Young Knife God

Chapter 276 Mysterious Visitor

He flew to the roof, as light as a mosquito, and even a grain of dust did not fall down. Under such peerless light skill, his body was as fast as the wind.

Only a few flashing rooms have already stepped into the top of Yi Xiaosheng's bedroom,

Uncovering a tile and looking down, the two of them talked for a long time in the house.

Long Xi said, "I heard that Flame Gate has made great progress in the past few years. I believe your power must have developed greatly."

"Well, the power of Flame Gate in this area has developed smoothly. Oh, recently, we have domesticated a group of powerful monsters. With the addition of these monsters, we have equal power over the enemy, so we will also hit the enemy heavily in the future. "

"Well, that's good. Our people will have a long trip in a few days. I want you to send a group of capable forces to escort a group of babies for us, but the road has not been peaceful recently, so it's best to have your people to escort us."

"Well, our matter is very important this time, so don't leak the news, otherwise you and I will be in trouble." His voice became smaller and gradually became inaudible. At this time, Xiao Tie suddenly felt the sound of flying in the sky, and a giant eagle flew in the sky at a very fast speed. As he passed by, the wind passed by the black eagle almost brought his body down.

Although Xiao Tie's control is extremely excellent, it also shocked the eagle that fell from the sky. The eagle is very large and spreads its wings dozens of meters wide. Such a huge wing will create a huge wind force when gently fanning, which will shock people, but the eagle does not seem to have it at all. I found Xiao Tie, but passed by from then on, only passing by in the air, but despite this, it still caused a burst of chaos in Zhuangnai. After all, this divine eagle not only has strong combat power, but also brought great deterrence to everyone present.

However, it is strange that when the eagle flew by, the voice of a woman on the back of the eagle faintly came to his ears. If he wanted to escape, he would dare to follow me, otherwise it would be too late. "Hearing this familiar voice, the youthful figure appeared in Xiao Tie's mind, such a sweet smile, the ice The cold body, even her frequent smile is so touching,

Xiao Tie was not stupid. When he heard the reminder, he knew that he was exposed, and it was also a flash. He exerted the speed of his body to the extreme. A flash jumped on the back of the eagle. The eagle carried the two and quickly disappeared into a wind and thunder in the distance.

I witnessed the two leave,

Yi Xiaosheng's expression is extremely complicated. This person can actually approach him silently without letting him find anything. If it hadn't been for Longxi's prompt, he might not have found a dangerous enemy lurking on his roof at all. Such a ridiculous scene happened in front of Long Xi. This It really surprised Yi Xiaosheng, and his face was suddenly extremely embarrassed,,

After all, I am the owner of the flame door, but I made myself fall under my own nose,

Long Xi saw the embarrassment in his heart and said with a clear smile, 'Well, brother, you are also a good face. In fact, you are so powerful that you and me are definitely not below me. I just found that his person is not me, but this parrot on me. This is an extremely spiritual animal. Although it is small, it is for Zhou. The perception of affairs on the side was amazing. At the moment when this person appeared, the parrot on my body made a soft cry. Although its call was very light, it made people feel the existence of a hidden force, so I managed to attract your attention, so that we didn't break our topic, otherwise let people listen. If you go, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to the treasures we escort, "

"Yes, I have visited Feitianzong several times recently. I heard that a new master appeared in Feitianzong. I heard that the West came here thousands of miles away. I heard that I got along very well with the ice girl, which attracted a lot of discussion, but it was good for him to restrain him. I didn't let myself become a thorn in the eyes of everyone, but despite this, I still offended some of the bigwigs in the gang. For example, Elder Huang is very dissatisfied with him, so we must definitely consider these masters among the people we win over. Otherwise, if we let them develop, I'm afraid it will be created against us. It becomes a fatal threat.

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaosheng's head was sweating coldly. Just now, he clearly felt a powerful force flying in the sky, and the huge sense of terror made his heart suddenly accelerate.


