Young Knife God

Chapter 254 Transmission

Xiao Tie returned from victory, but he didn't expect that at this moment, he became a thorn in other people's eyes.

The nail must be removed, otherwise it will get deeper and deeper.

"Brother Xiao, I didn't know your fighting power was extraordinary for a long time. This time our Feitianzong can fight back the ghost saints, and you can't do without it."

The ice wind and rain approached a few steps, his face turned slightly red, and he looked at him shyly.

In the quiet backyard, there is no one around her, and her behavior is much more casual. In this way, it not only brings Xiao Tie an invisible pressure, but also makes him a little shy.

"Ha ha, it's what we should do to help you when you see the unevenness on the road."

"Sit down, I'll make a pot of good tea and wait for you to drink it. If you drink well, you will often come to my place to drink it." A pot of fragrant tea is served in front of you, emitting a seductive fragrance. Under the fragrance **, Xiao Tie really couldn't help taking it over,

The tea is very fragrant, but the taste is too fragrant,

His heart tightened and asked with some vigilance, "Dare you, what kind of tea is this tea? Why does it taste so?"

"Oh, you don't know anything about this tea, but it is a kind of colorful fog tea grown on Wufeng Mountain. It is said that after taking this tea, it can play a role in calming the mind and relieving fatigue. Therefore, after the war, as long as you take some tea, you can quickly recover your physical strength. These teas are only collected in hundreds of years on the mountain. It's very precious. You must taste it well, otherwise it will be a pity to waste it."

After listening to her introduction, Xiao Tie was relieved. At this moment, he had some understanding of this magical tea. After all, he had heard that there was a magical tea in the eastern world a long time ago. Not only is its fragrance, but it is also a Chinese elixir, and this tea can only be picked every hundred years. The amount is very small. If it weren't for a distinguished guest, you would never drink it.

From this, it also shows the feelings of the ice, wind and rain,

That indifferent affection surged in her heart, adding a little more charm to a pretty face,

Xiao Tie went to pick up the tea, but accidentally touched the other party's hand.

That warm fragrance poured into his heart, making his heart beat suddenly accelerate,

With a shake of hands, the tea overflowed and almost spilled out.

"Oh, don't worry. You have to take a sip of this tea. Look at you. As soon as it was poured for you, you were in a hurry to drink it. You almost spill it."

The smile on the face of the icy wind and rain,

At this moment, he is very concerned about Xiao Tie's move,

A pair of autumn-like eyes looked at Xiao Tie and motioned him to drink. Xiao Tie was stunned and slowly raised his cup.

With a smile, take a sip,

It's really sweet,

A heat wave surged in his body, making his body extremely hot in an instant. The heat wave surged, washing the meridians, making his body extremely comfortable, and an inexplicable excitement slowly surging along the nerves, making his mind dizzy. Fortunately, he had an astrolabe to help, so he felt that he couldn't When controlled, the astrolabe naturally starts, inhales all the excess energy into the astrolabe, and the light of the sun becomes more and more dazzling in the body.

A small cup of tea can also cause such a big reaction from him. It seems that he underestimated this tea.

also underestimated the scheming girl on the opposite side,

Ha ha, Xiao Tie smiled. Although the ice girl's mind is heavy, she is still sincere to herself. In this way, she gets a little comfort in her psychology and makes him feel better slowly.

It doesn't matter. You must be drinking it for the first time, so this time, there will be some reactions. Oh, others drink a small sip, and you just did it all. I think you are also a bold man. It's really admirable. "

Listening to her words made Xiao Tie's heart feel strangely moved,

At this time, he suddenly remembered Oran, this girl, who must be there waiting for her to go back at this moment.

But since he met the girl seven days ago, he hasn't been to Oran for a long time. At this moment, what is she doing? Will she be angry with herself?

Walking through the backyard, the air was filled with the fragrance of flowers, which made people feel happy. When they walked to the hospital, they suddenly found that the garden was full of strange flowers and plants everywhere. Under the cover of these flowers and plants, a familiar figure was stroking the piano in the garden, and the sound of the piano was very elegant and beautiful. It makes people feel intoxicated when they hear it only once,

The wonderful feeling surged into my heart, which made Xiao Tie stunned.

