Young Knife God

Chapter 256 Transmission Array

Like a dream, the beauty in the dream will leave regrets when you wake up.

After Xiao Tie woke up, he was tasting tea when he heard a riot outside.

I stood up and saw that it was ice and storm.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at her physically and mentally exhausted, he knew that this woman was really reluctant as a suzerain, so he must help her if he could help her.

"Hong Shao died. He was killed under the teleport array, and there was also a new Qingyi disciple who died."

Although it is common to kill one or two people, as an ancient sect, if no one dies, it will be an anecdote in the world, but the two people who died are his confidants. This Hong Shao is a close relative of the ice and storm. He has just been sent out a secret mission a few months ago.

I didn't expect to be killed before I could see him, so a series of killings in this gang have aroused her vigilance. Presumably someone must be dealing with her secretly. In the past few years, there have been many crises around her. First, several confidants around her were mysteriously executed, and another Some ears and eyes were framed, and these successive blows seemed to be around her, so at this moment, her eyebrows were locked. After losing Hong Shao, she was in a bad mood.

Xiao Tie thought for a moment and said, "Let's go there and have a look. Maybe we can find something worthy of our suspicion. If those traces are not deliberately covered up, I believe we can still find them. As long as we can determine who did it, inside or outside the clan, we can confirm me. Our next action plan is, otherwise, we will have no way to start. Even if we want to avenge Hong Shao, there is no power and no substantive means at present."

Waiting is painful, no matter what you are waiting for?

But in order to uncover the truth, you have to wait and check while waiting.

"Most of the people who died recently are my subordinates, and the way of death is almost the same. They were stabbed with a thin sword, and a fist-sized blood hole was shaken out in the center of their bodies. In such a blood hole, there is no trace of weapons being killed, as if they are defenseless. What's more, people are killed with a sword, "

Such a powerful sword spirit is not something that ordinary people can do, which shows that there must be a horrible killer near us.

The two walked as they spoke and walked out of the hall in a blink of an eye. Hundreds of disciples had gathered under the hall and were gathering together, whispering.

Obviously they are talking about what happened today,

"Hey, I said, do you know that the newly rising teenager Hong Shao killed someone with a fist-sized hole on his body. It's really horrible. That day, I happened to pass by there and saw a corpse there. It really softened my legs. I didn't move for a long time."

"Graw, I have known for a long time that you are timid. No one has seen the dead. I have crawled out of the dead since I was a child. Hey, I haven't seen anything. Hey, by the way, there is a blood hole in his body. You can see it clearly,,,,,

The visitor's heart was also suddenly full of terror, and he looked at the man with unbelievable eyes.

The disciple in blue said more vigorously: "Hey, I said it a long time ago. Some people said that it was because of offending the Dragon God. Some people had died like this a few years ago. In addition, after we had a conflict with the Extermination Gate a while ago, the brothers have been talking about this matter. If the Extermination Gate is attacked on a large-scale, I'm afraid that There will be trouble,"


When the ice wind and rain heard these words, her face became more and more difficult to look,

The body trembled slightly, and the face was extremely pale,

Xiao Tie comforted and said, "Don't worry, we will find out slowly. I believe that the result will be found soon." His words worked. A cold heart slowly warmed up and sighed and said, "I have known for a long time that those people who destroy the gods will not stop so easily. Their power It's bigger than we imagined, so once they come to the door, I'm afraid we will be defeated again."

"Don't be afraid. With me by your side, I believe they won't fight with us so easily. After all, the Destroyer is also busy doing other things. They will never fight against us until those things are done."

The two walked as they spoke and walked to the edge of the venue in a blink of an eye.

The transmission array is located under a spiritual stone under the flying peak,

From the main peak, the flying peak in the distance is like a huge sword out of its sheath, with a sharp edge piercing the sky, which is a few points higher than the main peak.

He pointed and said softly, "That is the foundation of the transmission array. Every time we have personnel to go out, it is transmitted through the array. After all, there are some prohibitions around Xianshan, so although it is inconvenient to go in and out, it has preserved the foundation of Feitianzong for nearly ten thousand years. In nearly ten thousand years, once After countless evil demons' continuous invasion, they are close to the prohibition and fail to do so. The biggest war of Feitian Sect is just the thousands of people who invaded the last time. It's not as good as where they enter from. I still have to investigate. If those people want to fly to the peak, they must use a lot of flying. Zhou, but that day I sent people to inspect the scene. The flying boats they brought were only more than 300. According to each 50 people, the number was only more than 1,000, but on that day, their number had reached 3,000. Such a huge number, if not by flying boat, how did they come in? It was really a What about the big question?'

