Young Knife God

Chapter 291 Lingbao

The purple electric demon god did not expect that in a short time, Xiao Tie had already changed greatly. Not only was he full of energy, but also there was a faint white light on the skin. This light seemed to scatter out from the inside of the body. Looking closely at the skin, the color also became whiter, but it was just silver light. Ze seems to cover his body like a helmet, which makes him feel good.


Silk, silk,

An electric light hit Xiao Tie's body. Xiao Tie suddenly felt pain and did not have time to dodge. He felt that a smoke rose on his arm, and the smoke flew out. Although it was fierce, at the moment of the attack, it made the mood of the people suddenly nervous.

This blow is like an overturning sea, using half of the force, but it does not leave any traces on the surface of Xiao Tie's silver skin, such as hitting a penny armor.

Xiao Tie was shocked. He didn't expect such a powerful means to hurt him. It seems that there must be something strange in this pool.

"Hey, little friend, I didn't expect you to make rapid progress. You evolved into a meat helmet in such a short time. It seems that you really have some talent."


"Hee, this is called a meat helmet. No wonder it's so strong yesterday. I didn't hurt it when I hit an ice rock just now. Oh, I didn't expect that your electric light didn't work. Haha, I'm really happy." At this moment, Xiao Tie's horror of these soul bodies has been swept away.

Hearing what he said, a cold light flashed on the face of the purple electric demon god and said a little unhappiness: "Hey, I just refined some meat helmets, and I'm so arrogant. I'll ask you to show you how powerful I am, hey," he said as he floated into the distance, as if he was looking for a tonic.

Xiao Tie smiled and ignored it. Thinking that this cold pool will only have such a great tonic effect, there must be something strange in the bottom of the pool. If you find any treasure below, you will send it.

I was happy and went back to the cold pool again, but this time it was a little more uneasy than before.

While soaking, he swam around in the cold pool, and even dived. The edge of the cold pool is not deep, so he can reach the bottom with his feet. The water is a piece of jade ice. These ice blocks have not melted for thousands of years. Even in this warm paradise, it is still as cold as before.

Further down, it is a huge slope. As the sneaking goes deeper and deeper, I feel that the underwater temperature is constantly decreasing. The extreme cold is even better than the cold I encountered when I just came. However, at present, Xiao Tie has got the protection of the meat helmet, which can be supported for a while, with a few Curious, he slowly swam to an exit below,

Looking around, I found a huge hole. The light blue pool water kept pouring up from below. The blue pool water was so strong that even the strong water could not wash it away. On the contrary, it was like a mass of flocculants entangled and entangled at the bottom of the pool, forming a beautiful scenery. < /P>

A faint fragrance came from a distance, which made people intoxicated. The light blue ** constantly eroded the waters around in the water. In the blue, there seemed to be several strange creatures swimming. Seeing these strange creatures made Xiao Tie's nervous mood reach a new level again.

Because he saw that these snake-like creatures swam very fast under the water, as if they were guarding some secret,

However, Xiao Tie has faintly found that in the shadow, there seems to be a pure blue jade shining with strange brilliance,

Wherever Guanghua went, the wanton expansion of the cold power extended to a distant place in a blink of an eye,

Xiao Tie's eyes lit up. He understood that the blue jade must be the secret of this cold pool. If he could get him, he would get something hundreds of times pure and powerful than ice crystals, so he had to take a risk for that treasure.

But to get that treasure, you have to deal with the lightning-like water snake below,

After all, these things look strange, the body is huge, and the lethality must be extremely horrible. It is not easy for ordinary people to get close to here. If you fight with such a powerful creature under the extreme cold water, it will be a great danger.

Boom, the flames soared, as if those water snakes found something abnormal and rushed here one by one, turning into several blue lightnings at the bottom of the water, whistling,

He rushed up like a cannonball. Xiao Tie panicked. He didn't understand how he had hidden it well, but he was found by these water snakes.

While hesitating, the water snake flew over his head, soaring from another place at a high speed and shooting at a huge water monster behind him. A huge vibration came from the surface of the water and fought with the water snakes in a blink of an eye.

Xiao Tie stared at it, but saw a huge spirit turtle, with a huge body. His head stretched out and bit the water snake wrapped around it. His strength was extremely strong. However, he bit dozens of spirit snakes in half and swallowed it little by little.

Looking at the way he enjoys it, it seems that these water snakes are his excellent food.

Xiao Tie spit out his tongue. At this time, there are not many water snakes guarding below, but it is an excellent opportunity for him to take treasure.

Thinking of this, his body riot flew up and bombarded in a very short time. A strong attack, and his head did not look back. His backhand was a palm knife. The light blue knife flame rose from his arm, which was extremely sharp. The thing was cut into two halves under a knife, and then fell feebly.

It turned out to be a water snake. These water snakes have strong fighting power, and their speed and strength are extremely powerful, but they have met a more powerful opponent, so in several faces, more than a dozen water snakes have been ruthlessly killed by Xiao Tie.

Killing seems to stimulate blood. At this moment, Xiao Tie is in a semi-excited state, swinging the devil like crazy. The light soared from above and turned into a sharp knife light in a blink of an eye. One kill is enough to turn the spirit snake into two halves.

Looking at the nearby treasure, I met a giant snake head-on. The snake was 100 feet long and its eyes were like a lamp. It had been coiled on this jade. It was very majestic. When it saw Xiao Tie approaching, it roared up and swallowed Xiao Tie with one mouth. The big mouth of the blood basin could almost swallow Xiao Tie in one bite.

Xiao Tie saw the treasure in his hand, but he encountered an ambush. For a moment, his heart was confused, and his heart was horizontal, and he got into the big mouth of the giant snake.

After all, the weakest part of a giant snake is its internal organs, so as long as it enters it and destroys one by one, even if it has steel bones, it is still vulnerable.

Boom, Xiao Tie swallowed the giant snake,

Xiao Tie only felt a strange breath coming to his face, and the fishy smell came to his nose. In the face of such a strong opponent as the giant snake, he seemed to have no choice but to use such a method.

With a wave of his hand, the light blue knife light appeared in the palm of his hand again. This time, the knife light was supplemented by the blue cold air and became more fierce. He waved it casually and cut a big hole in the abdomen of the giant snake. Oh, the giant snake stirred the sea water like crazy, instantly making the pool of water extremely cloudy. In the shaking, Xiao Tie cut open his magic crystal and swallowed the magic crystal.

The giant snake slowly stopped. At this moment, its power has been lost, and it has lost its combat power.

It's just softly lying on the ground, and the breath slowly weakens,

until it is stiff

"Hahaha, Xiao Tie, really smart enough. This hand is well used. The blue jade is a cold blue crystal, a rare treasure in the world. You can get it as soon as possible, otherwise it will change later." After all, there is also a nasty old turtle behind him. When the old turtle saw that the spirit snake was dead, it was naturally unwilling to lag behind and pounced fiercely. The vicious dog jumped down from a high place and grabbed Xiao Tie's back in a blink of an eye. Hu, a huge flow of water affected Xiao Tie. Xiao Tie realized that the annoying guy behind him was also unwilling to be lonely.

For good, he took action like an electric power, and took the baby in his hand in an instant.

After the cold blue jade arrived, he did not stop at all. He turned around and beautifully got rid of the chase of the old turtle behind him. Between the ups and downs of his body, he had turned into a light and flew away.