chest.

"Oh, you're going to die in my hands. This time, I didn't die in vain. I took revenge for my best sisters. Oh, happily,,,, "Hong Shao's body crooked and fell down,


After a day and a night, Xiao Tie held the ice wind and rain tightly, and his whole body was covered with a kind of white frost. The white extremely cold energy formed a whirlwind around his body and circled crazily. The extremely cold white energy slowly penetrated into his body. At this moment, if anyone dares to touch it If he comes down to his body, he will be surprised to find that his body has been turned into almost ice crystals by ice.

The coldness of the purchase makes people afraid,

"Yuer, wake up, Yuer, don't sleep. "Xiao Tie moved his whole body's energy to keep himself warm, crazily hugged the ice, wind and rain, and guarded him in her secret cabin. He had heard her say before that there were some people who had bad intentions against her in Feitianzong, only this hut. Only then did she feel a sense of warmth and peace,

Only here will her mood get better, and only here will she laugh and laugh secretly,

As Xiao Tie hugged more and more tightly, a white pearl imprisoned in the depths of his body, and the poison of ice finally appeared. Hu, a white snow-like thing gushed out, making her body suddenly break away from Xiao Tie's embrace and fly in mid-air, and one hand touched a mechanism on the roof.

Press your finger decisively,

It creaked, and a strange sound sounded,

A wall behind them automatically opens, revealing a more secret hut. In this cabin, there is no light and self-evidentity, suspended on the roof, casting a faint light, reflecting the cabin bright,

"Huh, take me in, or we will die late." "The first thing to do is to open the door of the secret room when the ice wind and rain wake up at the most critical moment.

Xiao Tie picked her up and rushed into the secret room desperately.

This room was extra warm. The warm light emitted through the bead and penetrated into every corner of the room. Xiao Tie hugged her tightly, like a mermaid.

Boom, the light bead at the top of her head slowly sank down after they entered and disappeared into the icy body. After a while, it slowly floated out of the body. After a few back and forth, the ice on her body slowly subsided, like the sea of the ebb tide.

At this moment, there is only one strange voice coming from the space,

"Thank you, Xiao Tie, this time you saved me, I will definitely repay you, "

Originally, as soon as she entered the cabin, she should have told the secrets here, but she hid it. After all, the purple jade light bead has also reached the extent that the lamp is dry. I'm afraid that after this treatment, the bead will lose all its power, and there will be no warm light. In that way, this bead will Self-burning,