Young Knife God

Chapter 311 Instant Secret

Xiao Tie won the first battle. Although the victory was a little tortuous, after all, he defeated Yi Xiaosheng, the suzerain of the Flame Sect. It is difficult to explain such a strong combat power. Now Xiao Tie has been compared tonight, and the current combat power is already above Yi Xiao. Although there is still a slight gap compared with Duhu Xue and Ye Feicheng, as Xiao Tie, a sharp master among the young generation, still aroused everyone's sincere amazement,

"This doll will definitely be above you and me in the future. This cultivation is really good. Even if it is not chaotic, it is rare to show the demeanor of an adult. Oh, it seems that you and I have gained a lot this time."

"Yes, I was still sighing that I didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse to meet this boy. Oh, I didn't expect that he would also throw himself into a famous family. I think he would be an example for me in the right way, but his magic knife is a little evil. Oh, it must attract attention at that time."

Speaking of the magic knife in Xiao Tie's hand, even if his identity is as high as Ye Feicheng, he was stunned and said, "I have to think of more ways to achieve this. Otherwise, even if there is a strong external force intervention, it may not be able to change the attributes of this knife. After all, this ancient magic weapon is in one After birth, he was branded as a demon clan. Although he was thrown into my righteous sect this time, no one could predict that there would be any qualitative change in this knife a hundred years later. If there is a problem that will attract Xiao Tie's magical upper body, I'm afraid it will lead to a big disaster for the righteous Taoist sect."

The two sighed again,

At present, no one can predict when this magic will occur and what will happen in the future. Maybe it can only be seen after a hundred years, and it may be faster. After all, this demon will see the sun again, and it is also in a period of decades. It is said that the magic of the demon will wake up every hundred years, so when it wakes up , it will make magic, and that day the user will become another person, a horrible killing god. Maybe the disaster will happen at that moment.

It's still a long time. After the two of them calculated, there was no result, so they had to give up.

At this time, Xiao Tie took the magic knife into his sleeve, and his heart suddenly felt a strange fluctuation. It seemed that a strange energy fluctuated in his body. The strong energy surged up like Dantian, echoing the magic knife that day. Between the two attracted each other, on the body of the magic knife, a light blue knife gas slowly rose. Coiled,

However, it only lasted for a moment and disappeared. Despite this, it still made Xiao Tie feel shocked. After a moment of distraction, it was imprinted with the concerned eyes of ice, wind and rain. Behind Xiao Tie's series of victories, this new suzerain of Feitianzong has always been his most powerful helper. Whenever there is a war situation At the most tense moment, the ice wind and rain will always cheer for Xiao Tie and worry about his stomach. That kind of tacit understanding seems to come from birth,

After all, at this moment, he is very likely to encounter extremely terrible consequences,

And at the moment he won, her heart felt sweet,

Even if she can't see anything from her extremely cold face, in fact, her heart is already burning,

When Xiao Tie saw the two masters, he would naturally not easily let them go. After his insistence, the two masters agreed to take a short rest in Feitianzong. Xiao Tie greeted people and set up several tables of banquets in the main hall. While singing and dancing, he sang and drinking three rounds, and after five flavors,

Hu Duxue said, "The little brother's skills are really good. Even if the two of us are confused, they are stunned and stunned. Oh, if it hadn't been for the young warriors, especially the young chivalrous secret art, it would have disappeared on the mainland for thousands of years. It is said that only the Protos can use With this secret skill, but today we opened our eyes and have seen it in advance. Oh, it's really glorious."

Xiao Tie smiled and said, "I heard that the senior's dragon shadow boxing is also an extremely powerful boxing. Will the senior show his hand to the younger generation, oh,"

Hearing Xiao Tie's most proud Dragon Shadow Fist, Duhu Xue said excitedly, "Well, since the little brother wants to see it, let me show you this kind of boxing."

After saying that, he left his seat and opened to the center of the hall. The hall was surrounded by some intermediate disciples of Feitian Sect. When they saw Duhuxue, they were about to punch. For a moment, they kept cheering, and they opened their eyes wide one by one and couldn't take their eyes off the field.

I saw Duhuxue step in a wrong step and turned into a ghost. It shook in front of everyone and disappeared. Then, there was a loud cannon-like sound from a huge stone fifty steps away. The roar kept coming, as if the stone had been bombarded by hundreds of punches in an instant. Under the bombardment of such a violent fist, the hard iron stone also cracked into four halves, and the smoke shadow fell back in front of him in a flash.

The speed of the body seems not to be under Xiao Tie,

Dragon Shadow Boxing Technique is passed down from the ancient Protoss. It is one of the secrets of the Protoss. After thousands of years of evolution, a new technique has actually appeared, that is, Dragon Shadow Tiger Boxing. With the speed of the dragon and the powerful attack power of the tiger, this boxing skill has become famous in recent years. Since the arrival of this boxing technique, it has almost become a killer of all factions. There are few mistakes, but the most authentic technique is still passed down from this secret skill in the hands of Hu Duxue.

Not only is the attack power strong, but also the body is extremely fast. It is very easy to get started by the other party's negligence. Even if the other party is prepared, it is extremely difficult to block this punch. After all, there is a perfect combination of speed and strength, so it is possible to fight unless you fight fast.

The single fox snow body method stopped and returned to the field, which triggered a burst of exclamation for a moment. This hand of dragon shadow boxing is not only powerful, but also fast to the limit.

If such a fist is bombarded with all its strength, it can knock down dozens of strong men in an instant,

Duhuxue looked around and suddenly became interested and said loudly, "I have long heard that Feitianzong is also a place of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. There are countless masters. The old dragon shadow boxing is nothing, but it's really boring for me to practice alone. It would be good if anyone could come up to practice and cheer everyone." He named Feitianzong The disciples went to war, but just before that, most of the disciples of Feitianzong were scared by his single punch-opening performance. After watching it for a long time, no one dared to fight. In this way, it made the face of the ice wind and rain a little unbearable. After all, Feitianzong is also a famous sect that has been handed down for thousands of years. If no one dares to fight, I'm afraid that if it spreads, it will greatly damage the face of Feitianzong.