After hearing the analysis of the ice, wind and rain, Xiao Tie's expression also slowly became awe-inspiring.

After all, in this Feitian sect, things are far more complicated than he thought, and the light forces are divided into several strands. Therefore, at present, the disciples of those sects are also talking about it, and although there is a cold poison in her body, she is still an immature little girl in her heart. Of course, it is difficult to convince the public. The elders are also in power. Most of those disciples have to listen to the elders, so it is not easy for the current separation of power. Even if the suzerain's intention is to be implemented, it is not easy.

Thinking of this, Xiao Tie couldn't help frowning and getting depressed.

This slight change also puzzles the ice and storm beside her. Although she is a woman, she has a masculine spirit, so she refuses to give up in everything, even such a terrible thing in front of her,

It won't scare her either,

But seeing the lost look on Xiao Tie's face still caused a little turmoil in her heart.

"Xiao Tie, what are you thinking?"

"Oh, maybe I'm tired. I haven't had a good sleep these days, and I feel a little upset. Oh, but it doesn't matter. I'll get better soon."

Wang, the two of them soared into clouds and flew to the peak very fast,

A not far away, a man in green looked at the two people viciously, and a strange look flashed on his body.

Bear him, a dark figure appeared and said, "Qingfang, your things are not thorough enough. This time the elder doesn't care about it, but next time, don't blame the elders for being unfavorable to you. The detoxifying ice crack stone pills will be delayed a few days next time," the dark body The shadow flashed in front of him, and the distant light also dimmed.

"I know, you don't have to say much," a gloomy cold flashed on Qing Fang's face. At this moment, a kind of insidious poison in his body is slowly taking off. When this intoxic attack, his body will be shrouded in a light black breath. The cold force keeps pouring in and making his body almost melt in an instant. Frost,

But he still gritted his teeth and insisted, but a sharp light flashed in his eyes was slowly saying, "Brother Xiao, the suzerain, I'm sorry for you."

The wind blows through the face, bringing a comfortable feeling,

A round of golden sun is slowly rising above the sky.

The dazzling light of Taoism shines from the sky, inlaid the whole mountain with a layer of gold edge, which looks particularly beautiful.

"Here, it is. Maybe it won't be used for a long time, and it will become more beautiful here. I planted some seeds of Tianxiang fruit everywhere under the spiritual stone under the mountain, so as long as Tianxiang fruit grows out, it will definitely become a beautiful orchard, and there will be shining Tianxiang fruit everywhere. Oh, this kind of three The fairy fruit is still extremely attractive in the three worlds, but with this side of the transmission of the fairy stone, it can absorb the energy of the outside world as much as possible, so the aura needed for growth of this fruit is sufficient, "

Hearing the three words Tianxiang fruit, Xiao Tie couldn't help but evoke a greedy worm. After all, the last time he tasted Tianxiang fruit was ten years ago. At that time, he accidentally found a Tianxiang fruit under the magic mountain. The pink fruit flashed with a seductive sweetness and made him swallow it all of a sudden, but what taste? I didn't taste it, I just felt a fragrance,

After the fruit entered the abdomen, the effect was obvious, which made him enter the next level within three months. The powerful medicine brought by the fruit made his body full of strength. A five-year-old child can actually punch the stone after swallowing the fruit,

You can imagine what kind of scene it is when this strange fruit is full of fruit around the conveyor stone.

is not only beautiful, but more**!

"Oh, Tianxiang fruit, I really want to taste one." Xiao Tie looked down at the stone with some expectation, but only saw some buds growing. These buds are not slow to grow, but I'm afraid it will be a few years before Tianxiang fruit is edible.

Thinking of this, Xiao Tie's face inevitably showed disappointment.

I was thinking about it when I suddenly felt the heat in my palm.

It turned out that the ice wind and rain held his hand and stuffed a red fruit into his hand.

"What? Is it Tianxiang fruit at this time?

"Ha ha, this is just an ordinary apple, oh, it's wrong."