Young Knife God

Chapter 305 Xun Tie

Olan returned to the small courtyard where she had stayed before. In this small courtyard, she saw the water dragon egg that had been placed in a corner and taken care of by a special person. This water dragon egg was a treasure that Xiao Tie spent a lot. She was supposed to hatch it out by herself as a war beast, but she thought that Oran had always wanted one. Accompanied by the dragon, he immediately handed over the beast to Oran. Oran was extremely excited and regarded it as a treasure. He sent special care and hatched it with all his heart.

The incubation of the water dragon egg takes an extremely long process. Oran has regarded it as a part of his life. Every morning when he gets up, he will visit him in person. It's the same when he comes back this time. After a few days, she hasn't seen it. To her surprise, the water dragon egg is slowly cracking out and seems to be at any time. It's like breaking out of the shell,

"Oh, Xiaolong is about to hatch. You have to worry more about Xiaohong in the future," "Yes, master,"

A girl named Xiaohong is responsible for taking care of this little dragon egg. Although Xiao Tie got the water dragon egg, he did not give it to Feitianzong last time. During this period, there were also discussions in Feitianzong. After all, this time Feitianzong also sent a large number of human and material resources to seize the treasure, but accompanying the prince to study was a lot of people There is no taste in my heart,

In this way, there was some discussion at the top and bottom of Feitianzong, but everyone didn't say it clearly because of Xiao Tie's situation.


In the mining factory, with the rise of the sun, a new day began. In this new day, almost everyone woke up at the same time. Under the whip of the foreman, they quickly walked to the black mountain in front of them, which was almost half hollowed out because of the production of gold and silver and some important Metal is famous, and one of the things called Xun iron is particularly eye-catching. You know, the price of this Xun iron is even more than a sky-high price. Even in the ore trading market, it is priceless.

The price is still floating at any time,

Xiao Tie was attracted by this novel metal at first sight after seeing this kind of thing. He took a small piece of metal back to his yard.

I was watching, but I heard a smile behind my back. Someone laughed and said, "Why did Brother Xiao bring back a piece of cold iron? Is it possible to be a blacksmith?"

It was Oran who spoke,

Oran has been paying attention to the growth of the dragon egg at hand these days, so he is also in a good mood these days.

"Ha ha, yes, you know, I'm an orange-level engineer, which is a very promising profession in the West,"

"Yes, oh, but why have I rarely seen you refine anything in the past few years in the Western world?"

Xiao Tie was stunned before saying, "Oh, because of the presence of the Demon Shadow predecessor, I only practiced wholeheartedly."

When it comes to the departure of the magic shadow, it still makes Xiao Tie's heart full of pain. After all, the magic shadow has given him too much help, but he has not returned anything?

A trace of surprise flashed in Oran's eyes and said, "Demon Shadow Elder really left you?"

"Well, yes, she has left, but I don't know when we will have another chance to meet."

There was a trace of bitterness in his heart, and Xiao Tie's smile also became a little strange.

After a period of silence, Xiao Tie stood up and smiled and said, "This kind of Xun iron is extremely rare on the mainland, so I'm going to test what it can make. Oh, so that when it is sold to others, it can be introduced to others. Attributes and other things, oh, the water dragon egg seems to be hatching. You can worry about it these days.

Turn around and leave,

In a secluded place in the front yard, Xiao Tiejing sat down,

Sit cross-legged, grabbing his hands in the air, and suddenly there was a red fire tripod in his hand.

With a flick of his finger, a light red flame rose under the tripod, and an extremely powerful flame burst out in an instant. With a blast, it surrounded this red tripod,

The scorching temperature can spread to dozens of meters away, so when he saw this flame, Xiao Tie's heart was excited. After all, the alchemy furnace is the treasure left by the magic shadow predecessors when they parted. In addition, this sacred flame is also an extremely precious strange fire, not only red in color, but also the ability to warm up. It is extremely outstanding. Even if it is a little big flame in Douding, once it is emitted in the palm of his hand, a powerful anger will burst out.

The flame temperature is as high as 10,000 degrees, and even some ordinary metal will be turned into molten iron in an instant.

However, this piece of iron has been burning in the flame for a long time, and it is motionless, like a piece of ice for a thousand years. No matter what, it can't be melted.

A burst of anxiety surged in Xiao Tie's heart. Although he knew that it was the cause of the lack of firepower, he threw another purple thunderstorm in his hand into the tripod. A loud noise came, and the two flames met into a bunch of flames under the tripod. Between half red and half purple, the light was ten thousand, and the fire was also more powerful than before. It has risen by no less than 50%, so with the blessing of this flame, the magical iron in the tripod finally has a sign that it is about to melt.

Wah, when the outer edge of Xun Tie was slowly opening, a dazzling light rose from the tripod. Xiao Tie's eyes opened slightly. In a crack opened by Xun Tie, he heard a crack. After the sound like stir-frying beans slowly went out, it actually appeared in front of him. A round discus, which is semicircular, like a crescent moon, shining with strange brilliance in front of you,

As the firepower increased, some black smoke slowly rose, forming a mushroom cloud in front of it, rising in mid-air,

Xiao Tie smiled and put the tripod into the empty ring, and the half-moon-shaped metal also fell into his hands.

After a closer look, in addition to the extremely heavy weight, there is an unusual cold smell on the surface of the whole iron. At the moment it is connected to the palm of the hand, the cold air instantly flows into the vein door and goes up rapidly along the two meridians.

Half of the body is stiff,

Xiao Tie was overjoyed and said secretly: This metal is extremely unusual. Even if such a small piece falls into the palm of his hand, it will be so cold.

When my mind moved, a fire of anti-eating came from Dantian and suppressed the cold air in an instant.

After the two veins of the meridians are washed by ice and fire, they become crystal clear and become more flexible and smooth,

This discovery made Xiao Tie very happy. He didn't expect that Xun Tie would have such an effect. In this way, if Xun Tie is used to strengthen his body every day, it won't take long, and maybe he will become a copper iron bone.