Stay where you are and quietly look at the woman whispering in the distance,

This woman's figure is very slim, and her hair floats slightly in the wind, revealing a faint fragrance,

Around her, the butterfly slowly danced, as if in response to her beat, making the spring in the garden vast,

A warmth poured into my heart, which suddenly gave me a strange emotion in my heart,

"Olan," Xiao Tie slowly walked over. Olan raised his head and looked at Xiao Tie with some surprise, with a gentle smile in his eyes.

"Brother Xiao, you're back. I've been waiting for you here for a long time, and I'm still thinking that you may not, will come back here again."

"Ha ha, why do you think so? Didn't I say that we will never be separated?" Xiao Tie slowly walked over and stroked her hair, with a tear in the corners of Oran's eyes.

but didn't let it flow down, just stayed there silently,

It seems that it is still waiting for my response,

At this moment, she felt a deep vibration in his heart, and her body trembled slightly.

"Ha ha, I live a good life here, and the people here treat me well, but I will still think about it when I leave the Western continent."

After all, she left the Western world and her home is still there. Maybe Old William is still thinking about her?'

"Are all these flowers grown by you? So beautiful, each one is so dazzling and dazzling, oh, "

"Oh, Brother Xiao, we planted it together. These days, you are not here, and we are very bored, so we planted some flowers and plants." I don't know when A Jia appeared behind Xiao Tie. Her appearance made this dull atmosphere a little easier.

"Maybe it will get better in a while, oh, after all, there are many things that we are slowly familiar with," Oran said, with a strange look on his face.

"Well, by the way, we just look at the flowers. I heard that you have just defeated the ghost saint. Oh, Brother Xiao is very powerful. We all admire you so much, hehe,"

"Oh, really, the ghost saint is awesome,"

There was a burst of envy in the eyes of the two girls,

"Oh, that's nothing, but the ghost saint has some ability, otherwise he wouldn't have defeated the suzerain so easily. Fortunately, I defeated him, but he didn't lose,"

"Brother Xiao, come and teach us two to practice in the future. Our cultivation is almost abandoned."

"Well, yes, if we meet bad people in the future, even self-insurance will become a problem. After that, if Brother Xiao is not here, I'm afraid we won't even dare to go out."

Hearing the complaints of the two people, Xiao Tie could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

In a house behind the mountain, Hong Shao is resting. He has just finished dealing with the affairs of the two maids around him, and his face is still dripping with tears.

Dangdang, a knock on the door,

Then a figure flashed,

A disciple in yellow walked into the entrance and glanced at Hong Shao.

"Hey, I'm up. It's almost noon. Why haven't you got up yet? The elder asked you to go down the mountain to pick up something back. Go back quickly?"

Hong Shao was a little confused and asked, "Why should I pick up things? Isn't this kind of work the responsibility of the transmission hospital?"

"The transmission hospital can launch the transmission array at will, so it has been undertaking various tasks, and the so-called work of Feitianmen are some weapons or materials, so most of these things are collected from distant places and then sent to the mountain, but due to the huge number of Big, there are often some accidents, so some strange things often happen in the transmission array, and Yamashita sent disciples just to ensure the safety of the transmission process.

"I, do you mean me?"

When he heard that the disciple in yellow asked him to go down to work, he began to doubt,

Because such a job has always been done by senior disciples, and it is the first time to give it to him,

"It's you, which is what the elder means. If you don't go, it's against the elder's will. When the old man is punished, you will suffer 200 sticks, "

It is obviously a terrible thing to hear the punishment of 200 sticks.

He has rarely participated in this kind of thing. Obviously, this time is not as simple as he thought, but since this task was sent by the elders, he looked helpless.

After all, he once offended the elder. Is it a conspiracy to send himself out this time?

Put on his clothes, walked out of the door, and breathed fresh air. His heart began to calm down slowly.

That day, Elder Black Fire was severely damaged. Although it had been transmitted from the clan and Elder Huang Jun also promised to investigate, the matter lasted for half a month. At this time, Xiao Tie and the suzerain had already survived the ice disaster. Under such circumstances, it seemed that the situation was developing to a positive side.

After looking back at his small yard and tidying up his clothes, he stepped out of the courtyard.

"Hey hero, where are you going? Don't stay in the house at noon,

A young man in blue came out of the room on one side and said hello to him,

However, it can be seen from the expression on his face that the man's attitude is calm. Although he is in blue, he is extraordinary. Obviously, he is a great man.

His name is Qingyang, and he seems to have moved here a few days ago.

At present, he stayed in this courtyard, only because of the recommendation of an elder that he successfully put on a blue suit. Before that, he had always been a rich man,