In an open space outside the Flame Villa, a man stood on the top of the mountain with his back to Xiao Tie. He was wearing a heavy robe and hunting and dancing in the wind, but this man had been staring at the distance and did not look back, so in front of him and behind him, he left an impenetrable brilliance.

He stood with his hands on his back and climbed to the top by the wind,

A sense of pride goes straight to the night man,

But Xiao Tie, a teenager standing behind him, was under great pressure, which was so strong that he was breathless and heavy.

Maybe I shouldn't have come, maybe I didn't come,

In a word, it's wrong to come, and it's wrong to go. Now you can only stay here quietly and wait for this person to look back.

"Since you have been here a long time ago, why don't you say anything? If that's the case, you will wait for a long time without such a tired wait."

The man seemed to be talking to the clouds in the sky. He didn't look back at all, but he knew everything behind him. What a weirdo,

Seeing that the method of the comer was so smart, a strange emotion suddenly rose in Xiao Tie's heart. He had to face it, he wanted to win, and he wanted to kill the enemy one by one, but at present, it was a strange and familiar figure. Behind this figure, there was such a weak pair. The hand seems to be holding a bamboo stick,

"Friend, who the hell are you? Why did you save me this time?"

The ice wind and rain stood beside him, thinking that the suzerain of the deep Flying Sect is also his disciple,

Her eyes are full of resentment and a little deep love. During this period of time, their feelings have a certain foundation. Just like she is eager to see her lover every day, every time she sees Xiao Tie, her heart will be shocked.

A pair of watery eyes looked at Xiao Tie, as if waiting for an answer, but Xiao Tie also looked at her blankly. His lips moved, but he didn't say anything.

"Xiao Tie, I came here all the way from the Western world with you. Originally, I didn't want to see you, because seeing you too early will make you lose your enterprising spirit, but this time it is God's will. It's destined for us to meet. Anyway, after so many years, thousands of words have been hidden in my heart to say to you. So you must listen to it this time."

"Listen? Oh, okay, I will listen, but before listening, I still want to see your face. After all, I have heard your voice. Since you have been with me all the way here, we have a tacit understanding in it. I believe that you must be someone I know, otherwise, why do I have a kind every time I see you? The feeling breeds from the bottom of my heart,

Xiao Tie's words came to his ears word by word, making his body shake faintly.

"Okay, since you said you want to see me, shall we meet here?"

Someone turned around, turned to Xiao Tie, slowly took off the black towel on his face,

At this moment, there was a sound of wind, and a dark crossbow shot from a distance, hanging the wind, setting off the night particularly desolate,

This arrow flew to break the tranquility of the scene. The black scarf man withdrew his hand and turned into a shadow and disappeared into the endless night sky.

The ice wind and rain turned around and looked at Xiao Tie's blank face,

At this moment, two lines of tears flowed down her face. I don't know who it was for.

At this time, the sound of arrows in the distance was even sharper, flying in the sky, flying through the sky in a blink of an eye, making everyone bright.

With a burst of messy footsteps around, the torch shone around, reflecting the sky clearly,

Xiao Tie didn't expect that these men of the Flame Gate would find his traces in such a short time that they would avenge the arrow just now.

But Xiao Tie did not give them a chance. After killing several surrounding guards, he went there with a gust of ice and wind.

His speed is extremely fast, and even with the ice, wind and rain, it is as fast as lightning. When those subordinates saw the two escape, they could only return with a sigh. They didn't say anything, and even folded several brothers, which was unacceptable.

A trace of anger flashed in Yi Xiaosheng's eyes,

"Master, the enemy has retreated, but we have killed and injured more than a dozen brothers,"

A Qingyi, who reported the incident, knelt down in front of him and said in fear, afraid of angering Yi Xiaosheng and correcting himself with his sword.

The anger subsided in Yi Xiaosheng's eyes and waved his hand indifferently, "If you are tired, go down and have a rest." People who came did not expect Yi Xiaosheng to talk so well. He was about to retreat, but he was kicked heavily and flew off the ground like a ball.

It hit a stone wall outside the hall, and the stone wall made a muffled sound, which instantly broke through the stone wall.